
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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What made you decide to start a youtube channel?

i had like two when i was like twelve, just to post a cover of a song i did at a variety show.
and when i forgot the info to those, i just decided to make a new one, and post more things. plus i got some ideas/inspiration from taylorrrr
Liked by: leda MyChemicalBoner

hey is your religion buddhism?

no, i'm a pantheist.
i just enjoy & agree with some aspects/teachings of Buddhism.
Liked by: leda

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What's a conversation starter to message my crush

-I've seen you in (insert class here), and ask questions about it or their tastes
-oh i liked what you wore today, where did you get it.
-how are you?
-you're cute /.\
-hey what did you think about ______
-i heard you like _____
Liked by: leda

That was awesome you flipped off that Jesus freak protester! Especially the kissing part! Hopefully there aren't that many people like that where you live.

where i live, you never see people like that.
but as short as my time in florida has been, i've already seen some crazy stuff haha!
thank youuu
Liked by: leda

you're the best omfg. I don't even know if i'd have the guts to do that. YOU AND TAYLOR ARE FUCKING AMAZING

we feel very strongly about our beliefs and standing up for what's right! :D
also, p.s. we got a video

Am i the only one that has a HUGE/almost irresistible urge to just flip the whole entire world off for hours on end?

i flipped off a crazy jesus freak protester today because he was saying that these people will go to eternal hell: pot smokers, potty mouths, drunkards, homosexuals, fornicators, porn freaks, jealous people, unforgiving people, & prideful people.
so me and taylor kissed in front of him and i flipped him off & yelled profanities

if you dont mind me asking, why do you live with your step dad and not your mom? if its to personal you dont have to awnser

i live with my biological father.
because i was dumb
Liked by: leda

Any advice on starting a youtube channel? I got 13 videos so far in just 1 1/2 months and I'm up to 842 views with one at 540-ish however, I only got 3 subscribers so far. What I need help with is how to retain subscribers the most.

honestly the only advice i can give is make videos with common themes/likes. post a video that a lot of people will search.
do tag videos, vlogs, covers of popular songs, a video on a popular topic
Liked by: leda

So, I'm naturally skinny and everyone gives me crap on my weight. Even my parents. It honestly hurts so bad because I eat so much and I try to gain weight but I cant. What should I do?

dont change yourself for others.
if you like how you look, dont worry about it.
thats all that matters.
but if you want to weigh more, take some weight-gain supplements.
but dont take people's shit. thats so stupid of them. wonder if they'd go and tell some girl they're too fat
Liked by: leda squidgy Christy

Hey mads.. Okay so I just started dating a guy and like it's been over a year since I've dated. And I love his personality and humor and everything. It's perfect. But then.. I'm just not physically attracted to him.. Like I don't know what to do cause I don't wanna seem shallow cause I'm not..

how have you been with him a year if you arent physically attracted to him?
man, you're better than me in that aspect. you're very normal and not shallow at all.
physical attraction is super important in a relationship.
if you love him anyway, maybe try to learn to like how he looks. if his looks really ruin it, then maybe it's just not meant to be.
Liked by: leda

I need advice how do I don't compare myself to others I don't say nice things to myself like I'm negative to myself like all the time I don't think I'm pretty at all and I'm NVER confident /: if u ever been tho that any advice ?

i use to have no confidence. until about two years ago.
i CHOOSE to find things in myself i liked and i enhanced them. i got my hair done in a flattering way, i messed around with makeup until i found something i liked. i got clothes i thought made me look nice.
and it's all about your own perspective. change it, girl.
dont compare yourself to others, none of us are suppose to look a specific way

I'm 18 and my step mom feels that she can dictate my life and what i can do. Just because I quit my job at Meijier's she feels like she can threaten to send me off to Florida at my mom's for the summer. Then she says it's a good company when it's NOT. What should I do? Sick of her controlling my lif

unfortunately parental figures seem to always think they can control anyone younger than them lol.
i feel you.
just do what you want and realize that legally you can

What should I do it people are racist and mean to me at school. I am in high school where the majority is white, and I am Mexican and people always make racist jokes about me and I try to pretend it doesn't bother me but it reall does, I don't feel comfortable talking about it to teachers

well, man, you have to get help to try to get them to stop, deal with them yourself, or ignore it.
i know it sucks, but why does their opinion matter, yanno?

Heys mads, i finally have a bf and its been 2 weeks now, and i'm already scared he will break up with me soon, because of rumors about him, gossip, and people that hate me that will try to break us up. What should i do? I mean, i really like him and it scares me already that we might break up ._.

well if it's only been two weeks and things are looking potentially shitty, i'd say brace yourself /: doesn't sound like a successful relationship probably x:


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