

Ask @iamsammadison

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oh hahah. that's cool. how've you been, sam?

i'm okay! trying to do as much writing as possible before the hell weeks really start to kick in :) you?
Liked by: akanksha

well thanks ;). by the way, do you take reading requests?

at the moment, not really. i haven't even caught up with the stories i've been meaning to read since like a year ago lol
Liked by: Aashi☘ akanksha

What sport do you like watching but hate playing?

i literally don't watch sports. unless you count e-sports. but i love watching /and/ playing those, so it still wouldn't count lol
Liked by: akanksha king

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aww, i was talking about your uni. i'm going through something similar, but different. like i've joined a professional course where after 5 five years of slogging and an intermediate test, only 3000 people pass in 1st attempt from on national level. i know, but just days back i realized, anyone [1]

can do anything, be anything, but the most important thing you've to be is you. because if you're not you, then there's no meaning is accomplishments/failures. we won't feel them, and would stock them in our lockers. i just, took a long time of course, to realize that, life is yours and you've [2]
only you've got the gist of it. like, just be you, and, idk how to like put it forward but, don't freeze, hang in there. in ten years, nothing from your past is going to prod you anyways. hahah, so yeah. and as for your writing, dude that smokes, okay? <3 hang in there! (if i seem to come too [3]
personal, i apologize. i couldn't hold back when it's obviously plaguing you, and believe me, i'm not any stalker, but i just, like put my two cents forward to help beautiful (inside out) people like you. honestly xo) [4]
* * * * *
no literally i'm so grateful for this. i'm used to not exerting effort and excelling anyway. i'm proud of being that way, tbh, but after a while i realized it's this that made me fear working hard, bc i'm afraid that i may work hard and put lots of effort into something only to find out that my work is only sub-par.
so, i'd rather procrastinate and do something at the last minute, so in case i get a bad grade, i only think "well, can't help it. i only wrote it the night before." i don't think my self-esteem can survive the blow of getting a bad grade on a paper i worked 2 weeks on, so... i procrastinate.
guess i'm just used to being the one who doesn't screw up, and i'm still finding ways to accept the fact that my brother (despite all his bad grades and stuff) managed to graduate on time, while i'm the one who's getting delayed.
the whole telling-my-mom-about-it is scaring the crap out of me too.
but honestly. thank you so, so, so much! :)

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Liked by: ry Aashi☘ akanksha king

hey sam!! i love your work, but i was wondering if there is any reason you don't have lgbt characters in your stories?

hi there! the only reason why i haven't had any lgbt main character is because i'm hella scared of misrepresenting them and getting them all wrong. i haven't yet reached that level of understanding where i'm confident enough to write about lgbt relationships.
just to contextualize, i live in a country where majority of the people are christian. i grew up thinking gays = bad ew no because that kind of thinking has been normalized here. sadly enough, i didn't get get to accept the lgbt community until i got into college and became more critical about a lot of things (lol i even ended up as a student activist, which back then where also "bad ew no" to me).
similarly, i haven't encountered much lgbt literature either up until then. then i fell in love with david levithan, and the song of achilles, and tbh majority of the lgbt lit i read is mostly from wp (bc people on wp are woke af).
it's a new genre i've yet to explore, and as noelle had said a while back, writers write what they know.
still, this is something i've been trying to address in little ways for now.
- in the thh rewrite, i decided to make one of the side characters gay (which i know isn't a lot, considering there was so much focus on the main characters that side characters didn't really get the light of the day--ugh. i know. sorry)
- in windfall, one of charlie's roommates is gay (and i'm reading up on how it was like to be gay in 1989 so i can insert it somehow)
- spoiler alert: sarah (from thh) is gay. i just haven't had the chance to write about this yet.
- i actually have this collaborative story (with @kodieisafreak) all planned out, but we're both so busy we had to shelve it for now, which revolves a lot around lgbt themes.
i hope that clears things up. i'm very much looking forward to the day i'll write about an lgbt main character. (who knows, she might even be based on myself lolololol yes, atm, when people ask me if i'm gay or bi, i say "idk yet" so)

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sam, just wanted to say that i think you're such an amazing person <3 I hope you're having a good day! (also, i've read thh about a year ago AND I WAS A SOBBING MESS bec of the perfection? i just...)

hi nevada!! well i skipped school and instead spent the day writing so i'm good hahahahahaahahahaha but thank you for reading thh and psh no it's not perfect at all.

relax sam. i'm sure you'll do great. and if not, that's okay too. i mean, don't underestimate yourself. just use your magic and in the long run, you'll be fine. take a deep breathe, feel the air rushing in and out and pat your shoulder and pinch yourself, you're there. that's what matters :)

this is legit so sweet. i'm not sure if you're talking about my writing or uni but whichever it is, thank you all the same. (the world needs more people like you)

you gotta shower me with motivation and vice versa

i second this motion (i'm needing some rn bc i have an assignment for tomorrow and here i am writing something else hahahaahahaha)
Liked by: nevada Aashi☘ sev

Sam!! I just read Seth's pov(I'm so late but exams!) and I can't tell you how much I love it! Your writing is flawless and the way you have written it really makes me feel every single emotion of his, so thank you so much for that lovely chapter and I can't wait to read more!

aku!! hope your exams went well babe. aaaand thank you for reading it. i'm glad you liked it :)
Liked by: nevada akanksha king

hahah i would, but i don't ... have ... one ...

too bad. please leave my ask at once.
(lol jk but seriously you don't really have to do anything special to befriend me)
Liked by: akanksha king

Actualy i meant where did you post that chapter of seth pov

i made an announcement on my profile (do people ever read those????) it's posted under la vie en rose
Liked by: akanksha

Go for what you're passionate about! Even if you feel like you owe your readers something, write something YOU love, because it will be the best thing you've written if you put your all into it & don't feel like you're required to do it. I just wanted to drop by & say that bc you're awesome love. ♥

thank you for this! :)
Liked by: rylexcrisha akanksha

I think there are many people like me out there who'd read anything written by you :P when will you be posting the new story? Just read the synopsis, looks brilliant. Xx

Goddess Abhi
aww thank you abhi! if i finish writing at least chapter 2 this week, i'll be putting it up on friday. (i'm so excited patty had to restrain me from posting, like, last saturday hahaha)


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