

Ask @iamsammadison

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Stop guessing my roommate's name!!! Your guesses are so far off -_-


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oKAY massacre it is. WOW that's amazing!!!!! You already are an amazing writer so I'm sure you're having fun there :D I am in grade 11 so I have to start application processes after this year's results and tbh it makes me shit bricks. I want to do Actuarial Sciences so I'm gonna have no social life

Hahahaha good luck! :) And duuuude, Journ can't be more different to Creative Writing than it already is. It honestly pains me that I'm not taking up CW instead. Actuarial Sciences omf my mom suggested that and I just stared at her wordlessly before (figuratively) slamming the door on her face. I actually want to enjoy life, thank you very much.

Ohh okay. Sorry, sorry xD Anyway, Sam, I don't want Isla here. No one will be left to talk to me and I'm just starting to relish the feeling of actually being talked to. xD

Hahahaha poor Isla. And you already have your roommate... Charlie (?) to talk to you so.

Okay, I'm having this OP feeling . . . I literally have to watch that. No spoilers

I hate giving out spoilers. Unless it's Erin. I always spoil everything for Erin hahaha

nah, you're pretty rad. the potato is just the step forward.

Sarena ♔
Hahahahaha babe I'm not rad at all. I swear hahaha the potato should get all the credit ;)

What other one? Thanks for spelling it right and acting your age. xD

My actual first name hahahahaha. You should learn from me, really.
Liked by: king

on a scale of one to ten, how much attention does it weigh? :o

Sarena ♔
Is attention weigh-able even hahahaha
It's a sure 11, babe. I think people only talk to me bc of that potato.

And let her see how many people bully me here? I don't think so, Sam.

I refuse to answer that other question hahahaha and I wasn't even talking about that. I meant the other one (:
But Isaac, I spelled your name right. Doesn't that count for something hon
Liked by: king

School started again a week ago... HOW DO U THINK I AM? (hi btw how are you?)

Oh babe. Come here. Let Sam give you a hug and we shall cuddle until you don't feel like murdering everyone around you anymore <-- that's how I feel with school. And I'm about to leave for college tomorrow night (off to a wifi-less place) so how do you think I'm feeling about that?

HAHAHAHAHAHA Hi Lame! I'm Anything. Hello, hi, hello xD

We've had too many reintroductions babe hahaha what's up?

I'll do it later when my sister loses interest in my personal internet life xD

Liked by: king

you're allowed to have one when i do. i'd continue you it, but the potato would be defamed. it needs more attention.

Sarena ♔
It's gotten too much attention actually :))
Liked by: king

Your potato's bikini is just floating there. No straps or anything. That's very provocative.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA it holds up bc my boobs are perky and awesome
Liked by: patty king

oooohhhhhh You're Cool! YEHEY! HAHAHAHA I'm Anything, hi! Hahahahahahahaha

I take it back. My name is Lame.

What the (bleep) would I do without you, Sam?

This reminds me of the song What Would I Do Without You, which I found through HIMYM (yes, this is my way of ordering you to listen to it without actually ordering you)

Okay I just really don't like it when my name is misspelled.

Tbh, I feel your pain. My first name literally gets misspelled every. Single. Time.
Liked by: king


Language: English