
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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What does it mean when a man looks at other women when he is with his girlfriend?

I may be the only person that says this,
People look at other people.
Guys look at girls.
Girls look at guys.
Even boyfriends will think other girls are still attractive.
Girls with boyfriends will still think some guys are attractive.
It's the laws of nature.
Guys with girlfriends look at girls' butts.
Girls with boyfriends look at girls' butts.
It's just how it is. And it doesn't mean anything.
If you say you've never looked at another person and thought they were attractive while having a boyfriend/girlfriend, you're a liar.
the end.
Liked by: Chrissy Leyley Bunny

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What’s one mistake you keep repeating?

I don't.
I learn from all my mistakes, and progress.
I wouldn't say there's one i keep repeating.

I had a fairly flat stomach and I've been over-eating lately and I feel horrible because now I'm just another fat ass and I really wanted to prove someone wrong and now I feel like I can't go out in public because I don't want people to see the fat ass I've become idk what to do

Honestly, i feel like youre actually really skinny. I dont have a flat stomach, but i dont care. Most peopledont have flat stomachs, super obvious hipbones, or a thigh gap. more people would pick you out of a crowd from being super skinny rather than for 'not having a flat stomach'. people really dontnotice that much. just gain a better self-image. If eating healthier makes you happy, do it. if you feel the need to exercise every day, do it. but just know some people are naturally stocky or have naturally wide hips or are naturally without a flat stomach. dont see it as a bad thing. just appreciate the body crafted exactly for you.
Liked by: Chrissy Kazumi

I'm the one who's friend said some rude things then blocked me..and now she's talking behind my back and I don't know what I did to her...what should I do? She was a really good friend and I'm still upset that our friendship is over

Dont worry about it. shes not worth your time or worth worrying about. she's not a friend worth having.
Liked by: Kazumi

I have exactly zero friends..I'm homeschooled so I can't rlly make any friends...and it's making me so depressed and so upset..I hate knowing that when I'm sad all I can go to is the internet ...it just makes me wanna die. I just don't know what to do

Find people that live in your town online, go somewhere public, like a park or bowling alley etc, you're bound to meet people eventually, when you're sad, you could play video games, exercise, write, sing, draw, take pictures, anything! Don't ever went to die, your life is too precious.

I really appreciate what you're doing. Helping people, I mean. It's such a selfless act and I can't help but smile when I see your answers. Please continue to do what you're doing; you're going to save lives.

wow, thank you so much<3
Honestly, it feels so great to be reminded that someone appreciates what I'm doing & I am actually helping/inspiring people!
I'm very glad i've made you smile.
And believe me, my life goal is to help as many people as I can (:
Liked by: Leyley Bunny

Where and when do you get your best ideas?

Very random times, generally when I'm in a good mood, or something has made me happy. A lot of the time when I'm with friends.

Awwww you must be on your rag Pathetic atheist. -.-bye, bye!

Um what? Lol. A religion doesn't completely define a person, by the way (: good luck dealing with people in the real world if you're going to judge someone just because of their religion! Be open-minded and loving. It gets you places!

If you could invent a holiday what would it be?

A girlfriend/boyfriend/couples/marriage day, where everyone in a relationship of some sort doesn't have to do anything such as work or school and everyone's nice to them and they get to go around and do what they want together all day <3

Dude the person who asked you if God was 'homophobic' is stupid as fuck. Why would they ask you, anyway since you're a non believer of him...?

People are curious of other's opinions. I think it goes without saying, it was a matter of 'if you believed in God, what would you think..."
In any case, why does it matter to you why someone I don't know asks me a question?
Surely you have better things to do than ask me questions I don't have the answer to just for the sake of trying to start an argument.

i feel like you like my hair more than i do lol ily thanks for making me feel cute u a qt 2

anytime, boss. it's my job to make ya feel cuteeee


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