

Ask @iamsammadison

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I just completed reading chapter 13 of 'The Heartbroken Heartbreaker' and the aspects of Kyla's life are so similar to mine.Please keep writing. Love x

Kavleen Marwah
thank you so much for reading and um i hope you're not going though uh a bad time (bc at chapter 13, things for kyla aren't going that great)
Liked by: Kavleen Marwah

sooo i was reading THH and the whole time i was thinking of grand canyon smith as seth everett. is that weird? lol here's his ig so you would know what he looks like :3 https://instagram.com/grandcanyonsmith/

hahaha you're free to imagine him the way you like :))) (honestly tho after watching love, rosie i can't get sam claflin as seth out of my head. however, sam still doesn't quite look like the seth i originally made up in my head hahaha)

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Sam, I haven't read the new version of THH. I'm afraid I'm not gonna like it!? I mean I love rereading the old one. :)

haha you don't have to read it, really :)

While reading THH, I was dying to see the writer's face! I searched through Facebook but couldnt find you.Then I saw your profile on wattpad (I know silly me.the idea of checking out your profile didnt strike my mind before) and I could finally see you. I'm loving the story! ^_^ You're so cool Sam!

hahahahahaha you wouldn't find me on fb since sam madison is a madeup name hahaha also thank you so much for reading thh :) i'm glad you like it and omf no i'm honestly not cool at all hahaha
Liked by: Zeba Farzana

You're not from the US ? I seriously thought you were cause idkw

haha probably because my stories are set in the us
Liked by: patty

Sam... enzo's not really gone is he

but okay anyway i'm predicting adelina will have him resurrected by that girl they're planning to look for but it'll probably be like khal drogo's resurrected form where not everything is as it should be and adelina will meet some other hotter guy who has a better sense of humor like honestly while reading the book i never really saw much chemistry between them oops

you're amazing, wow. my pleasure to pop by cx AND YOU SHOULDN'T BE. I HAVE PRACTICE ALMOST EVERYDAY AND IT DRAINS ME YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE PAIN. And i still get hit in the face with a ball xD hope you get a lot of your word pieces done c:

Sarena ♔
i finished one of them and i'm halfway through another i did get a lot of other ideas for future pieces though :))
i honestly salute people who have the determination to play sports so yeah you go glen coco

aw too bad I didn't screen shot the name but I may see it again lol what is happening with u right now

so i just had a sleepover with my 3 best friends and i found out like 2 of them have had french kisses already and i was like WHAT WHY ARE YOU ONLY TELLING US NOW and it's so surprising bc i always thought they were the innocent ones like i'm honestly more of a flirt than they are
(and i'm sitting here still wondering, what do i do with my tongue during a kiss)

How do I keep my story interesting?

know the difference between a character-driven plot and a plot-driven character:
character-driven plot: the character carries the plot; his/her choices are what drives the plot forward
plot-driven character: the external events sweep the character with them and pretty much decide their fate
the former is a lot more gripping, so honestly, for me, the plot can be shit but if you have an interesting character (and no, i'm not just asking you to write a quirky character for the sake of quirkiness) then you're good.
okay so maybe not a shitty plot but really, with so many cliches out there, the only reason they're striving is because the characters and their backgrounds and relationships stand out.
or maybe it's more accurate to say that you can have a good plot and a good premise and everything, but if i hate the character, the story will never reel me in, so yeah, i think it ultimately boils down to that.
in addition, if it's a character-driven plot, then interesting character = interesting plot.
so yeah. :))

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Liked by: Zeba Farzana

all in all (both the ones posted), how many stories do you have?

posted on wp:
kierra account: 5
sam account: 5
posted elsewhere: 8
not posted anywhere at all: around 15 (?)
handwritten: 5
overall, that's 38 HAHAHAHA and only like 10 or so are finished hahahaha
Liked by: patty

-it was that gr9 i loved it through and through :) hope you'll continue producing great books and have a great future in writing!!!! my aim is to write a story as "inspirational"-ish and sWEET as yours HAHA but thanks for giving me a story to almost-cry about :-)

omg thank you so much for reading thh :) haha i''m also guilty of that line skipping thiing sometimes HAHAHA but thank you so so much. i'm glad you enjoyed i and gO FOR IT. i'm sure you can do it!

