

Ask @iamsammadison

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I dont really know about my friend. All that matters to me is that I liked the new version of THH! :p And I hate ask.fm. I mean I have so many things to ask but I just get to write 300 letters. Like seriously.. 300 'letters' only?

thank you so much :) the new version was never aimed for the rereaders, tbh. i actually put it up for the new readers and i'm so glad some people still like it (:
Liked by: Zeba Farzana patty

i want 2 get into my top uni choice (this remains undecided) and get my degree in medical science and then do an internship somewhere??! also have side plans to learn animation and become a storyboard artist as a side job idk. im still fifteen sAM WTF LIFE IS SO HARD

now that i got a full night's sleep i think my brain cleared up a lot and if anything, i might want to teach creative writing/literature in my current uni when i'm older while i write as a side job hahahahaha though i also really really want to be an editor :/

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It's actually really cool it's just my teacher makes me angry sometimes lol. But it's really cool. We learn about psychological disorders, the subconscious, perception and illusions, nature vs. nurture. It's really interesting it's just hard to juggle with all my classes

i'm planning to take a psych elective after i take around maybe 4 or so creative writing electives ((:
Liked by: king

no offense but you're an idiot if you think that it won't ever happen. Like that's so impossible with you. I'm lying in bed in pain and dread (haha that rhymed). My psychology teacher game me hw over spring break -.-

HAHAHAHAHA maybe if i actually make an effort to meet people. which i don't x)
Liked by: patty king

It's going to freaking happen okay stop fighting me on it. Either in America or the Philippines or wherever but it will so stop it

HAHAHAHA idk i'm fine with it not happening either way hahahaha
ALSO HOW HAVE YOU BEEN FOR REAL THOUGH HAHAHAHA (it feels weird to ask this now when we've been talking to each other for hours hahahaha)
Liked by: patty king

i have so much figured out but like???? nothing ever goes according to plan. so all i can do is try my best u feel fille

I'M SO JEALOUS i can't even imagine myself 10 years from now. i don't have the slightest idea at all and that sucks but i'll just grin and bear it and hope i'll figure things out along the way hahaha
Liked by: chloe

cause we're besties ((;;; and you totally will so don't worry babe

that winky face though.
HAHAHAHAH doesn't seem likely, considering i never go out lol
Liked by: king

pro tip: try to think back on why you chose journalism. think about every aspect of it that made you want to choose it. if all those aspects are still appealing, go 4 it. if not, switch yr field bc you'd rather want to spend your life doing something that u like than be stuck over something u don't

THERE'S NOTHING HAHAHAHAHA but... just 2 more years right ugh idk i'm so stuck between wanting to be practical and wanting to do... more.

LOL is it that fun???

once in a while :))) trust me i suck at it too but i don't hate it and that says a lot hahahahahahah
Liked by: king

Wow thanks for that how sweet of you :P Okay I'll talk to you in a few hours, hopefully when I'm not sleepy :P

don't you just love me? haha seriously though have fun! :))
okay see you (don't drop the ball) (or okay drop it. that way, you have an anecdote for me hahahahah)
Liked by: s h i l o h

Please don't say my roommate because I'd rather mate with a shark. / And I only like you because of that potato portrait haha xD Why do you want to be her? Planning on earning money to go to Namibia as well? xD

nope, not your roommate but that's for me to know and you to find out ;)
lbr you like me for a lot of things (remember our rendezvouz in that nipa hut with the halo halo and stuff) (wait i don't remember the details anymore hahahaha)
hhahahahaha not necessarily but i just think she's so... idk. the way you talk about her, she always seems so confident and sure of what she's doing and i admire her a lot for that hahahahaha

I need brunch soon and I'm going bowling with Rog and Andy after so if you're religious at all please pray for me because I suck at bowling and Andy's freakishly athletic father is coming with us xD

if i'm praying for anything, it's for you to drop the ball on your toes or something HAHAHAHA
(and god i miss bowling)
Liked by: king

We had too many conversations about the butterknife. Remind me which one? xD / Pretty sure I can handle you because I went running yesterday hahahahahahah

you probably wouldn't want to reveal that one in public
well, i worked out for, like, a month (.............. well, i stopped, but still HAHAHA)

You would ship it but? xD / What do I tell you? Haha. Yes, she's very talented and I'm not just saying that because she made a portrait of me. xD Basically she presented her work and sold some of it so she could fund her Namibia trip as it turns out

but i sort of ship you with someone else tbh ;)
you are totally just saying that because she made a portrait of you. (HEY I MADE A (POTATO) PORTRAIT OF YOU TOO THOUGH). and wow #lifegoals seriously tell her i want to be her, if that is even possible at all

KIK SUCKS ASS once u try imessage tbh bUT ok how are u how is everything how

I'VE BEEN QUESTIONING MY WRITING AND MY LIFE GOALS A LOT LATELY. also thinking of quitting wp (but i can't). oh, and i'm also finding that i'm completely utterly unenthusiastic about journalism and ugh i want to shift but i don't want to waste money lol

Oh please. Like the butter knife ever had any effect on me. :P

why is this bringing back a distant memory of a convo we once had about the butter knife
also i took up aikido, so there's that.

When: december / What, where, why, how: Isla's art exhibition / Who: hahah you don't need to know the name. Besides nothing much happened. We just looked back to that painful memory and then agreed that it was very nice to meet each other properly xD

i would ship it, but...
Liked by: patty

GREAT IM GREAT sam do u have imessage bc kik is shitty

I USE ANDROID I'M SO SORRY????????? (wow i remember almost exactly a year ago, people were actually bugging me to get kik hahahahahah)

I will actually hunt you down and do something unspeakable if that's true at all

hah i have my butter knife to protect myself from people like you :P

I'll get back to it when I have something xD / And I h8 u. I'll have you know that I actually met her and get this: learned her name during winter break xD

i'm looking forward to it hahahah


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