
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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It's hard to let people in because I've done it before and in the end they all betrayed me. I don't want it to happen again. I trust no one. Because I'm scared too

Everyone gets betrayed and hurt. but there really are some people worth trusting, like family. and you dont need a whole lot of friends to get by. i mean even just attempting to be friends with and trusting one person goes a long way.

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But I don't have any friends. Nor do I trust anyone >_<

That sounds like it could be a problem you have.
Let people in.

Ugh valentines day pisses me off. It just makes me feel like shit cause everyone around me is so lovey dovey, I don't even have a fuckin friends to have as a valentine..idk I just hate this holiday.. What are your opinions on it ?

I love it, mostly because I'm with the love of my life.
But i think it's sweet. It's a nice excuse for couples to get together and go on a date and gift each other, more than they would regularly.
When I was single, I didn't really care or worry about it. I still gave some people cards too.

Shall we look for love, wait for love or forget totally about it?

It's a mixture of looking for it and waiting for it.
If you have your mind and heart closed to everyone, it would be hard to find.
But ultimately, it just finds you.

Why exactly is cutting "bad"? Because it makes me feel happy as fuck. Like srsly I've planned to kill myself so many times, but then I cut, and I couldn't even remember why I wanted to die. So honestly, why is cutting so horrible ?

I use to have the exact mindset you do.
But honestly, there's no reason to do it. It's just an unhealthy, but easy alternative to doing something else to release your stress.
Even if it doesn't hurt you, it hurts others around you. And hurting yourself is just not a positive thing.

Lol it's not about the size, it's how to use it

I said to an extent.
obviously he needs to be good in bed too.
doesnt mean size doesnt matter.

Mads idk wut to do. I just wanna scream to the whole world that I'm not fucking ok. But I'm scared. Something's stopping me from telling anyone. I just want to tell everyone the truth but I'm too scared. Idek why. But i just am.. Help me I guess..please <3

Talk to your friends first. not everyone needs to know. just go vent to those you trust.

I just weighed myself for the first time since I was anorexic..I used to be 85 pounds..now I'm 120.. I'm crying my eyes out and I'm cutting and I want to kill myself so badly..idk wut to do

I'm 125, so. I dont need to kill myself, so neither do you.
it's a perfectly healthy weight. 85 is not. it's unhealthy and hazardous for your health.
So just stop. be happy.

size shouldn't matter damn people like you needa go to hell

It's a personal opinion.
dont get offended just cause you have a small dick.
sorry, but being with a guy with a four inch dick would suck.
any girl who says it doesnt matter is lying, so i guess all girls should go to hell? Lol.
im brutally honest. doesnt mean i should go to hell.
sorry but get over it. not like we'd ever date so why the hell does it matter to you?
Liked by: Taryn Callanan.

Please go check your comments on Instagram. I very much need to talk to you :):

i saw! You can also ask me stuff on here.

I'm not the same person as before but I didn't mean you personally can't have one. They need to be in groups or they will be sad. True fact

Oh o; well I've known a few that weren't, but I'll take your word for it.


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