

Ask @iamsammadison

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when did you get a ask? how do i not know this?

wait you know me? and here i was stalking you bec of noelle and ayesha and thinking "omg that's a cool person"

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je ne pas comprends what you just said im in a state of shock im not rad at all did u not read my bio you my friend are hella rad DONT BE SHY NO NEVER I DO NOT KNOW WHAT WHY MEANS (clearly) can we be awkward lovers then? i dont do friendships or strings-attached so....


hi im kind of in love with you and fangirling because you read skinny love and liked one of my answers i mean i love you with if you keep this up i will get a heart attack and will lose the heart i love you with um

DUDE /I'M/ FANGIRLING because I've actually been stalking your ask a lot and have been in love with all your innuendos like I can't even but I was too shy to actually approach you bec hello you're rad and I'm just weird and awkward
Liked by: Ayesha

if I tried to edit some pictures for THH, would you mind taking a look at it? ><

omg babe thank you so much for doing that. (where are theyyyyyy)

IKR! When my little sister does it, i get so jealous i think bad things...

OMG let's not even start with little sisters. My 6 year old sister had her first kiss when she was 2. I'm 17 and never been kissed dude. Then on her birthday, she got this teddy bear from her crush which is so adorable i swear she probably gets more action than i do

Its cool though, im fine now. and no they didnt help me up (they're mean) anyway, i learnt that ballet is not ma thang

OMG EDU I ONCE TRIED TO STAND ON TIPTOES not gonna try it again nope just not

Sammy the weirdest thing just happenend, i was trying to do some exercise and i twisted my knee and fell. My classmates are laughing at me and im sprawled on the floor like a hopeless being -_-

Wait oh my goodness that isn't just a weird thing! Are you okay bb what happened and did they not help you up what is this

I'll be taking up BS BAA. :) see you in UPD! Can't wait for tomorrow, still can't believe THH is already ending!

OMG YOU'RE A FREAKING GENIUS you didn't tell me you were a genius.

What is nano?

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and is a worldwide event where writers can challenge themselves to write (usually) 50 000 words for a manuscript within one month. It usually happens in November, but Camp NaNoWriMo is like the summer event (April and July). (:

How do you usually start off a first chapter in a new book?

OMF they're the hardest thing to write. I literally take around 50 scraps before I'm happy with how I'd written it (and until then, I'd still hate it). In any case, a story begins because of the catalyst (the event/person/thing/etc) that changes the main character's normal routine. I read somewhere from an author I idolize (I really don't remember who though--I have bad memory) that (non-verbatim) "I write around 5 pages showing the main character's life, and by the end of the 5th page, the change happens and people are intrigued enough to read on to find out how her normal routine changes"
Personally, I really like how @leigh_ wrote the start of Trapeze (it was perfect oh god just perfect) (:
Liked by: abigail

But the last chapter is cliffhanger tho! :p So, we still have 2 chapters left before the story is completed for real? :)

Technically, a chapter then the epilogue :) (AND NO IT WASN'T A CLIFFHANGER)

You know when you just have random ideas in yoiur head..yeah that. Also, my main story. i even have grade 12 finals and i'm not even studying lol

OMG yessss my brain is constantly trying to make me feel frustrated by coming up with story ideas like everyday. You'll rock those exams even without studying! (yeah, that's what i tell myself every time)

Ahh thank you x. And i think its 3k way behind btw. Its probably gonna stay like that cause i'm procastinating writing another thing

I always procrastinate a lot too haha which one are you working on? :)

After is going to be a movie? I thought it was going to be published. hmmm. Anyhoo, i loved the first chapter of The Possibility of Chance Encounters (yes! I got the name right) its brilliant!

I heard it's both? Being published and going to be a movie, I mean. Awww thank you sooo much, Edu. :) Yours was brill too! How's your word count so far? :D
Liked by: Evil Narcotics

Have you read My Wattpad Love? If you have what do you think of it ?

I've read it before and, well, I ended up finishing it, I guess? It was okay. :)

I really love your writing style, you've got talent gurl. Your metaphors and all the literary devises are simply amazing. Out of curiosity, how old are you?

Aww I'm not really that good but thank you anon that's really, really sweet of you. I'm 17 :)
Liked by: Evil Narcotics

And what is the explanation?

When I don't end with cliffhangers, it takes me forever to come up with a good way to start the next chapter hahaha (but really, they're not cliffhangers!)
Liked by: Evil Narcotics

Do you find joy in having cliffhangers all the time ?

They're /not/ always cliffhangers though? Haha I mean, I end a chapter with a non-cliffhanger and people still claim they /are/. But they're not.
But yes, yes, I do. There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for it though. :))


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