
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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That's the OTHER problem. It would be like a long distance relationship :( But, she's not just a crush you know, this is different. It takes over everything, and we're nothing. She's the first and only person I'de overcome my nerves and fear of rejection to ask her out. - Mark

honestly, long-distance sucks. Soooo much. Have you met her before?
I wouldn't advise 'dating her' until you have met.

That's the main problem.... She's not my girlfriend. We're just friends :( I know it's wrong to feel jealousy, because we're nothing but friends. But I can't help it :'( - Mark

Oh! Okay. Well, of course you're going to feel jealousy then /: It's inevitable if you want someone who's not yours. Have you tried being with her?

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Well.... It's not jealousy. It is, but, it's the feeling that, you're simply never going to make that person feel the way someone else did. It's that feeling that she's never going to look at you like she looks at him. -Mark

So it is relationship jealousy. My bad I:
Well, you have to have confidence in your relationship, or that's a sign that there's a problem /: And I know, everyone gets jealous sometimes. People get afraid that their significant other will find someone better than them. But that is why you push all that doubt to the back of your mind and just try your hardest. Make her feel special & wanted. I know you can! And just do what you can to make her happy and for you guys to have a successful relationship. Don't stress, everyone worries sometime. And ex's are ex's for a reason. I know that's a common worry for people in relationships, but remember she chose to be with YOU and NOT him. That says something. If you're really super worried, just talk to her. A long conversation can help soso much.

Hello, I hope you are doing great. And, I was wondering, how do you deal with jealousy? :/ It's a problem I have very often, due to my low self-esteem and insecurity. -Mark (Mark's not my name, I figured it'de be better, that that you keep track of my questions)

thank you! I hope you're having a fantastic day as well! And first of all, I would like to say, I hope you know you're not alone, AT ALL. Most people of this generation have low self-esteem. And it's a sad thing ): But when you say jealousy, are you referring to in general, or relationship-wise? Because as far as jealousy in general, I have learned to have self-confidence, which helps tremendously. And I see everyone around me as equals, rather than as better than me. Because, you have to realize, you're better at some things, while others are better at other things. When I thought about that, it helped a whole lot! Of course, a person is always going to feel jealous about some things, for example, I'm jealous of my best friend's beauty, and also jealous of my boyfriend's number of friends.. and what I would advise, is try to see the good in you and find the things you do well! Other things, you can change! Like how I'm jealous of his number of friends.. well, that motivated me to start being friendlier.
BUT if you're talking about relationship jealousy, that's a whole other paragraph :b

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i have an asian over but i think he died

man, that's a shame. better go check before his body smells up the house.

I just can't stand some of my relatives they judge me all the time they come over my house. Worse thing is they say i'm an emberassment to the family just, because i'm like scene like my brother Mickey who i love, I want to die, so bad even tho there's nothing afterwards...

Well, a lot of people in their teens get judged by their family /: don't think you're alone. My ex step father told me straight up I was an embarrassment to him, and my brothers, because of how I dressed. The brutal truth of the matter is, not all your family is always going to be there for you, and some of them may just not like you. And if you want to dress how you do, then why does it matter if they don't like it? Sure, some people may not like it, but do what makes YOU happy, and fuck the bullshit. It'll make you happier. And don't say you want to die. Especially if it's just over this /: You have to realize, the good outweighs the bad. Stop focusing on all the things people say that hurt you, and just try to look at the positive.

From the past q's I have noticed that u arent the "christian" type but i really need some help in that area. do u know any1 i can talk to?

Well, I've became pretty well-educated about the subject, so I could try to help you!
But I do of a few people as well. Would you like a facebook link?

what kind of hair dye did you use to go from dark to red?

i honestly dont remember the brand, but there's a lot of dye specifically for darker hair. i had to dye mine twice. and it's still barely red if it's not in the sunlight. but then again, mine was dyed dark previously.

You have to help me! There's a little troll under my bed that comes out at night and starts tickling my toes, it won't stop! I've tried lighting it on fire, and sleepingin my bath tub but it follows me and just eats the fire. Idk what to do, my parents don't believe me but its true! I swear!

sorry d00d.

If you saw a starving puppy on the side of the road wouldyou save it or feed it

Well, if it was on the side of the road, that means it's probably likely to get hit.
And if it was starving as well, I'd probably take it home for a few weeks and nurse it back to health.
After that, I'm not sure what I'd do with it.

I love how you and Evan always post about each other and other stuff like it (: its fucked up how taylor doesn't even care about her bf.

thank you! I'm glad that not everyone hates seeing all those posts Cx
But she does care about her boyfriend /: I appreciate your support of my relationship, but I don't appreciate you insulting her relationship, or posting in her ask /:
DM me on twitter? I'm curious as to who you are.

What happened with you and Taylor?

guys. c'mon now.
do you really think i was serious. lolno.
I love Taylor to pieces.
It was a joke to see how many of you would freak out xD


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