
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Ever since I was little I thought I was fat and ugly,..I still do and was wondering what you think would be the best way to overcome that and be happy with myself ? Thnx for reading <3

So many young people think they're fat, when they're a healthy weight. And so many people think they're ugly because people have maybe called them that before.
Self-esteem isn't common among young people, sadly. But confidence is possible. You honestly just have to tell yourself you are beautiful, you are worth it, you're perfectly fine.
If you don't like your size, then exercise! Even if you don't lose much weight, you will most likely think more positively of yourself, because you'll feel healthy.
And everyone's beautiful. Don't compare yourself to others constantly, but notice the good in yourself. and if you think a haircut would make you look better, go get one! If you think a little mascara makes you look better, nothing wrong with that, put it on! Do what makes you happy & feel best. And don't feel bad for thinking positively of yourself!

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I was like 4 days clean, but yesterday I cut again. I usually feel better when I cut, but yesterday I felt so bad! I don't even know why, but I felt worse than I was before cut, and I felt worthless and useless because I did it and I shouldn't have... So, I was scared and I flushed my blade.

I'm proud of you for flushing your blade <3
After being strong for a while, we realize cutting doesnt help and it isn't as great as we thought. cutting doesnt help, no matter how much you think it does
and being strong for a long time is something to be proud of. so thats probably why you feel bad. stay strong, because you know now it doesnt help

With so many people coming to you when they feel depressed or self harm, does it ever worry you that what you try to say may not work?

ˣ AhoyTayto ˣ
See, when I say this stuff, I know that I'll be able to look back and say I tried, in any situation.
I like to think I usually help; I usually get positive feedback. There's always that risk that it won't work, but it's more advice & help than they had before, so.
Liked by: ˣ AhoyTayto ˣ

I swear u r helping so many ppl & im glad to say u helped me some. im very glad we became friends. lol i used to be scared to talk to u bc u were so pretty & i was scared i was going to mess up my chance to be your friend but since u r one of the nicest ppl ever..that helped me talk to u w/o fear c:

Awh <3 That's so sweet!
I try to help who I can C:

Most recent concert?

The show I went to with Evan November 11, I believe, with my favourite bands; Structures, Vildhjarta, Veil of Maya, & Here Comes the Kraken.
All excellent bands.
And there was a local band there too, Sirens. I'm not sure what I think of them, yet!

tonight I started cutting again. I can't remember the last time I cut, but tonight everything just came back. it all hit me at once. I got the urge to cry and I don't know what to do. I've been getting ignored all day today so I have no one to talk to. please help me.

talk to me.
Oh lord, i wish you would've came to me before you cut /:
Relapse is a part of recovery, just keep that in mind.
It's okay, you're not a failure, nothing's wrong with you. Cutting is just very addictive.
Next time, even if you feel like everyone's ignoring you, go talk to someone beforehand. Just tell them you need to vent, it's very important. Or come to me. Please, please, please.
See, the thing is, it's easier not to cut, and the urge is less, if you wait it out for like ten-twenty minutes. Next time, just do something to occupy your time while you wait; draw, read, write, scribble, draw on yourself, walk, run, scream into your pillow, sing, anything, and talk to people or write in a journal. Always try alternatives first. If you can get past that initial urge, like i said, it makes it so much easier not to.
Always keep in mind why you've quit for the time that you did. Do the Butterfly Project, or write a reason why you quit (a name, your cat, the sky, whatever) on a place near where you cut, so when you're getting ready to, you see the reason why you kept so strong for so long.
Listen, I know you probably don't know me, but if you ever have the urge to cut, and you ask me something on here, I will give you my number or call you, and try to talk you out of it. I promise. I love you, stay strong. It'll be okay <3

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Which gives you the most pleasure - giving presents or receiving them?

The most pleasure?
I love giving though (;

what are your favorite bands?

Not in order:
Closure in Moscow
The Dear Hunter
Veil of Maya
Bring Me the Horizon
Animals as Leaders
The Contortionist
the tumbled sea
Every Time I Die
Port Blue
Sigur Ros
Trophy Scars
Glass Cloud
Oceans Ate Alaska
& more I can't think of right now.


Language: English