

Ask @iamsammadison

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They're from scotland, maybe a legit reason why you've had never heard of them! The Mother We Share is also a good song x

Yeah, I did a background check on them bec they're good (: Thanks for the suggestion haha
Liked by: Fifi

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When I was reading chapter forty and reached the "Now's not the time" part, that constantly reminds me of chvrches' song 'Now is not the time', you should listen to it haha :)

I'm listening to it right now wow why had I never heard of this band before? (They kind of remind me of Daughter for some reason though haha)

Welcome to Ask.fm! I follow you on Wattpad and I LOVE your works! ~~~ THH! <3 <3 <3 You are an amazing Writer/Author! :) Thanks again for writing it! :*

Mercy Grace
Thank youuuu and I'm glad you like them haha. Nah, I'm not that good. I should be the one thanking you for reading :)
Liked by: Mercy Grace

What does camp nano mean?

NaNoWriMo is this thing where writers challenge themselves to write 50 k words for a novel within one month. It usually happens in November, but Camp NaNo gives people who are too busy in November a chance to try it this July (and April, too, earlier this year)


I AM NOT WORTHY. Hahaha right back at you babe ;)

book on wattpad u LOVEDD? other than the once on your reading list

Hmmm Shakespeare Syndrome by janinemimi? It was one of the books I read before I made an account (:

What did u do to make ur story popular? I know this might be annoying but it's really hard to get noticed on wattpad so any advice would be great! xx also ur perfect :)

Hi! During the first two chapters, I used to do these read for reads when the Share Your Story club still existed, but then I basically forgot about wattpad for a few months because of school. When I got back on, I was surprised to find the votes go way up. I think it basically just boils down to luck.
However, I think hanging out in the forums and making friends would help a lot too. :)

Yes! I can understand but please don't ask me to say or type Tagalog words because I will embarrass you guys x) and drop dead diva I watch that show also! Are you all caught up?

That only makes me want to do it mooore! I literally have to restrain myself from doing exactly that. :)) OMG I just started watching it this week (currently on season 2) and why do I keep wishing for her to end up with Fred? Hahaha, I think so? (:
Liked by: trish

Would you rather...(sry about that) Fart popcorn Or have your past and future web browsing history available to everyone?

*Jack Harries in Ask Jack 2* Mindfuckedddd

recommend movies // tv shows? :)

Can I just recommend How to Train Your Dragon 2? Because it's fab and Hiccup is hotter now hahaha
TV Shows, I'm currently watching Drop Dead Diva rn because it's sort of like a feel-good series for me. :))

Sam you're from the Philippines? My dad's from there :D also yay ask!

Omg Trish! Haha is he Filipino? And does he speak Tagalog? ((:
Yesss, I never knew it was actually /this/ fun haha
Liked by: trish

um. what would you like to see more of in wattpad? :)

More positivty, I guess? I mean, well, everyone's already pretty kind, so I guess it's more of I wish to see less negativity? :))

good watty buddies? :)

dropped_diamond, deadlier, benkinersophobia. I'm closest with these 3 baes haha

Do you have any other stories in mind, after the heartbroken heart breaker? ((:

I'll be working on my camp nano story after THH :) And actually, I have, like, 7 stories I want to write haha. I just don't want to start writing them all at once (:
Liked by: Ayesha

:(( well its his loss! haha

Haha I'd like to think so. ;) Lol nah jk. Maybe it wasn't just meant to be. That's all right too (:

SAM! :) hi! i'm so glad you got an ask <3

Omg Noelle! *internally fangirls* haha, I almost didn't want to sign up because it took, like, 10 tries before I got a username that wasn't already taken. (:

do u have a boyfriend?!

Nope. ((: I'm waiting for my own Gus. You know, minus the lighting up like a Christmas tree part.

aww..i am sorry! :( :( sry if the question bothered u! :( so u just like that he just distanced?!

Nah, it's fine hahaha ((: And yeah, we haven't talked in 4 months now. :))

I AM DEFINITELY UP FOR IT!!!!! haha got excited! <3

Long story short. So I met this guy through a friend. He was sweet, cheerful, thoughtful (though his romantic gestures always border on being cheesy). Anyway, after a while, I found out the cheerful persona was more or less a mask because he was still hung up over this (bitch of a) girl.
I didn't like him /in that way/ yet when I convinced him to try to move on. He agreed. And for a while, it was something like me helping him move on and giving him these "assignments."
We became pretty close and stuff. Then one time, after he did the assignment where I asked him to give back all her stuff and a "farewell letter," the girl texted him (after 7 months of not talking to him) and asked him, "When did we break up again? I mean, what date?" And he was back to square one.
So he said he realized he hasn't moved on yet and distanced himself from me with the words "I like you but"
Well, that was longer than I estimated (:

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well..what inspired u to write the heartbroken heart breaker?! and if it is sth that happened would u mind sharing it? <3 :) xoxo.

What inspired me to write it first was... well... Taylor Swift songs on shuffle. (I WAS 14 OKAY) And yeah, the songs just randomly played in an order that actually made sense and the idea was born. :)))
Somewhere in between then and now, though, something DID happen that sparked the rest of the chapters. :)) It's a (semi-)long story. Up for it? :))

yaaaaay I'm the first to ask! So Sam how old r u and where r u from?

I just turned 17 and I'm from the Philippines (:

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