
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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is it okay if I use you as a face claim for one of my roleplay accounts?

As long as you include credit that its me & make it known youre rp'ing.
and if you could tag me in a picture on that account just so i know who you are :b

You into In Hearts Wake, ERRA/I See Stars?

i've never listened to In Hearts Wake,
ERRA is okay, they have potential to be good, for sure.
and i really really dislike I See Stars

What do you think of people posting there cuts

i hate it hate it hate it.
there is not a single damn positive thing to come from it.
it is beyond attention-seeking, and anyone who says it's not is being absolutely ignorant.
there are SO many other ways to try to get help. so many.

I love you a lot. You're so helpful and understanding. Even though I don't know you personally, I feel like I can come to you for anything. You're kinda apart of my support team in a way, because you really do help me and a whole lot of other people. You're amazing. Thank you for everything. Ily <3

i love you a lot as well *.*
things like this mean so much. you mean so much <3
this is the best compliment i could ever receive, precious.
Liked by: Andy

Thoughts on conservative Christians?

I dont have an opinion over an entire subgroup because i dont want to judge/stereotype

Would you quit your job to go to a 1-day music festival that has an extremely BADASS lineup

Depends how long ive had the job & how much i was paid haha

Do your family/friends know about your bdsm with Evan? Are they supportive if they are? I'm just curious your collar looks really cute on you btw!

My mom kinda does and is really open minded so shes very underatanding about it because she knows about it somewhat.
and thank you (: i like it a lot!

You into the more brutal side of metal like Carnifex, Old Whitechapel, Impending Doom, Cattle Decap, Carcass, Behemoth, I Declare War/A Night In Texas?

I can definitely enjoy a few of those bands.
I like Rings of Saturn also mwaha.

What do you say to people who lecture you on how "god" is real? I always try to give my opinion and belief, but they always judge me and I become a "horrible person" because I don't believe in what they do, and they just keep going on and on, on how my beliefs are "wrong" and I'm sick of it >.<

then don't bother arguing.
make your few valid points and be done with it.
if they want to be judgmental and not accept your views, it's their loss, not yours
Liked by: Maddy

Would you sit through 3 shitty bands to get to 1 bands that you enjoy's set? For example sitting through falling in reverse, all time low/sleeping with sirens and then finally Volumes takes the stage

i'm gonna say, nah. any concert i go to, there has to be at least three bands i like.
maybe in that case, two
Liked by: Maddy

I feel like I ate so much today. I feel like I'm going to gain 10 lbs over night. And yesterday I felt like this too, even though I've been eating normally and following my food plan. I overall feel like shit, and want to just fucking disappear, all because of 2 pieces of pizza, and a graham cracker

Thats when you take the time to realize thats literally nothing and youre fine and nothing is going to happen to you.


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