

Ask @iamsammadison

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Babe, I'm going to sleep and when I return from my trip you won't be here and that breaks my heart but I will always remember your potato self <3 Have a wonderful time in college!!!!! #samzeshanne 5everandalways!! WE WILL MISS YOU AND WE LOVE YOU AND WE HOPE TO SEE THAT SEXY BIKINI SOON <3

Liked by: Ayesha

I'm so touched right now, Sam. xD Google is your best friend? My, your even more pathetic than I am jk. xD Isaac is a biblical character if you must know. But I'm not really that religious, a teacher just told me when I was in kindergarten xD

you'll be even more touched by the last question i answered.
just bc i said google is my best friend, it doesn't mean i don't have other best friends, smartass.
and yeah, i actually know isaac from the bible (and not john green haha) but i thought you meant you have some sort of dramatic history with your name or something :)))

Stop denying you have the hots for me jk. xD Well I actually want to make friends, i'm just awkward xD My best friends are actually cool people, they just have a bit of a nerdiness in them so we get along well. But if there's more than just the 3 of us, I suddenly feel so out of place. xD

ah. i really am busted. is there no other way to hide my undying love for the creepy guy on ask who i have never seen and who also happened to be someone i'd known for merely less than 24 hours? dear me.
socially awkward people are the best though. (i'm one, so that speaks enough for itself hahahaha). and fuck, i feel the same way. when i'm with my close friends, it's all right, but when there are others, and i'm not that close to them, i feel like i don't belong too

If framing it helps you sleep at night then by all means :p Haha I was just checking xD I would've googled it. Also my name is very sacred if you must know xD

i'm framing your misspelled repetitive so yes, it will help me sleep at night, thank you very much.
google is my best friend as well hahaha i never would have gotten through all my classes without google. and why, isaac, who is not blind nor fake, is that?

Why? Are you checking if you fit my criteria? xD Well I really like smart and funny girls, and it just puts me off if they're not hygienic. For a single guy, I'm so choosy. I highly doubt college girls will ever get to see me since I plan on living the whole of my college life with earphones.

ah, busted.
woe is me.
(no you bigheaded arse i was just curious)
there's nothing wrong with being choosy hahaha i'm just as choosy when it comes to guys haha. and are you really antisocial, or just really awkward? haha i'm a bit of both, and i thought i wouldn't make friends in uni, but i was wrong haha
Liked by: Erin the Bear

Shit, I misspelled repetitive -_- That was a compliment, accept it and stop reminding me I said it. :p Hahahaha I'm not cool. Not even in the world of dorks. Yesssss I think that's the post she was talking about? (Something tells me you googled it.)

i will screenshot it. print it. frame it. i will never stop reminding you. i'll send you a framed copy as well. (hey, you want an autograph with that?) ;) i'm kidding hahahaha
noooo i didn't google it. :)) i saw it before, around the time tangled was released. why must you doubt me?

I probably shouldn't ask her out since I'm moving states anyway xD This might seem odd but I'm actually particular about girls so I don't really ask a lot of them out.

not for good though :P and okay, there'll be a lot of college girls waiting for you anyway ;)
what kind of girls do you like then? haha

Your words don't seem repetetive to me. :) 9gag is very unreliable. She said she read it off a website? I can't tell you the whole story because there's a word limit xD No, I'm not bitter. I know my place in this world and that is not with the cool people. xD I'm fine staying quiet

hold up--is that a subtle compliment right there? aww :')
the website is probably not that reliable either haha isn't there something about rapunzel showing up in tangled, and the shipwreck being the one from little mermaid or something? (and i see you still haven't come to good terms with the word limit hahahaha)
there aren't "cool" people tbh. you're pretty cool yourself, in your own way. and high five babe i tend to stay quiet irl too haha

That's a lot of 'hahaha's. xD I have the same password to everything because I can be pretty forgetful. My mom once commented on my facebook status saying 'your aunt says she has a very bright neighbor that's your age. maybe you should ask her out.' and so I deactivated my fb for a while xD

OH MY GOSH HAHA YOUR MOM IS AWESOME. and i agree with her, maybe you should ask her out. :P and i have the same password for everything except facebook bc i wasn't the one who made my account um.
plot twist: neighbor is ice cream girl.
Liked by: Erin the Bear


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