

Ask @iamsammadison

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Tips on writing? :D and how do you come up with AMAZING plots? :(

i don't really consider myself a good writer but here are some tips: http://ask.fm/iamsammadison/answer/123090533769
and my plots are more generic than anything, so i really don't know how to answer that, but plots can literally come out of anywhere. literally. anywhere. like my creative writing professor once said, "the stories are out there. you just have to look for them."
try to come up with something you haven't read before (which is why reading is a necessary part of writing) and don't overthink plots to the point that they become unrealistic (like putting in too many plot twists and adding a very very intricate backstory that connects each character to everyone else). tbh, just try to make any story interesting by making the characters interesting and you're good.

DO YOU HAVE IT ON DVD OR IS IT ONLINE OR (im going to look at it and decide whether or not i wanna stick with boot camp for now xD). YOU GOT THIS.

ashley ♡
it can be viewed on youtube (but not downloaded) but since it always buffers, i downloaded a torrent of it (from kickass, i think)
Liked by: ashley ♡

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I think everyone thinks they're assholes as some point lol. I know I think I am a lot, especially in person. OMG so I found THE dress like in person and I have to go back tomorrow and get it and I'm so excited and I hope they still have it cause it's the last one :3 and I'm just beyond excited

Liked by: king

OOOH THAT SOUNDS FUN I'LL DO IT WITH YOU WE CAN HURT TOGETHERR. i've been doing the boot camp workout with bob xD IM GOOD. JUST CHILLIN.

ashley ♡
"SOUNDS" being the operative word but maybe that's just bc i literally started with, like, 0 fitness hahahahaha
it's been a while since i really just chilled out without having to worry that i have to do something <///3 after this month, i'll be slacking off like crazy hahahaha
Liked by: ashley ♡

Lol I just love like your person if that makes sense? You're just unnecessarily nice for like the most un-selfish reasons. I'm good :) recovering from being sick but I got grad money last night so I'm going to the mall to buy some of my prom makeup

no no no i honestly think i'm an asshole a lot of times hahahaha but omg thank you so much dee <333 and tbh /you're/ one of the kindest persons i know too.
wHAT HAPPENED i hope you recover asap babe and PROM!!!! TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT
Liked by: king

that I am dreaming, but sometimes I actually remember them or I know that I dreamed something, but then I don't remember the dream. get it? xD wbu? Cartoon or Disney?

yES YES. sometimes i wake up from a dream and i remember that i /did/ dream, but come afternoon, i'll forget what the dream was all about. :/ oh and when i sleep, i never know that i'm dreaming. even if i'd suddenly acquired superpowers and i'm in an adventure with 2-dimensional characters, i always ALWAYS think it's real.

How jealous are you, on a scale of 0 (not) to 10 (extremely)?

you mean if i had a boyfriend and said hypothetical boyfriend flirts with hypothetical other girl????
idk around 11, maybe, but i'm the kind of person who hates letting other people know what i feel bc it makes me feel idk weak, so i'd probably show hypothetical boyfriend that i'm not jealous at all like bruh i'm chillin'


ashley ♡
i'm trying to do jillian michaels 30 day shred and everything. hurts.
i've been so insecure about my appearance for years now, and i decided 2015 was going to be the year that'll change that, but mY BODY IS CRYING.
Liked by: ashley ♡ king

Describe your best friend

best /friends/
generally they're all loud and gorgeous and crazy and funny and i can always count on them and they all put up with my shit so they're probably patient (or just really really really crazy) and i always feel like the DUFF (yes, i'm using this bc i just finished reading the book) among us hahaha basically, they're everything i could ever ask for.
(probably not the answer you were looking for but eh)
Liked by: Katie Cruz king

uGH YES. though I just delete everything but the message board posts from my profile and it just looks like a message board xD IM GOOD HOW ARE YOU

ashley ♡
I DO THE SAME unless get lazy hahahahaha I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS ASHLEY
Liked by: ashley ♡

I don't know that song xD, woops. Ahaha xD I will carry a handbag from next year on too, they make you look more mature indeed! :D Pillows eh ;) One pillow xD, how many pillows does a person need... wbu? How do you go to school? cycle, bus, car? or do you walk :O.

ONE PILLOW TOO hahahahaha idk some of my friends have like 6 pillows with them when they sleep i honestly don't know why
i take the jeep (kind of like a mini bus thing where you ride with strangers), the mrt (kind of like the subway here), then within campus (which is kind of large) i walk to my classes in different buildings hahaha. you???
when you're sleeping, do you know you're dreaming or not??
Liked by: Miksha

Hey Sam :D How do you like paint so good? tbh I love your handwriting... hahaha :) How did you come up with TPoCE??? And I just want you to know that I freaking screamed when they met Alyssa and Warren!

hahahaha practice!! i'm really just starting to learn how to paint tbh and i'm not nearly as good as a lot of other people, which is fine with me for now bc i only do it for fun rn.
hahaha trust me, my real handwriting (for my notes and stuff) looks nothing like that.
i came up with the original plotfor tpoce when i was 15. it was generally the same except the main character (female) gets roped into a road trip with her best friend (f) to go to this event (idk a love convention with like concerts and bands and stuff) and then they get separated once they get there and they have no means of communication and the main character gets stuck with a guy also looking for his friend. (tbh idk why i didn't follow this but whatever) and i came up with it after reading nick and norah's infinite playlist and amy and graffiti moon. i kind of got inspired to write a story that occurs in just one night and idk i just wrote it. (tbh, the plot isn't very well thought out hahahaha)

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Post a picture of your favorite sci-fi character!

i just did a workout and i forgot to cool down and now i can't feel my limbs HELP
Liked by: king

Advice for people new to Wattpad? How to come up with unique ideas? How to not rush things?

for people who are new to wattpad, remember to have fun. don't let the numbers (or lack thereof) get to your head. just make friends and read and write what makes you happy.
if you want to come up with unique ideas, you're asking the wrong person (as you can see, all my stories are so horribly cliched). still, don't pressure yourself into looking for that big idea that has never been written before, because, trust me, it probably /had/ been written before. what's important is the way you execute a story. it's your job to come up with something that can make something cliche your /own/. create great characters. bend literary tropes. use a different plot structure. experiment with styles.
the trick to writing good stories is to be aware of the pace you've set for it. if you're going to write a romance story, don't make the characters love each other--let them fall in love. show the readers why and how they fell for each other. convince the readers. make it believable. make it real.

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Liked by: ashley ♡ patty c

oh my gosh I just typed in that touch.wattpad.com thing and I think I just died from happiness xD

ashley ♡
THANK AYESHA I GOT IT FROM HER. see we all miss the status bar!! (and like the neat, uncluttered layout)
Liked by: ashley ♡

im moving to US and ughh it sucks to leave BUT WILL IT BE SOLD???????????

ohhhhhhhhh :o that kind of sounds exciting though??
in the us? i don't think so. you can opt to pay for the shipping fee if you would really want to have a copy though :)
Liked by: ingrid Katie Cruz king

i feel sad that im not here in july :( is the book being released in any other countries anyway? (feeling ko mahal siya in other countries like ughhhhh) and the book sIGNING IM CRYING

Liked by: ingrid

how how how do you do the status? could you screen shot or picture it? :(

just go to touch.wattpad.com/user/yourusername


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