

Ask @iamsammadison

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I'm sure you'll get back into writing soon. :) How's the studying going? What are you studying?

i'm down to 5 more essays to study (YAY) but i don't have copies of them (um) and my exam's tomorrow lol. communication and media theories :)) it's actually really interesting to read about semiotics and marxist media theories tbh, so i didn't really find studying as too much of a drag :)
also i saw your question about stolen by lucy christopher. i haven't read it (and i have mixed, initial feelings for it) haha have you???
Liked by: king

How are you?? Im currently like i the verge of my own tears bc this summer heat is killing me, do you feel?

THE SUMMER HEAT IS SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF ME. and the worst part is that it's summer and i still have classes bc of that stupid acad calendar shift??????

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That sounds horrible. Uhh good luck? :) / Really sorry but I think my eyes are about to give up on me. xD

it's fine. i should be studying anyway hahaha

Could you summarize the old version of THH, I always see comments about it and I've just been wondering how it was like since THH now is so amazing

the general story remained the same, as all the changes were done in the micro level of the story--meaning i rearranged, removed, rewrote and replaced some of the scenes)
generally, the old version of thh was very immature and childish in terms of writing and character. kyla's narration was cringe-worthy and her actions were even more cringe-worthy. the dialogue tries too hard and didn't seem realistic at all.

Pissed that you woke up late? xD

ah no hahaha pissed that i woke up to find out my brothers left without waking me up (i was supposed to go with them). they're going to this event and i told my friends i'd go but they left?????????? wtf????
also my aunt just sent me a message asking me to bring a lot of shit for her and now i'll have to travel with all aforementioned shit when she could have easily brought all that stuff on her own USING THEIR CAR. do they not realize how fucked up our public transport system is dskfhsdfhsdjk idk

Although I'm not done THH. I can't possibly thank you enough for writing this book. I'm actually really emotionally attached to this book and I just can't because I feel like my heart's breaking into pieces because every chapter I finish I'm inching towards the end. And I just love it, thank you

hi! don't thank me. :) if anything, i should be the one thanking you for reading it in the first place. i'm honestly so flattered that you like it, and i hope you enjoy the rest :) thank you so much!
Liked by: patty

DEFINITELY. Only...I'm studying the rest of time...or at least TRYING to. What about you? Any assignments this week?


SAM! HI! It's okay writing's not working out for you rn. Same here. I can't get past writing "a", "the," "he" "she"... And the rest of the time spent staring at the screen blankly and contemplating where my life is going in 10 days...

SAME :( i mean, i try, but every day, i only get to write, like, a two or three sentences before running out of words to say. IT'S FINE BABE LET'S TAKE A BREAK MAYBE???

Okay. I mean, dont get me wrong I just cant handle death dort of endings. I cry for eternity. My emotional tolerance is pretty low. Lol, like when the authors think that "living in each other hearts" is good...it's not. In all the books i've planned...i'll never do that. Ever. I'll kill myself firs

eh hahahahaha

OMG I so agree with the whole "the breakfast club" is overrated thing! I was hugely disappointed! They had interesting characters but most of it was just unrealistically done and tbh I wanted to like it but I just...couldn't.

Liked by: isabela king

But essentially you're going me to make me cry with ugly tears with those notes, arent you? Because there's no way he'll survive by some miracle. Given how in 2005 not that many miracles were possible. :'(

have you read thh before? (because the answer to whether or not he lives is sort of there)
in any case, nope. since the notes are pretty much progressing backwards, as the book progresses, we'll be seeing more of his life /before/ he gets sick.
Liked by: king

Please tell me Charlie survives somehow. I KILL FOR HAPPY ENDINGS SAM!!! I'm not even joking. Not even a little. I love you. Please dont make me hate you.

of points and tangents will definitely have a happy "ending." it's basically the main concept i'm playing with for the story (and its structure)
Liked by: patty king

How do you come up with a pen name?

read a book by, i dunno, meg cabot (???) like, say, all american girl, and use the main character's name. best pen name ever.
(no seriously this is what i did with mine hahahaha)
(just choose whatever feels right for you)
Liked by: patty king

