
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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I can have my own opinion. but I wasn't really trying to be ignorant. I just don't fully understand ya know?

if you don't understand, why make assumptions and call it weird?
that's rude, and kind of ignorant.
no offense, man, but really

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i have one friend at school and in about a month im gonna be homeschooled and im basically her only friend too but the popular clique at our school like her so I think she'll be okay (and probly happier) but idk how to tell her like how should I tell her I'm leaving???

well you definitely shouldn't wait too long /:
as heartbreaking as it will be, the sooner you tell her, the better, so she has longer to process it before you're gone.
i'd just straight up say it, honestly.

If it was a guy who never had a girlfriend but always wanted to be abused by a pretty girl & was always nice to you, would you take pity on him?

i might pity you,
but that doesn't mean i'll use you.
it really is all very situational.
i suppose i'd think about it.

(I just saw your tumblr) omg you're a little??? Me too!! I've always been insecure about it but i look up to you because you help ppl so idk but having someone I look up to shamelessly being a little makes me feel better about it :')

i feel it's actually very common, although a lot of young teen girls just say they are because they think it's trendy, which is lame.
but yes, i am indeed! don't be insecure about that <3

what is the age limit or law to get your driver's license and permit over there?

you have to be 15 to get your permit.
you have to have it for six months with drivers ed to get your license and nine months without to get your license, and you have to be 16 to get your license either way haha.
Liked by: Maddy

was freshman year scary? im going into highschool in the upcoming school year and im so nervous. First off im homeschooled, and never been into public. and im really self conscious and Im afraid no one will like me because im not that pretty :/ I don't want to chicken out but im really scared

freshman year isn't at all as scary as some people make it out to be. it's just a slight adjustment. at a high school, you'll have enough different classes and enough different people in those different classes that you'll find someone who you'll be friends with. high school isn't all that bad.

What if they weren't hot, but they were sweet & a good person, then would you dominant them?

I wouldnt dominantly 'use' someone if i didnt think they were attractive. unless your term of 'use' is different than what i'm thinking.
well, if it was a girl, i probably would either way though.

Do you have any cats? Just read in your bio about you liking them and I think I heard you mention it in one of your videos that you had some, I'm just curious though :3

yeah, i have three cats.
one recently passed and that is very unfortunate and heart-breaking.
and i'm holding on to the ones i have left very tightly.
i have always liked cats.
i've pretended to be a cat since i could crawl haha.

Opinions on relapses? Like do you see them as a way to ever get better? Your thoughts on them? Are they good or bad in your opinion? Sorry for so many questions, I'm kinda going through the thoughts of relapsing right now, sorta struggling day by day as to not do it..

i've said it a thousand times; relapse is a part of recovery.
i've relapsed so many times, but i still haven't lost hope of me recovering.
they aren't healthy or good, and they are a moment of weakness, but everyone fucks up sometimes.
don't relapse if you can help it, it's not worth it and it makes things worse for a while.

Howcome you deleted your old FB page? I know you wanted to change your name and you couldn't but idek that seems like a not good enough reason since a lot of people liked that page (including me)

someone spammed that page, and although i had a lot of likes, a lot of them were fake and i got a lot of spams in comments and messages. i really was just done with that part of my life. i wish i could change my ask.fm link and kik but i'm afraid people won't be able to find me.
and i made a new one before i deleted that one, so it's all good.

wish it was that easy, but he will make my friends and the whole community turn against me.

one guy can't turn a whole community against you.
i know it's scary, but don't hold back from potential happiness because threats from a dickbag.
i promise it'll end up okay.

I've stopped eating.

i want you to find some fruits or vegetables or even just crackers and eat them again.
they aren't many calories.

so I've been following you on ig for a couple years and you never fail to help people. so I was wondering... how do I tell my mom I'm suicidal? honestly, at this point I don't want to die. I just want help. but I don't know how to get it. what do I do? thanks in advance. ily Mads

if you don't want to die, i wouldn't necessarily say you're suicidal.
but you wanting help is a great first step.
i'd gently mention it. just say you've been very sad, and you think you need help.
i'm sorry i didn't answer this for a few days. my phone usually like exits off browser when i type long messages and i havent been on a computer s:
ily also <3


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