
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Fuck all your haters. You're a very pretty girl. And trust me I know how it feels to only have a few close friends, everyone else turns on you. At the end of the day, you only need.yourself an your few close friends. You can kik me if you want- hiimshelby

thank you! I really appreciate it. Few people even offer to let me talk to them. ha. But yeah, I'm just in one of those self-deprecating moods. /: but i'll be okay.

omg i h8 u cuz you're lyk sooo mean to me!!! >:(((( and u really make fun of my bestie 4 lyf garrett nd hee doesnt lyk dat ;xxxxx Nah I'm kidding you're pretty cool. Haven't learned anything about you to hate you, so. OH, BESIDES THE FACT WE DON'T EVER FUCKING HANG OUT JESUS CHRIST.

Liked by: bridget lafferty

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Don't listen to all these dumbasses. They're just trying to be mean.

I asked for it. But thanks, man.

you dont put your real last name,you make up one. you dress dark and you listen to goth musicand you try to scream in ur music videos.so yeah you are scene

My real last name is on my facebook & here, lol. I have a username on everything else. lmfao. and I don't dress dark, at all, honestly xD I uploaded pictures in a bird dress recently? And what's 'goth music'? I listen to a wide variety, including, yes, metal, but also, post-rock, indie, and some pop! And I posted a video of me attempting to do harsh vocals, yes, but you won't find many girls at all, even 'scene', that do that. So no, I'm not scene.

You act scene

LOL, how does one 'act' scene?
I dont even have my hair flippy anymore. or wear any shit like that. And I act pretty normal from what i can tell..?

Goats attack u all the time in Ireland

Lol the thought of a goat running after someone just cracked me up xD sorry.

Would you call yourself a “happy person”?

Well, I would say I'm definitely getting there.
If you would've asked me that a year ago, I would've said 'hell no!'
I'm making progress c:

What are the things you want to avoid in a relationship?

Lying, cheating, hiding things, being a constant bitch/prick, ignoring, and lack of caring.

This is not a question but If I knew you I think we would get along nicely :3 ♡

Ha, well that's good :D
Thanks, i think :b Once people get to actually know me, they tend to realize i'm a pretty chill person c:

Any advice for a hopeless romantic?

Awh, you're not hopeless, sweetie :b
I mean, if I knew you, I guess it'd be better to give advice.
But I'll say what I can. Don't expect it to just come rushing at you instantly. More often that not, it just comes in time, and patience. Which SUCKS. But, if you find the right one, the wait is definitely worth it. Don't stay in any situation where you aren't happy, but at the same time, don't be afraid to branch out. You never know what things are around the corner (:

What are you wearing right now?

A very old Boonville sports t with cut off sleeves that belonged to my deceased second cousin, Rachel <3 And some comfy rainbow shorts c:

Do you think doing drugs is stupid?

Not really, as long as you know what you're doing and not just being a total fucking dumbass. I mean, some people enjoy it. So I guess that's good.

What’s the most scared you’ve ever been?

The time someone broke into my house. At 4 in the morning.

What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you?

Well, basically anything Evan says to me.

If you were going to be stuck on an island with three celebrities, which three would you choose?

Cillian Murphy, Austin Carlile, and Oli Sex, lol.

How long does it take to really 'know' someone?

well, depends on the person. could take two weeks, could take five years.


Language: English