

Ask @iamsammadison

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I am very short :(. No I meant how can others not like spicy food, oops! Yeah well, I don't really pay attention to the medicines when I am taking them, I just take them! Tablets or capsules whatever, medicine is medicine so yeah. Roller skating or swimming I mean?

Wait btw are you sick rn or (you mentioned something earlier)
Swimming! (: I'm still traumatized by that time I fell on a gutter with some water and mud and yuck yuck yuck bc of roller skates. You?
Sky diving or scuba diving?
Liked by: Miksha

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How tall are you?

Tbh I have no idea hahaha I'll ask Erin when I see her (I'm just an inch taller than her and I think she knows her height so)
Liked by: Miksha

You're adorable when you're evil though, I'm just plain impish when I'm evil. xD

Well, you obviously haven't seen evil Sam on her period ((:

Thank you for the tips! I will try that:) ps. After reading unexpectedly, I'm trying to not want Camden. He's so perfect. I'm wondering if Seth will make me drool now..

Unexpectedly was literally so bad I just can't

I am five feet (152 cm). I am really short! I do where do I look tall? XD How can you not like spicy food? like seriously it's the bomb.com! Capsules scare you, why? What if you have to take them then? skating or swimming?

Idk you don't look like someone short hahahahaha.
What haha I said I /do/ like it? Hahaha
I'll take them but I'd prefer tablets. Idk. They seem like "adult" medicine haha and they look like plastic so I feel as if I'm swallowing a plastic thingy
Which skating are you referring to? ((:
Liked by: Miksha

come on everyone who ships you two is waiting for that answer!!! :)

Ummmmm it was just an inside joke (: a few days back, Ike lied to his mom about how "Sam" is a friend from camp sooo
Liked by: Miksha

I like them too, especially if I am hugging someone tall XD, but everyone is tall compared to me so yeah... Spicy food is the bomb.com. My friend isn't much of a fan of it so she couldn't eat at my house XD after one bite she was like no! It doesn't matter I am a walking medicine lately so yeah, you

You seem tall though? Hahaha
Haha some of my friends are the same x)
Capsules scare the crap out of me soooo tablets.

It's my story Hey, Mr. Wattpad. I'm trying to rewrite it, but the plot is so weird and lame. I'm trying to make it longer, and a bit better (the last version was so bad, haha).

Ah yes I think I've seen it before. Don't force yourself bb (: Ideas will strike when you least expect them. Try writing a part of it from the middle

You have to one day okay and I will hug you to death, you won't be able to escape from me ;) MICKEY MOUSE :D Spicy food, I can't eat food if it doesn't make my tongue burn, because I miss that! I am so used to that feeling, that I need it, except if I eat smt that doen't contain much spices, you?

I like hugs. <3
I love spicy food hahaha. I literally order spicy stuff everywhere. ((: Yeah, I kind of get it. Hahaha
Tablets or capsules?
Liked by: Miksha

Trying to plan out an old story of mine, but I'm not inspired. I feel like deleting everything, and just post a whole new story.

Don't delete it hahahahah it would be a waste ((: what is it about

Nah, it's okay... You're welcome! You deserve every single read and vote that you get. And I love reading about her! (Just in case you hadn't already gathered that)

I hardly deserve all of it bb. (: You seem pretty awesome yourself btw ;)


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