

Ask @iamsammadison

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ooooh i see a sexy creature talking to me why hello there i miss you too bb WHAT IS UP
Liked by: king

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Will the book be different from the wattpad version or the same (obviously it'll be edited) But will it be very different or nah? And congrats, that's amazing news Hun <3 Did your family even know that you wrote on wattpad?

very different hahaha i'm beginning to remap it and i'm planning on reducing the chapters from 44 to 36 and rearrange some scenes and basically make it more realistic hahaha
um they did but they were all like "you spend the whole day in front of that laptop why don't you spend your time doing something else"
and now hah!! i get money out of sitting in front of my laptop HAHAHAH

Hey, Sam! I was wondering who makes your covers?

i made the ones for everything except thh (@xsnowberryx) papercuts (@deadlier), unfinished sentences (@deadlier), the concept of perfection (oh gosh i don't remember)
Liked by: king

sam just remember not to forget me when you're all up there and famous okay? never forget #zam :-*

i'm not going to be famous zee hahahaha
Liked by: patty king

Hey sam? How have u been lately?

i've been very upset lately with all the stress from schoolwork and i just spent the whole day watching movies today instead of doing my assignments which now means that i'm cramming so...

That's completely okay!! It was yesterday, so it's not very late tbh

you still haven't told me the whole deal with saul ;)

That's so cool! I'm glad for you! So will it be available in other countries? (Apologies if you've already answered this)

i don't think so? :o it has to be shipped, i think hahahaha
Liked by: king

WAIT, so is you book out published now or? when does it come out?

nope i'm working on revising the manuscript (bc it desperately needs to be edited) and hopefully, it'll come out sometime around july next year.

We'll considering he hasn't asked me anything yet, not together. But I'm really thankful of what he did cos I was going to have an exam that day

AWWWWWW <333 u better reward him with a kiss

We took. I honestly have no words to express how much I love him.

holy shit moira <333 wait are you guys together now or still...?????

He waited till there were only three minutes left till midnight to congratulate me, so he would be the "last person to congratulate me", and now a friend of mine just told me he literally saved my life by sending a letter to the school defending me so I wouldn't get suspended for the skipping day +


Sam! So THH is getting published or are you self publishing? And how does getting published by an agency work in your country? (Assuming it's any different?) also, very happy for you <3

it's getting published under pop fiction :) there aren't really a lot of popular publishing companies here, and pop fiction is very non-conventional bc it really caters wattpad stories by filipino writers. they were the ones who approached me about publishing it (since it's kind of "popular") so yeah, i didn't have to go through finding an agent and stuff.
Liked by: king

Dont get me wrong, i love TPOCE, its just that it annoys me how fixated reed is on finding the idiots. Like they are having fun, they are safe, why try to hunt them down?

remember that reed is extremely pessimistic /and/ had always been sort of tori's babysitter for as long as they've been friends. even though tori isn't really in any danger, reed can't help but feel as though she NEEDS to find her best friend. add that to the whole almost getting raped incident, which reed is still very guilty of, and she wants to find tori bc she feels as though it's her job to look out for her.
notice that even reed herself is aware of the irrationality of her decision. she /knows/ but she can't help it.
which roots from an internal problem of hers: she has this irrational fear of losing someone (which came from the time her father left their family)
when tori almost got raped, she shut reed out and basically changed. reed felt as though she'd "lost" her best friend. and now, tori is leaving by the end of summer and basically, reed is dealing with a lot of shit about that (which i'm just about to delve into somewhere around chapter 20), and it all adds up to her fixation to find tori.

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Woah woah woah, did I just read that THH is getting published? And honey, don't doubt your writing abilities, you're a fab writer k? The story is amazing and it kept me thinking for days <3

yes it is hahaha it's really not but thank you so much!! <3
Liked by: king

Shush sam being published is a great big deal and you DID earn it through your writing ok

let's be realistic hahaha i really didn't but thank you sooooo much <3
Liked by: king


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