
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Guys leave her alone about Tay. It's not our concern to whether they are best friends or not. We love both of them and if choose not to be friends that's not gonna make us love them any less. We'll at least it shouldn't. Love you mads. Stay shameless

I love you.
Thank you so much for understanding
Liked by: Ace Bradley Johnson

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Because you 2 are my inspiration :( you cant separate

i really appreciate it.
and we are friends.
but it still wouldn't be your business, and i'm sorry if that sounds mean, but it just wouldn't.
and if we stopped being friends, we wouldn't stay together because anons want us to. I hope that doesn't sound too harsh, but you have to realize our initial happiness comes first to us.
Liked by: Ace Eth

Hey mads :). Do you think you can make a vid of your hair? I was thinking of getting mine like yours bit i need info on it

dont get hair like mineee.
find something you come up with on your own that you like!
that's what i did. i altered how my hair already was and mixed it with a picture but changed it a bit.

What do you tell people when they tell you they've started cutting.

Well, it usually depends on the person. Some people are sensitive about certain things, and yeah, it just depends.
I just try to remind them all the reasons they have not to do it, all the alternatives there are instead, and how much they matter.
Liked by: Christy

I'm so tired of living I really just want to leave and be done with it all.

Do you ever consider what all in life you do have and would miss.
Most people really don't. Don't take your life for granted.
Liked by: Ace Christy

haha i was afraid of that answer.. getting law involved is probably the last thing i wanna do but its obviously the only thing i can do at this point i guess

I mean, it's super shitty of them and illegal, so their asses should be grass :b

my parents are quite religeous and just kicked me out because i told them that I dont care for religeon. we got into this fight over it and I have no idea what to do with myself. im staying at my boyfriends house for now. Im only 16 so its not like I was gonna leave them any time soon. any advice? x

they can't legally kick you out, lol.
Liked by: mia lenae

What does it mean to be pansexual?

Pansexuality, is sexual attraction, sexual desire, romantic love, or emotional attraction toward people of any sex or gender identity. Self-identified pansexuals may refer to themselves as gender-blind, asserting that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others.
Pansexuality rejects the gender binary, the "notion of two genders and indeed of specific sexual orientations", as pansexual people are open to relationships with people who do not identify as strictly men or women.


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