
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Does it ever get annoying having people ask for help..because I feel like I've asked for help from you so many times and I feel like you get tired of hearing people ask about cutting or saying they wanna die..idk I just feel like I'm bothering you every time I ask for help

I look forward every day to getting a chance to help someone. It's what I'm meant for.
I answer every single question and answer it with care.
It's not annoying. Sure it upsets me, but that is simply just because I care!
Liked by: ♡ Daith ♡

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Have you ever done anal?

Who knows.
My life is a mystery.
If I tell everything, there'll be nothing for people to be curious about. Yanno.

What shud I do when I have no one to talk to, cause my sister keeps telling at me to go away and my parents are working and I don't have any friends. Like how do I find friends that doesn't include school because I'm homeschooled??....

I answered this a little bit down.
Look for that answer! I hope it helps.
If not, ask again c:

I always go to you when I need help cuz I hav nobody else..but I've heard people saying its stupid to go to strangers for help because they don't actually care. I mean I always believed you cared but now I'm confused..what do you think ? <3333

I dont care what anyone says. im totally honest and mean it with all my heart when i say i care about everyone who asks me questions or needs help. i truly want to help everyone i can and improve whoever's life i can. i do care about you <3

How quickly have you fallen in and out of love?

Love isn't a thing people fall in and out of quickly.
That's infatuation, or simple crushes.
It's a ridiculously overused word, love is.
I've only been in love once, and I still am.
True love, you never 'fall out' of.
If you did, then you were never in love to begin with
Liked by: null

People are always saying that cutting hurts other people too. Well if they never find out about it how does it hurt them? And even if they did find out, how the hell does it hurt them? I just don't get it...

People care about you. if you're hurt, it makes them sad. if they knew, theyd wonder why they hadnt been there for you or been able to help.
it's not good. period.
Liked by: Hazyzero Natalie

I'm planning to kill myself tonight. I have everything ready and I've writen a note and..I don't think I have the power to stop myself. I just..idk I don't think I even want to stop myself :(:

You CAN stop yourself.
you're strong enough.
think of everyone who would miss you. think of your favourite hobbies
think of everything beautiful and lovely in the world.
There's more than darkness, i promise. do you want me to talk to you on the phone? Send anothrr question and say so and i'll even leave my number so you can call from a private number.
you matter to me and many others. you ARE here for a reason.
i'll do anything i can to stop you.

I have no friends and it constantly makes me feel like shit because it makes me feel like nobody cares about me and I can't really make friends because I'm homeschooled so I'm kinda stuck..any suggestions ?

Well, it's definitely harder to make friends when there aren't any in-person situations or contact.
I'd just suggest starting by commenting/liking someone's statuses if they interest you as a friend, and eventually just message them and be friendly.
A lot of people start out as friends that way.

Holy cow i loved your sidecut! I wish i could have a hair like yours!!

Thank you! I love it too.
Next time I get my hair done, I'm having it go back another inch, and it's gonna be shorter!

Omg I can't really understand why they keep calling you "Ugly" You're hot like fuck .-.

They dont.
the last time someone called me ugly on here was months ago.
But thanks. i enjoy being hot.

But when she's not around she can spread more and more rumors. That's exactly what happened last time, the second I was gone she spread horrible rumors to everyone. And I have no way of preventing it >_<

Just dont let it get to you, or at least don't make it obvious that it does. She'll be bored eventually and stop. Rumours happen to all of us, just laugh about them and if someone asks, tell them the truth.

I literally have a panic attack whenever I think of this girl that destroyed my life like I have nightmares about her and I get really scared whenever I hear her name. What should I do to get over this? I mean she destroyed my whole life and now I'm scared to death of her idk wut to do bout it

Ell i can understand being nervous if shes around, but when shes not, she literally cant do anything. i mean you just have to realize that. since she left you, she probably doesnt care enough to exert the energy to harm you anymore.

I remember that tire swing too (But it's long gone). I also remember playing in the basement at your dad's when my dad brought me with him to visit.

Kelseigh Ingram
Haha yeah, that was such a long time ago.

Earliest memory of when we used to hang out as kids?

Kelseigh Ingram
I remember sitting in a tire swing, i think. And i asked how old you were and what grade you were in. you said 5th grade and you were 11. And i said you were old for your grade, even though you werent. and i remember that you use to make your own 'newspaper' called Daily Rattle.

Ugh I'm sick of life. Like why tf am I ever here.. What are some good reasons to live??

Youre not suppose to know why youre here yet. youre young and emotional. everyone is at this age
Why die? Nothing can get better, youll never know things you wanna know, do things you wanna do, youll never laugh or smile again, youll never make new friends or family, youll never see any more sunrises or sunsets, never see any pets, never do any more hobbies, never have new experiences, never get excited for a new movie/game, never cry with your friends, never get to travel, never get to see the beautiful sky and twinkling stars, never make a career, never get married, NONE of those things will ever happen if you die.
realize and appreciate what you do have, especially all the little things, or the things that havent happened yet.
Liked by: Leyley Bunny

Every time I've trusted my family they've just made everything worse. and as for friends, well before I lost all sense of trust, whenever I told anyone anything they'd get freaked out and wouldn't talk to me. And they'd tell everyone. I've never met a person who hadn't betrayed me. Even my family

Not all family will betray you. i know we sometimes dont get along with our family and it's normal. but o guarantee theres at least one person in your family you can trust, be it a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, sibling, what have you. Make an anonymous online blog to rant on if thatd help.
and make new friends if yours are mean and whatnot. not all people are bad and untrustworthy.


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