

Ask @iamsammadison

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can i request one thing? please dont change ur covers. the cover of NHF reminds me of their playful relationship. THH reminds of cloudland. CE reminds me of the sunrise after spending their whole day together. so basically ur covers reflects ur story. thats what i think tho

i love them the way they are rn!! the whole cover revamp was actually inspired by the cover for nhf! it looked so out of place among my previous covers so i decided to make new ones for everything and now i love them as they are (and i'm lowkey happy that you noticed the references in each pic i chose)
Liked by: nià patty Swarnima

I AM FEELING SO PISSED WITH THAT ANDY AND DEXTER MOMENT. i feel so bad for hadley.why in the world is this happening? (i loved the chapter but i wont say it cuz i'm feeling too pissed)

i'm laughing i love you
but seriously i wanted to show optimize the double pov thing. i'm deliberately showing dexter and andy's story as if i'm writing their story as, idk, an antithesis to the way romance is depicted in books??? like, if this was purely hadley's pov, you'll probably end up hating andy. if this was in andy's pov, you'll probably hate "that bitch who broke up with dexter but loves having a hold on him omf i wanna kill her"

You're planning on completely breaking them, aren't you

tbh i feel like i'm fixing them. i mean, don't you think they're completely dysfunctional rn
Liked by: patty emma rose

http://ask.fm/iamsammadison/answers/137968725385 was it too hard to make this? any tips?

it's actually really hard for me! i only just started painting in this style (re: painting faces) yesterday and i suck at it but practice helps a lot!!
excuse the poor inconsistent lighting + awful camera but um:
pic 1: yesterday around 4 pm
pic 2: yesterday around 7 pm
pic 3: yesterday around 10 pm
( lots of attempts in between)

Okay, so I really want Hadley and Dexter to just be happy. Whether that's by themselves, with someone else, with each other… I don't care. I just need them to be okay by the end. (Please.)

h a h a h a h a ;)
Liked by: patty Swarnima

what inspired you to write?

it's actually very difficult for me to pinpoint how i started writing. there was a time when i'd answer, "i started writing when i was 12." i was 12 when i finished my first "novel" (handwritten in 3 notebooks), which were immediately followed by a bunch of other ones.
but then i remembered that i once started writing a story when i was 10. i never got to finish it, but i had a plot and characters and a bunch of stuff planned out for it.
backtracking a little more, i remembered that i used to write short stories when i was 8. i shipped these 2 kids i ride to school with and began writing love stories about them (spoiler alert: they always ended in marriage). i wrote like 7 versions of their story.
i thought that was the end of it, but when i backtracked even further, i remember writing these really, really short ghost stories when i was 7. my brother and i made a bunch of them and even drew creepy figures for the "covers." we called them "urban ghost stories" and even put a volume and issue number on each.
basically, i can't tell you what inspired me to write in the first place simply because even i have no idea.
if you ask me what inspires me to continue writing, i wouldn't know the answer either. really. sometimes i think it's the satisfaction of knowing there are people who will read my work. sometimes it's the mere sense of fulfillment i get when a character comes to life. sometimes it's the fact that i know it's the only thing i'm actually good at. sometimes it's the people i look up to; whose books have taught me lessons no one else in my life could have taught me. maybe it's all of these at once. or maybe it's something else entirely. in which case, i wouldn't know what it is.
just that i /am/ inspired to write. so i will.

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Liked by: patty trish L s h i l o h

did you ahve a story called paperrcut and unfinished sentences? what happened to them?

i took down papercuts bc it needs some reworking. unfinished sentences is on my @/arctic_ account (on wp). it's a collab i'm working on with a friend. i'm in charge of odd numbered chapters while she's supposed to write the even numbered ones. but she's a busy bee so
Liked by: Swarnima patty

so many writers on wattpad are getting published nowadays. but after their books get published, they take it down from wattpad. i dont like it when they do that. how do you feel about it?

fact 1: technically speaking, it's okay for anyone to feel whatever they want about books getting taken down. if you don't like it, i can't change that. but --
fact 2: it's not okay to demand for an author to put it back up just because you're upset. much less harass them for it. because -
fact 3: books fall under intellectual property. writers have the rights to do whatever they want to their work because it's their intellectual property. their work. it's THEIRS and no one or nothing can force them into doing something with their work, unless -
fact 4: they sign a legally binding contract with someone or, say, a publisher, which, in rough terms, lets the publisher "borrow" some of their intellectual property rights. in most cases, these contracts don't just sign off the rights to publish the work (in print or any digital medium), but also the exclusive right to host and distribute a writer's work. hence -
fact 5: some of these contracts legally bind the writers to take down their work from, say, websites like wattpad. as in, they have no choice but to take it down because it's part of the publishing deal. and going back to fact 3, a writer has the right to choose what to do with their work. should they refuse the publishing deal so they can keep the work up on wattpad or do they sign with the publisher and, idk, fulfill their dreams of being a published author plus make money out of their intellectual property?
it's up to them.
go ahead and continue "not liking" it when writers exercise their intellectual property rights. but i sincerely ask you to please understand everything i'd written up there and i hope you understand why writers make the choices they do. :)

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can i get a ranking of my book on wattapad? because it seems my book doesn't have one...

your story gets a ranking depending on the number of votes, comments, reads it gets
Liked by: Miksha Tian


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