

Ask @iamsammadison

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you're talking to a sun, what can I do to help other than shining like a diamond (which is an understatement btw)

Useless peasant. Hahaha jk i'm currently thinking of pickup lines

I thought of taking up journalism when I started writing- and then realized I can't actually, well, uh, commit myself to writing- anything. and researching frankly. but law is pretty cool. that's great, being able to take up law after! those shows are really gripping once the lawyer gets going

I still feel the same way. (: I'm not that suited for journ. (: I can't even interview people hahahaha.

um. not really much other than creeping on people's pages. I don't have a life :/

I'm crying Sun my battery's dying

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Canned food is horrible! I'm going to lecture her about the evils of canned food one time. / I bet you're laughing because you're happy xD / Isla can never give you children.

Here goes gym-enthusiast, health-freak Ike. ;) NO HAHAHA I ALMOST TRIPPED WHEN I READ IT. I'm 17. Children are the least of my worries.
Liked by: Erin the Bear

*weird perry noise* major monogram: Agent P, dofenschmirtz (his name what even) is up to something again (huh? Lol haha!)

Ferb: ...
Anyway, what about you? What're you up to? (b

yup, I wanna study business law because contracts seem cool- especially looking for loopholes. law isn't that scary- depending on the area you're working on. what degree are you studying for?

I'm taking up journalism (: and considering our school is kind of famous for being liberal and politically-inclined, a lot of journ majors take up law afterwards. Haha I love watching shows with lawyers x) hahaha
Liked by: patty

Tell Erin I think she's a weirdo for that. Nope I don't think I've ever tasted that. Learn how to cook, I want you to feed our future children xD / I'm decent, yet unimpressive. Isla's a pro.

IKR. It's really weird. She'd prefer some sort of canned food over adobo.
Wow. That escalated quickly. I nearly tripped and I'm laughing like a weirdo in the mall.
Isla cooks well? See, this is why I should choose her over you.

how did you know I'm Isabella? and my Kik username is my Wattpad username only am underscore at the end. so phineas, whatcha doin? *bats eyes flirtatiously*

Shopping for clothes. (I love my aunt) Where's Perry?
Liked by: Erin the Bear

I've tasted a few but I don't know the names. One I remember is chicken adobo. Holy crap that tasted heavenly too. <3 / Depends on whether I man up or not xD

Hahaha Erin hates adobo. (: Idk why. What about sinigang? I would offer to cook you some, but apparently, I can manage to burn soup, of all things. x) I have a feeling you're a good cook
Liked by: Erin the Bear

I had to do the dishes, ufhhhhhhhhhh. but ugh can't wait, I'll start now. whatcha doing?

Whatcha doing? Are you Isabela or something? x)

well, when I thought I had no choice to take it, I was going to sign up for it this upcoming year when my counselor said I can take stats and stats is for law too... so I'm going for statistics this year

Ohhh you want to take up law? That's amazing! I kind of want to take it maybe a few years after finishing ny degree, but I'm kind of scared hahaha
Liked by: patty

yes I have Kik! how shall I give it to you?

Give it haha but I probably won't use it since I hate switching apps on mobile x) Hahaha have you started on those #channy fics?
Liked by: patty

I like math, too. but nothing after precal because I don't think I'll ever be able to understand all that

Hahahahaha high five there bb. Haven't you ever considered taking up something else?
Liked by: patty

The food is tempting me... Let me check how much a plane ticket costs xD / Sam do you think I would say hi to you if I saw you?? I would probably smile at you awkwardly before running away and tripping in the process xD

Have you eaten a Filipino dish before? (: Tbh, I'd probably run away first and/or end up not talking to you after saying hi. Hahaha it will be fun. X)

Do you really hate Physics? Or is it your favorite?

I love Physics. In theory hahahahahaha. I love studying concepts, but I'm a failure at solving problems hahaha. Why'd you ask?

I'm just writing one of my stories, but the chapter ended up sadder than what it originally was going to be

That happens to me too. :/ Try the letter thingy (:

Of course you will since it's my birthday and I absolutely have the time to fly to Asia xD Hmm do you want me there? XD

Well, then again, we have an unlimited supply of dried mangoes and halo halo here so...
Why ofc ;) (but tbh, I'd probably be so awkward and dumber in person so kind of not hahahahhaha)

I AM SORRY SAMMY! HOW ABOUT I SPAM (pm) YOU TO DEATH? WOULD THAT MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER? :))) probs won't but lol I'm so lifeless :p

Hahahaha I hardly check wattpad on mobile now so don't pm me there haha do you have kik?

You have no idea where she's taking you? XD Tell her to make a stop at an ice cream place xD

We're going to the mall, I think. (: I'm tagging along with their family bonding time hahahahaha. Will I find you there? x)

Yes :/ But it sucks cos this never happened with me and Saul, and our friendship is the only knowledge about friendship I have

Cmere Moira you sweet thing <3 Try to write a letter or something to unload your feelings. Even if you don't mean to send it.


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