I dont get OF POINTS AND TANGENTS. I mean, the notes are his BEFORE life? The "treatments" he isnt responding to. Or are they basically AFTER he meets rachel. Meaning he...dies?

i apologize for the confusion (though all this was explained in the author's notes?)
the odd numbered chapters start from his life as a college student when he was 19, back in the year 1989.
the even numbered chapters (the "notes) are from his life sixteen years into the future in the year 2005, and if you pay attention to the dates, you'll notice that the notes are presented backwards from most recent (the prologue starts at august 4, 2005, the 2nd chapter is dated july 26, 2005, the 4th chapter is dated july 4, 2005) (so basically by the time he wrote the prologue and the 2nd chapter, his health had already deteriorated) (which means that if he /does/ get worse and dies in the future, you wouldn't know because we're heading backwards towards his past)
Liked by: patty king

Hi! Why do u think the breakfast club is an overrated movie? :)

it mostly has something to do with the fact that everyone always makes such a big deal out of it, so when i watched it, my expectations were really, really high, and once i watched it, it just didn't meet those expectations.
for starters, i just want to say that i like the idea (the whole kids from different cliques getting stuck together in detention), i just don't like how the plot was executed.
anyway, here goes.
- the movie attempts to highlight the fact that they become friends at the end of the day, but we don't really get to see the connections between them grow. yes, they throw out a lot of their secrets to each other, but they go from friendly to mean to assholey to friendly (and repeat) so many times over the course of the movie that, to be honest, i didn't really feel like they became friends at all to the point that i was surprised when the movie ended and i was still feeling like what???????? they're friends???????????????? seriously how why they're all so mean to each other??????????
- ah right. bender's an asshole. i get the whole idea of him having a rough background and stuff but honestly i just didn't like him. at all. AT ALL. i can't think of a teen flick character i hate more than i hate bender.
- that blonde guy (i forgot his name sorry hahahah) liked allison /after/ the whole makeover thing. what does this say about "love"? like, i would have been okay with this if the movie showed us that he was already feeling something for her before the makeover, but we didn't really get much of that feeling throughout the movie.
- why did allison have to "change" in the first place? like doesn't this just mean that the movie reinforces the idea of society's conventional standards of beauty?
- okay, so they become "friends" (assuming that i was sold on this in the first place, which, for the record, i'm really not), they go through shit, they appreciate each other more blah blah blah but then they ask that nerdy kid to write their essays. i don't have anything against the whole "one paper for the five of them" thing, but i do have a problem with them letting that kid (i forgot his name too lol) write the paper /without/ helping him at least just a little bit by giving him ideas or just fucking sitting with him as he writes the paper. but no. at the end of the day, the "friendship" the movie shows us only extends to this illusion of "oneness", which doesn't really exist. (also, it tells us that it's okay to let the smart, nerdy kid do all the work because, you know, they're such "good friends")
- once again, bender's an asshole. well, okay, what i really meant to say is that the romance between bender and claire is so ??? this is like fifty shades of grey without the bdsm where this innocent somewhat naive virgin falls in love with the asshole-ish domineering guy who can't quite stop himself from insulting everyone around him, and there's honestly no real connection between them (or the other characters, for that matter)

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I'm good! How are you? And writing is going great :) been such in a writing kick and I'm loving it. Been neglecting my reading though. How's your writing going?? And you're so lovely, both as a person and a writer so who wouldn't want to be better friends??

i'm so jealous of you :(( i'm still sort of struggling with writing lately. idk why but for the meantime, i decided i might as well focus on studying for now hahaha YOU'RE TOO SWEET
Liked by: king

Thoughts on Ed Sheeran?

well i am in love with his voice and i respect him as an artist, but i'm really not the fangirl-y kind of girl. i love songs, not singers. so yeah i love some of his songs (i flat out hate listening to some of them) but i haven't really seen much of ed sheeran as a person (and not as a singer) for me to have "thoughts" on him hahahaha


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