

Ask @iamsammadison

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they're so addicting oh god what is happening to the world we are gettinG OBSESSED WITH RUBBER BANDS SAM THIS ISN'T HEALTHY

i kNOW RIGHT IDK HOW DID IT COME TO THIS? Where did society go wrong for us tobe ruled by rubber bands, phoebe, where?
Liked by: Katie Cruz king

THOSE THINGS NOW I KNOW BUT I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME. Everyibe is obsessed with it and I am here like okay XD.

Omf i used to not care about them the slightest bit, but then my mom bought some a few weeks back and my little sisters don't know how to use them so i ended up making the bracelets for them.
Then earlier this day, i bought some /supposedly/ for my sisters but i used half for myself already hahahahhaa
Liked by: Miksha

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i gotchu! go chug a gallon of milk and eat a turkey that always gets me to sleep and it'll solve the hungry problem so

hahahahaha "eat a turkey" i can't breathe hahaha and a whole gallon of milk omf =)))
Liked by: Britton Katie Cruz

Uhm I think I know them, but I can't come up with them yet because they probably have a different name here!

ohhhhhh haha i didn't think they'd have different names elsewhere hahaha but in any case, I HAVEN'T WRITTEN A WORD FOR NANO TODAY BC OF THESE LOOMBANDS
Liked by: Miksha

typos typos typos sam madison. fish. samonella. but im fantastic and bored and hungry all rolled into one xD and how are you broskii?!

it's 2 am and i want to sleep but i'm not sleepy yet does that make sense? (oh, and i'm hungry too)

XD I am safe! :) 15 minutes left omfg I can hear my bed calling for me. What are loombands? :O Don't be envious, one day you will see them too! :)

LOOMBANDS ARE ADDICTIVE. THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE. i'm surprised you don't know them yet? hahaha they're these bracelets made from little rubber... stuff?
Liked by: Miksha

Have you seen anything weird lately?

this unbearably big pimple on my face had been bothering me all day asdsjfhdsjfhskjhrejkth
Liked by: kodie king

Wait what did I do? :( I am sorry

noooo i was just kidding haha but i really /am/ envious of you going to all those amazing places :))
Liked by: Miksha

oooh you saw the winter's tale!!!!♥ Lol lucky you, I can't sleep unless I am extremely tired. Btw I have finally arrived in The Netherlands but I still have an hour to go before I reach Amsterdam and my bed *cries* How are you?

we actually just downloaded it and i've watched it twice already or something hahahaah aaaand be safe, bby :) i'm all right. been busy making loombands for the past two hours um
Liked by: Miksha

Where does thh take place? I know near a beach but is it in Florida? Alabama?

a town i made up in north carolina (it's supposedly called rivermount. i'm still researching on the place so i haven't inserted much of it on the first draft of thh)
Liked by: king

You are getting published! Wow is that what you were freaking out about a couple weeks ago? When is it happening? Can you tell us yet?

nothing's signed yet hahaha

Do you mind giving me details about Alyssa's and Warren 's personality? It would really help, thanks:)

i think alyssa's personality is kind of evident throughout the whole book? haha it's kind of hard to explain her character through description since it's mostly her actions that define her haha
as for warren:
-kind of has that nice guy vibe, is a good listener, just a tad bit dorky, highly sarcastic, surprisingly unorganized when it comes to his stuff, loves cheering people up

name five new friends of yours that you want to get to know better

i want to know them all better hahaha

Is it okay to make Alyssa and Warren dancers? You know, have them do a dance routine together?

sounds fab


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