
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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where did you get the shirt your wearing in the pic of you in your collar

Some random store going out of business, i dont remember /:
Liked by: mia lenae

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howcome you posted like the same video of you making cupcakes on three different channels?

I didnt.
me & taylor originally posted it on our joint page for soley videos of us.
then she posted it on own.
and i liked it enough to post it on mine.
Liked by: mia lenae

In response to your 'who are you' question, I am just an anon who has been a fan of you for well over a year and a half now. :) Love you Madeline. <3

oh awh <3
love you ^~^
Liked by: mia lenae

I have this huge crush on this guy, we r friends on Facebook & go to the same school and all but I don't really know what to tell him, I want to have a conversation with him what should I tell him

just find a causal reason to start talking to him; you're both like doing something at the same time or if you guys are in a class together, ask about what you're doing in that class or something
Liked by: mia lenae

help im 15 and my dad dosent care about me or anything and he mean to me I what yo get along with him but I cant because I have so much anger I hate him butvi dont help me p lz

i honestly don't know what to tell you because i don't know anything about your dad or your guys's relationship.
just ignore his meanness the best you can

I need your help, lately I have become depressed. I question what the fucking point of life is and why it's worth it. The only thing holding me together is my love for metal and stuff I want do this summer. I'm starting to feel dead inside. What can I do? I'm tired of life.

Then listen to music when you're sad.
get out and do stuff. hang out with people. go do hobbies. make something of yourself.
distractions become solutions if they're positive.
Liked by: mia lenae

Why do SO many adults say "your teen years are the best in your life?" How would I respond to that cuz it pisses me off when people are like that. Especially with having been suicidal, depressed/angry/hating myself in my mid-teens from bullying and family issues.

they say it because it's the last period of your life where you have less responsibilities. It's when you don't necessarily have to have a job, you dont have a house, you don't have to worry about as much, expect of course, high school and whatnot.
yeah, we all go through some awkward and sad times, but i think when you reach my age, you'll become happier like i have.
Liked by: mia lenae

Your height and weight are perfect. You look thin, yet happy and healthy all the same. I remember you mentioned having some struggles with your weight, but you are by far beautiful as is. Don't go down that route again, please. I like seeing light in your eyes and I like seeing you happy.

who are you? <3
and yeah, i've been struggling a little lately, so i'm taking on some extra exercise to make myself feel better (:
I am a good weight, i think, also.
thank you.
Liked by: mia lenae

What does bdsm mean

Its too much to explain.
but its literal black & white definition is bondage discipline dominance submission sadism masochism

not to be rude to others but usually there's always that one friend not that attractive.. but you and Taylor are both so beautiful

Thats actually sweet of you becauae so many people like to negatively compare us like why
Liked by: Bailey Christy

What to do when you get episodes of depression(if u get wat I mean) I had depression for 2 years 15-16 and I'm 18 now. Usually I am quite happy and I make a lot of people laugh. However, sometimes my life seems boring and at least 1x a week I get an episode where I question if it's worthit.

Honestly, i go sit with people, eat ice cream, listen to my favourite album & dance around, and my spirits get lifted

Just wondering, but why do you have 2 instagrams?

One is a personal, where i only follow people i know & post whatever i want, despite if i think it'll be liked a lot or not.
the other one just has a nice following of lovely people and i post stuff strictly off my camera on there.


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