
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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I think i might live near there ;o i don't know, i hear people talking about people from there a lot. Without being to weird, could i ask the name of this small town? Cx I still feel weird about asking that /.\


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I know someone just asked you this, but i live in Indiana too o; what town do you live in? C;

a small town near evansville! o:

Hi, you dont know me.. but i think your funny, nice, and beautiful. And i just wanted you to know that youre amazing. Ok I'll stop now.. bye

thank you, lovely <3

For some reason, to me, you look like Jennette McCurdy... is that weird /.\ Lol but yeah, you're like really really pretty :3 best of luck to you and your bf, you guys make a really cute couple :3

Everyone says that! LIKE I DONT EVEN SEE IT, but she's so beautiful <3 thank you! (:
Liked by: bridget lafferty

no like forever ago I don't know when all that bs happened exactly. All I know is that it was my fault& I'm sorry.

Ohh, you! Dude, don't worry about it. No hard feelings. I've said a lot of shit to people too. You're forgiven :b If we could get along now & be friendly, that'd be cool
Liked by: JamminJAMM3r BAYLEY

I just don't want to forget about all the bands that helped me through, I feel that now since I am a lot happier and have gotten better there's no point into listening to that music because I don't really feel anything when I listen to the lyrics.

you don't hafta forget the bands, man. you can still like some, and broaden your range

Do you think that being "scene" / "emo" is just a phase a lot of kids go through? I ask this because I dress/act "scene" but I suddenly feel that I am loosing interest in the style and music but I don't want to change and loose interest in the music that actually helped me through hard times.

it's always a phase, that a shit ton of people go through. and i understand completely! i was that same way earlier in the year. but change is good!


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