
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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stalking your ask rn. at my school its kinda like that too. there are kids that like dont wash themselves and stuff..... then I was there like. 3m03m03m0. and they would try and talk to me and ask me stuff, yada yada. l2k3 3w. so I think I was the only well somewhat looking emo kid lol

Like the only thing that makes them alternative is hair in their face and likr one band t. and theres a cluster of them.

You are a fake, you say you want to help people but you cut yourself, you post nudes, etc You are a bad example for other people If you want to help someone don't show that

I can want to help people no matter what i do or have done.
i believe that was the most ignorant thing ive ever read.
I did cut, but im not now. and i dont post nudes, for the record. lmao.
i think im generally a good example :D
Liked by: Bradley Johnson Vlad

in regards to the question below, and how therapists cant legally tell others your business unless its life threatening.. wouldn't cutting be considered something of that nature? like self destruction almost? I don't really know a lot about the topic, but it kinda sounds like that to me.

yeah, it's destructive, but not life-threatening, or endangering others.
if it got to a point where it was bad enough to be life-threatening, i'm sure that would be understandable, although probably already noticed.

and btw I cut on my stomach, so its not visable to anyone else unless I have my shirt off, which I never do. so its not like I have cuts all over my arm. then obviously shed know, but she doesn't because she cant see what ive done ;-;

basically what i said on the previous two parts.
Liked by: mia lenae

Like how do you tell someone that you've been cutting yourself...im gonna break her heart and I feel so bad ugh I just feel like a waste of space :c Idk if you can answer this but I feel like im gonna explode ;-; its eating me alive and I just need to tell her

it's hard to tell people, but if it'd help you, do it.
Liked by: mia lenae

i need help. I was 2 months clean from self harm and last night I relapsed. I need tell someone but im afraid to tell my therapist because she might tell my mom. and my mom has no idea that ive been self harming. I feel like I should tell her myself but I literally don't know how.

relapse is a part of recovery. i only told Evan & Taylor when I did, because they understand and I trust them.
your therapist isn't legally allowed to tell your mom anything without your permission unless it is life-threatening.
Liked by: mia lenae

How many like 'emo'/ edgy / alternative people go to your hs? I feel like im gonna be the only one who has that sense of style, and im worried im gonna get picked on. ;-; im in a dif state, but still I want to know like in general if people are alternative in high school

if you go to a bigger high school, there should be a lot, honestly.
my school only has 900 people, though.
and when i first moved here, Taylor & I were the only alternative kids.
now, there are like a few, i guess? it's kinda hard to tell what they're trying to be, cause sure they wear band t's, but they look more like.. unkempt than alternative.. if that makes any sense?
there arent many at all anymore. maybe a few o.o


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