Why did you change a little of The Heartbroken Heartbreaker? And if possible can you upload the original version for those who love the older version? Btw still love your book!

i changed it mainly for 2 reasons:
1) it's going to be published.
and since my family happens to be a nosy bunch, my mom and aunt went ahead and told pretty much everyone they know (translation: PEOPLE WHO KNOW ME IN REAL LIFE) that my book is getting published, and that they should totally read it. and idk about you, but i'm fine with strangers reading my stories as long as they don't know who i am. but we're talking about people i actually see in person, and that's pretty scary, and i don't want them to read the original version because....
2) it sucks.
the first few chapters of the original version were written when i was around 14 or something, and almost everything was so unrealistic and cliched and the writing was awkward and rough and really, the only way to fix it was to rewrite it completely. i got rid of the all the scenes that made me cringe, which were thankfully unnecessary in the grand scheme of things, and switched them with scenes that make everything flow better and also portray more of the character backgrounds and relationships.
i showed more of the kyla-cedric relationship in the past and really tried to slowly develop things between seth and kyla, and i'm honestly happy with the way it's written now. (well, happier, at least.)
on uploading the old version, the answer is an absolute no. i still believe that thh is largely overrated and i think i owe, idk, the world to at least try to make it more deserving of all its readers. yes, it was hard for me to let go a lot of my favorite scenes and lines in the old version, but i really am happier with the new version, and the reason i uploaded it was because i think this one is at least a bit more deserving than the old one, and i honestly don't see any reason whatsoever for me to keep the old one back.
i'm sorry and thank you so so much for reading :)

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Liked by: Zeba Farzana

i'm doing well! having a lot of volleyball/basketball practice (my entire body is covered in bruises, ugh) but otherwise, i'm content with everything. not excited for the workload but i'll manage between shoveling coffee and sugar entire my mouth xD what about you? how are you doing? how's school?

Sarena ♔
I AM ENVIOUS OF SPORTY PEOPLE LIKE i can't even catch a ball without managing to get hit in the face or something hahahaha i'm on a one week break from school and tbh i feel like i'm wasting away my days bc i haven't caught up on my word count goals for of points and tangents but at least i'm getting some spoken word poetry pieces :))
Liked by: king Sarena ♔

sorry for the late reply; didn't get a breather to write down. tgif. and no, really, idc how lame you "think" you are, you're super nice and sweet and it is a pleasure just even holding a conversation with you, okay? you're so cool and lovely and if anything, ppl who don't know you are missing out!

Sarena ♔
this is honestly so sweet thank you so so much

SAMMM is it weird I passed by this girl in fb who looks exactly like you but idk lol anyare sa life

yes it is hahahahaha it could be me lol
Liked by: patty king

omg can we talk about Zayn Malik leaving one direction?

tbh i really have no opinion on this like whatever the guy can do whatever he wants to do

how do you plan for nano? (:

i'm not doing nano this year hahahaha but if anything, try to plan as much as you can before you start writing. know where the story is headed or you'll be stuck by the 2nd week or so
Liked by: patty king

i miss austin and reed too much:(

tbh i miss them too like when i re-read the previous chapters and i actually think "did i really write this" on some of those dialogue bits but when i try to write more idk the words just never come
Liked by: patty king

literally i see you everywhere and i have to say you are so freaking stunning and nice and sweet and just you're wow i seriously have no words. how can you be so cool? this shouldn't be possible. things like this just are so surreal. you're a huge inspiration and i gotta admit you're too damn cool t

Sarena ♔
omg that's so flattering like thank you so, so much. really, i'm actually pretty lame and average tbh like in real life, even people i sit next to in class for a month wouldn't even notice if i disappear for like a week hahahahaha thank you so so so much <3
how are you?
Liked by: Sarena ♔

Yeah omg who even was I? I'm good though I'm actually really happy rn bcUZ MY BROTHER JUST GOT INTO UNI and yeah so i think it deserves a celebration :D writing going okay expect I keep starting new books c I'm dumb and now I'm in the middle of like 4 and v stressed >.<

DID YOU CELEBRATE? TELL HIM I SAID CONGRATS (or don't, since, well, i'm some random stranger from the internet after all)
STARTING NEW BOOKS IS FINE UNLESS YOU NEVER FINISH ANY OF THEM but really sometimes writing really becomes difficult when you're working on a single project (though i try to stick to one as much as possible bc otherwise, i'd have, like, 15 different stories up at once hhahahaahahahahaha)


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