
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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okay i have a kind of dumb question but: so i'm a sophomore and i want to wear makeup to school but even though I've practiced it and i think I do it pretty well I'm worried to wear it to school bc I feel like people might judge me. do you have any advice?

start out with a nude or neutral look, something that isn't too flashy and wouldn't invertantly draw attention, yanno? just practice and wear whatever you're comfortable with. mayne ask for tips from friends or watch tutorials.

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I used to think that petplay was just some weird otherkin daddy kink shit, but then my girlfriend wanted to try it with me (gay pride whaddup) and let's just say I totally get it now ahahah honestly I think it taught me to be much more open minded which is always a good thing woohoo!!

it's honestly so fun! and you never know what you're into until you try it, for sure. it's definitely made me a happier, more open-minded person too.

Is it okay to have a crush on 2 or 3 different different people at the same time?

yeah, as long as you dont lead anyone on.

why did you put "lives saved: 24" in your bio on here

its been there because thats the number of people who've told me!

Should you stay in the relationship even if you don't feel the same way about the other person anymore? I've been dating my boyfriend for almost 7 months. I'm a junior,he's a senior. He's going to college in August. Should I break up with him now or wait until then to do it?

if you dont feel the same way about a person or they feel more strongly than you, no way should you stay in a relationship. dont drag it out either, do it now. they deserve that.
if its just a matter of distance, LDR are always a thing too

How much did you lurk your crushes social media before talking to them?

i didnt, i talked to him as soon as i looked him up.

Did you switch from cigarettes to vaping? Or just started vaping? Just curious cause I'm trying to quit

i vape whereas i use to smoke cigs


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