

Ask @iamsammadison

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I am 10000% thinking you're kierra97 because (no offense but) when I read her story's summary it sounds like you writing it. The chapter's names were nearly the same as yours and she's awkward when she wrote her “about me” section.


You cruel cruel child hahahaa / omg yes what the anon said, you should get kik if you don't have it already

"child" how old are you anyway
i'm taking it slowly. getting ask was a big step for me man you know what i mean? x)

kik is a messenger using usernames. a lot of wattpadians have it

so i heard :))) is it an app or something (i told you i'm a shame to all teenagers) (i mean, i recently just learned how to download gifs like wtf)

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Ok, idk if you knew so I'm telling you this. I suppose this fan of yours had posted a screenshot of you maybe thanking her for commenting and all on your works on Instagram. And plus, I've so many Sam Madison quotes, it's crazy! How much do your fans mean to you? Would you talk to every single one?

Omg I am still in the part of the internet where instagram is a foreign land to me and I can't believe someone's doing that. *cries in happiness* all my quotes are crap how does that even *bursts into more tears*
How much do they mean to me? The limit does not exist. It literally doesn't.
I think I would. I mean, I may not be able to individually seek them out, but when anyone messages, I reply to them and actually have these weird conversations with them :))
Liked by: Evil Narcotics

Okay, okay, (This, I know you wont /do/ or /say/ but) You will secretly tell the winner your other acc

what up guys is this a good idea NO OF COURSE IT ISN'T. there's a reason i've kept it a secret. it still haunts my dream
Liked by: Ayesha

Am not joking! A M&G will be a great gift! I mean, If traffic doesn't exist in the Philippines I would be at your place in less than an hour!

I SWEAR HAHAHA i'm just so awkward it won't be fun at all you'll just think "dude this was a waste of time"

the username kierra97 is probably cuz she was born in 1997. And that means she's 17. And she's an amazing writer as well. And she has disappeared so idk maybe it is you haha

well, holmes...
Liked by: Ayesha

i agree with the anon. why ARE you so sexy? care to share?


If you weren't a writer, what'd you choose to be? (Though I'm entirely sure whatever it is, you'd excel.)

a full-time stalker, maybe? well okay idk :)))) i mean, even as a writer, i do a lot of things.

If you hadn't found Wattpad and maybe not gotten the chance to put up your works, what'd you have done? Would you have given up on writing? Do you actually want to be a writer when there's so many people out there, just waiting to criticize you? I mean you're awesome and all but yet.

I wouldn't know. I might have, idk, excelled at dancing since I got nothing better to do or something. But before finding wattpad, I had quizilla and wordpress and I've been handwriting stories (16 notebooks!!!) even before those.
Either way, I'm taking up journalism (my first legit writing experience only happened because I got recruited to our school paper during grade school so it wasn't even creative writing at first) so I'm technically bound to be a writer.
Criticism is existent everyfuckingwhere. I'm positive even my eating habits could be criticized or whatever. And honestly, you know what made me continue writing? My mom once told me, 7 years ago, these exact words:
"I don't expect you to excel in something you can't accomplish." (talking about writing, a week after being recruited to the school paper) <-- DUDE, IF YOUR MOM TELLS YOU THIS, YOU'RE LITERALLY FUCKED BECAUSE THE HARSHEST CRITICISM EVER COULD COME FROM THE PERSON WHO'S JOB DESCRIPTION IS TO SUPPORT YOU but because of these words, I got pissed and tried to be better and ended up being EIC of our school paper 4 years later in my HS. This piece of criticism was what probably led me to continue writing anyway.

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Liked by: Evil Narcotics

True, true, hmmm, how about... A MEET AND GREET! OMFG! But what will I say?

A MEET AND GREET HAHAHAHA you're joking right? i can't even make post a pic of my self hahaha
Liked by: Ayesha

I want to know what'd you think about the Battle of The Fandoms. I mean, I was just going through Twitter and it was trending and there's just so much hate going around! Directioners vs. Swifties (that ones big!) so what'd you think of crazy Fandoms? I mean most of them don't even care!

honestly irdc hahaha what even is the battle of the fandoms? i mean, if you like something, okay, no need to hate on another thing. and if you /do/ hate it, no need to express it. i just don't see the point of blatantly expressing hate when you can just move on and not care hahaha (i think i'll make a good hippie going for world peace man)
Liked by: Evil Narcotics

Meh i'm having cramps but my dad making me go to church anyways (i'll probably sleep or go somewhere and cry)


actuaaallly, I can dance hahaha. I used to take dance in school but I dropped it and picked up I.T. since I didn't have time to go on dance tours. but yes, I do have weird and crazy happy dances :D / i am almost sure you're kierra97 btw

omf you're a dancer haha i'm so talentless it's embarrassing. "dance tours" omg hahahahaha why is that?

Ok, I've been going through some works. You might have noticed that there are 2 types of writers : one that reply to comments, thank for votes and follows etc and then there are ones who are just downright snobbish. What'd you think about that?

I'm both type, actually hahaha. I try to reply each PM and post on my MB but when it comes to comments on THH, I can't virtually reply to them all so I just scroll through the comments and I've made friends over the people I PMed for reading it (usually those who frequently comment or just idk). But when it comes to my new book, I reply to the comments and thank them for reading since it's easier to manage and it's not unrealistic to reply to them all. in any case, I don't know what I'm supposed to think about this. I admire people who take the time to thank everyone reading their work, but I really can't blame the others (and they're probably not snobbish, I swear, they just come off like that) if doing so is virtually impossible. :/

Maybe a follow and a dedication will be a great prize!

that seems too insubstantial haha who tf cares about a dedication and a follow from me amirite
Liked by: Ayesha

Ok, tbh, I absolutely HATED reading TFIOS. I mean, I personally couldn't get through the first chapter. He just doesn't exactly click like J.K. Rowling and some others do. Though I like his quotes, I don't find his writing that good as so they're praised. I'd prefer reading you rather than him.

Lmao that's all right too. It all boils down to preference anyway, since I was absolutely hooked after the first few chapters. I found the quick wit and easy rapport between the characters amusing so I always thought the beginning of tfios was all right. And no two authors can ever be similar, so it's kind of unfair to compare a writer to another. :) If you didn't like it, no need to express blatant hatred for it. And aww that's sweet but really, I'm not that good at all hahaha
Liked by: Evil Narcotics

hahahaa see now everyone wants to know your old account

omf i never should have mentioned it i was just so psyched about it hahahaha
Liked by: Ayesha


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