
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Mads i have a problem Ok so it is almost going to be school again, and there were some people in school that made fun of me because i had a ipod4.-.- and they say i am cheap and shit. I usually just tell them to fuck themselves. But they really hurt my feelings. So what should i do next time? ._.

I don't even have an ipod4. I have an iPod nano xD
Don't let it bother you. Its really no big deal. Ipod4's are still nice.
Just ignore them, it's really petty of them.

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shitty to claim credit for something you didn't do

I didn't? I said I love you. Don't be a dick. It's lame and pointless.

wtf i was kidding you didn't save me i don't even know who you are

Well then thats really shitty of you. congrats.

omg you got a tattoo o: ?!! it looks nice! how much was it? how long did it take? how does it feel to get a tattoo? how do your parents let you get one? i love you ~

It's my second!
But thank you!
It was $100 & took about 45 minutes.
it hurts, but i have a high pain tolerance, so it was tolerable :b
my mom supports my decision for body mods.
i love you too :3

how bad did the tattoo hurt?

Heidi Janine
Not that bad.
but see, i have a really high pain-tolerance. the artist said i dealt with it better than most experienced thirty year olds he's tattoo'ed :b
The pain was kinda sharp near the bottom cause it was right by my hip bone, but other than that, it didnt hurt that bad.

Whoever is asking her about why she doesn't like Brandon and all that crap, lay off. You're acting like you love everyone. You probably don't like people either, and she has her reasons so leave her alone. It isn't even that big of a deal, of you'd just stop, everyone could go on with their lives.

^^^^ Yes, thank you!
I do try to like everyone. and i give people chances.
but im not going to like everyone, as hard as i try.
And it is only my business. i already said i didnt want to talk about it. but for some reason, people just dont stop. but thank you. i appreciate it.
Liked by: Pizza

Madeline, who's the girl in the matching tatto's?

Shes my cousin/best friend, Jessica. We've been friends since birth, and always planned on getting matching tsttoos. Less than a week ago, she got in a bad wreck and almost died. It urged me to get something for her as my next tattoo. when i told her, she said she wanted to get one for me too. so here we are.

"I am nice and make amends with everyone, I don't see why people have to be mean . . . " . . . "He is in a bad mood everytime I'm around and he acts miserable, which is annoying. And I just don't like him. I'm not gonna say all the reasons publicly why . . ." Wtf

I've tried to be his friend. he's disliked me for a while. It's not my fault he's in a bad mood every time I'm around?
Trying doesn't mean it is FOR SURE going to happen. But I tried.
Thanks. And I have good reasons.
Liked by: Ace

Okok, I just wanted to say real quick how truly inspiring you are. You definitely are an amazing public figure/role model for young girls. I find it cool how you are the type of person, to my understandings, to tell shit like it is. & it's also really awesome how you are helping people. Stay rad xo

awh, that means so much :D
Thank you very much! I'm glad you see it that way.
That's pretty much what I go for. I like to inspire others, but I'm very blunt when need be.
And helping people is my passion <3
you stay rad xoxo
Liked by: Rami Del Rey


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