

Ask @iamsammadison

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WOO 35K TO WRITE (that sounds so fun tbh). I have been doing schoolwork, walking to TVD, reading, and writing basically. oh and I just found out that Tyler Blackburn from PLL CAN FREAKING SING HIS VOICE IS GORGEOUS IMA DIE

ashley ♡
NO IT'S NOT BC I'M BASICALLY REWRITING hahahaha it feels like so much work, you know?? like i should be done with it already x)
OOOOH ANY BOOK SUGGESTIONS? :)) oh and i've never watched pll. i was waiting till i read the books, though people tell me the show's different???? hahahha
Liked by: ashley ♡ king

SAM OMG YO. yes it is xD how are you girly?

ashley ♡
it went by so quickly <///3 i'm doing fine. dreading the end of break bc i still have, like, 35k words to write before i become too busy x))
Liked by: king ashley ♡

hey I just read your story 'THe heartbroken heartbreaker.' I must say I fell in love with seth Everett. Loved the story, deeply, madly, truly. ♥

Debasmita113’s Profile Phototoothless
hi babe! thank you so much (: i'm glad you liked it. hahahaha just what is it with seth everett tho hahahaha.
thank you, thank you, thank you so much. <3
Liked by: toothless

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nope you really don't want that to happen too soon (believe me)

on ur nanomwrimo it says tpoce is odne but on wattpad it isn't?? not hating just confused

um it's because i reached 50 k words for it, which, for nano, means done, at least. :)
Liked by: king

bitch. r u home tomorrow bc I'm so showing up at your doorstep early in the morning and u have to feed me lunch. don't worry about breakfast bc I don't do breakfasts hahahaha

Erin the Bear
Liked by: Erin the Bear

How's your uploading schedule? Hope I don't sound annoying.. It's just that I really like "the possibility of chance encounters"? Also is there a chance reed and Austin will have a happy ending? Xx you're the best!

I usually update weekly, around the weekends. I used to aim for Friday, but lately I haven't been able to write that much so updates are a little late (usually still near the weekends though). Thank you so much for reading it! I'm really glad you like it so far :)
You really don't want to hear the answer to that. ;)

Omg!! I love THH and I've been shipping Keth ever. since I read it. I was a little disappointed in the ending how they only said "Hi" but hey, it needs to be more realistic, It would mean the world to me if you replied

hi! i'm glad you liked it :) eh, a lot of people didn't like it but honestly, it just felt right to me, so yeah. it's not really just a matter of making it seem realistic, it's more about the whole idea of a "new beginning." here be dragons. idk. i'm glad you stuck with it till the end though :)

hi sam :) i'm a really big fan of yours and you're a really great writer so may I ask how to get inspiration to write a story? I've been trying to write again for months and nothing seemed to come up in my mind :(

hi! thank you so much! :)
well um do you mean inspiration for story ideas? if yes, then i literally get my ideas anywhere. they just pop up at random when i see something interesting or if i happen to come across a new experience or even if i just see a couple sitting on a bench and stuff. idk. the world is filled with stories waiting to be told. you just have to find them. :)
if you mean finding motivation to write or to continue writing when you have writer's block, i usually read a book i like or a book that slightly resembles the style of what i'm writing. or reading a book you don't like also works (like you end up thinking "ugh what is this shit i can write loads better than this" and bam baby you got it).
letting some people read what i've written to ask for their reviews also gets me going. i get insecure a lot about my writing and i usually find reassurance from my friends so i don't feel as though it's going somewhere.

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Liked by: a toothless king

haha. I would buy two copies so I can have an extra to gift to a friend or something. congrats.

thank you <333

YES THAT ONE. You are awesome you should just post it to internet and claim it as yours so next time people use the quote your name will be everywhere lol no just kidding. But youre really good i'm so proud of you although weve never met lolol

hahahahahahaa it's not really that much but it's honestly just what i feel when i write :) that's sweet of you thank you! <3
(who are you btw)
Liked by: toothless

YESSS. Bby I saw your tweet and I'm downloading Kik now if you want to talk about it? But I lost your Kik name

wait okay i'll download it too hahaha wait i'll have to figure my username out by trial and error haha
Liked by: king


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