

Ask @iamsammadison

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Most of the 2nd episodes weren't as exciting as the first and last ones but yeah I agree. The Reichenbach Fall and A Study in Pink are genius.

why do you know the titles even
i kind of like the one where adler shows up too but tbh i feel bad for molly most of the time. i still fangirl when i remember that "you've always counted" part. :))
Liked by: Ayesha

i'm just going to take that as you indirectly called me a total babe ok stroke my non-existent ego pls xDD

Sarena ♔
you /are/ a total babe ;) (no longer indirect bc apparently, i also suck at giving out the right signals hahahahaha)
Liked by: Sarena ♔

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Oh right I meant to ask which Sherlock episode is your favorite

sjkdfhsadjkdaskfr um the s02e03??? tho i honestly love the pilot episode too :))

naive? are you serious? that's probably the most legit thing so far like you don't understand how proud i am of you for being logical and proper. i'll probably do a taylor swift and adopt a couple cats and marry my laptop (i'm pretty sure ppl actually do that xDD) but i can dig a sexy gif set cx

Sarena ♔
hahahahaha anyone who can do a taylor swift is a total babe though hahahaha
Liked by: Sarena ♔

Nope. YOU'RE the one who doesn't know anything. / It's personal, shut up. :P

that's actually quite true though hahahaha you have access to kodie and bella and erin while i don't have access to any of your friends so yeah hahahaha.
*sighs* with you, it always is. :P
Liked by: king

It was nice catching up but I need brunch otherwise I'll be skinnier than I already am. I also have to work later and then write a paper. So see you again in a few months or so.

hahaha sure. until then :))
Liked by: king

I'm very scared because you have all my family and friends on your contact list. xD / I'm so mysterious I make Jack the Ripper seem like a joke.

well, you never know. :P
so you can joke about jack the ripper but not about vampires how does that make sense hahahahaha
Liked by: king

i'm sure everyone has. but the funny part is that around that time last year almost everyone in our grade was dating and now it's literally like pringles everywhere. seriously. so much drama.

Sarena ♔
"pringles everywhere" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA well tbh i no longer see the purpose of dating for the heck of it hhaha like call me naive but i'm guessing i'll probably only ever truly date someone if i know he's the real deal hahahaha
Liked by: king Sarena ♔

Sorry, I just never had a good perception of vampires. Ever. It's like way up there with the Titanic in the "Scare Isaac Shtless" list. xD/ Soft mystery bordering on depression? Sounds a lot like my life. xD

yet again another item to add on my "How to Blackmail Isaac" list. ;)
you? mysterious? hah.
Liked by: king

AHHHHHHH MY BEST FRIEND ENDED UP DATING MY CRUSH FOR A WHOLE YEAR LIKE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW AWKWARD IT WAS FOR ME BC THEY DON'T KNOW ANYTHING [they broke up a while ago but omg] aND THE TORTURE. AND IT WAS NOT CUTE :o We'd do everything together tho bc we got each other on an emotional level xD

Sarena ♔
shit we've all been there mate it was not a pretty experience.
Liked by: Sarena ♔

what, contact lenses can expire????? (i am so dense)

yes, they can hahahaha like they begin to um dry up and when you put them on, it's sort of painful so yeah hahahahaha
Liked by: kodie

Mention vampires again and you can forget about our friendship. Jk. / Oh, that's very cool. Does this mystery story involve a Sherlock-type protagonist?

HEY IT WAS THE START OF SOMETHING NEW OKAY you were the one who told me to give my past self some credit what ever happened to that supportive dude
actually, not really hahahaha. it's pretty much soft-mystery.......... bordering on depressing hahahahahaha
Liked by: king

YOU'RE AMAZING HAHA. your flirting art is too good for me. but if it makes you feel any better, i used to crush on this guy who was born on the same day as me and we'd have this huge argument at who was truly older and he ended up calling me an old hag for the rest of the year. good times.

Sarena ♔
and nope i'm basically that girl who ends up being the bridge between said crush and some other girl HAHAHAHAHA
Liked by: Sarena ♔

so, how are you??

i'm fine except my contact lenses expired and i'm half blind and i need glasses but i'm probably getting those like next week HOW AM I GOING TO SURVIVE COLLEGE WHEN I SEE NOTHING

That "I'll show you" was very sinister, just saying

maybe you've forgotten you're talking to the person who once wrote a story about vampires you can't go darker than that (okay, you probably can) (tho i actually am planning to write a mystery soon hahahahah)
Liked by: patty king

Ahahahaha, I guess so. I'd rather study Chemistry or Maths, because I pick that up quite quickly. I cannot even study bio, I have to practise the questions. It's either I get it or I don't, lol. HOME MADE COOKIES OF COURSE! I used to have a journal, but I don't need it anymore, so nope! :) wbu?

CHEM???? (i am still recovering from high school chem horrors)
why don't you need it anymore? :o what did you write on it anyway hahahaha and yep, i do :) i don't write as frequently as i'd want to, but it helps me clear my thoughts when i'm in a pinch hahahaha

so i knew how to play chess in grade school, but i've completely forgotten; i'm more of a checkers person. unfortunately, if we're playing chess, pieces probably would go flying in your directions bc i'm terrible at losing. note to self xD

Sarena ♔
TBH SAME. i once lost while playing against the guy i was crushing on and for some reason i threw a knight at him and let's just say i'm not skilled at the art of flirting hahahahahaha
Liked by: Sarena ♔

But since you put it out there it's going to be very hard not to be too conscious about it / okay bye haha

i don't know about you but i can be totally casual about this thing. totally. casual.

Ehhh I'm really bad at this, aren't I? / Oh, yes. I just went there.

nah hahaha maybe we should just um not be so conscious about it hahahaha
you suck i don't know why i'm even talking to you again

Okay. (Catch the reference please.) / Don't you just love how we dismiss things when we realize how uncomfortable they make us? Haha xD / Difference between me and you is you always have to try hard, and sometimes you're really really bad at it xD

you make me proud.
don't you just love when you point out said "uncomfortable" things and make them seem more uncomfortable?
Liked by: king

THAT MIGHT BE A PROBLEM FOR PLAYING BBAL XDD BUT I CAN'T DRIBBLE THAT WELL, TOO. I think the only thing setting most people back in the running. You're constantly running up and down court and it really takes a whole lot of effort. Forget the shooting and dribbling and passing. I need to breathe xD

Sarena ♔
TRUE HAHAHAHAHA. really, i'll just quietly stick to chess where the pieces won't go flying in my direction.
Liked by: a king Sarena ♔

I wanna say...cancer? xD/ I wrote it because why the hell not/ You "actually" laughed? Did you ever doubt my "make Sam laugh" abilities?

well, then let's pretend i never said that part about you writing for the heck of it.
YOU SAID THAT TOO EARLIER so does that mean you doubt me too? i'm hurt.
Liked by: s h i l o h king


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