

Ask @iamsammadison

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Sarena ♔
"baseball is just hitting the ball." with my face, probably hahahahahaha.
also i'm average height and honestly my problem lies with the dribbling and the passing and the shooting and yeah pretty much everything HAHAHAHA
Liked by: Sarena ♔

You already ruined it when you told me Cedric died, remember? -_- / I wrote a presidential speech when I was 8 years old and I still reread it sometimes. Haha. You have to be somehow proud. :p/ A little Kanye West there too, I see. Hahahaha xD

think john green hahahaha (i apologize for being so cliche)
HAHAHA was that for a class or what bc honestly if you wrote it for the heck of it i find it seriously cute hahahaha

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if you had to play any sport in particular, which one would you want to try?? man, i can't do dodgeball or baseball to save my life. i'm more of a hit-it-throw-it-pass-it-don't-die kind of girl xD i'm glad you've got through most of your word pieces!

Sarena ♔
BASKETBALL I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO LEARN BASKETBALL. i don't think i'd do well with baseball bc my hand-eye coordination is shit hahahaha
Liked by: a n g i e Sarena ♔

YES I AGREE THE ROSE SOCIETY IS GOING TO BE FAB. and i'm nanoing because i have written nothing in the past six days. #yolo

good luck ish!!!!

How does he die though? / Hey, that's unfair! Maybe 13 year-olds can feel true love too. xD (Wow. JK Rowling AND Stephenie Meyer? Aren't you a gem)

and i thought you were against me spoiling the story for you?
BUT YOU MUST UNDERSTAND i don't even know how i wrote those stories like i can't even make myself reread them hahahaha
(really it's time someone recognizes me for the genius that i am) ;)

I would have responded properly to everything you've just said but I'm just too upset you killed off Cedric. / Would it be weird? If you say so, but when you said "dark days" I sort of imagined you writing very horrific stories about murder, which wouldn't be surprising because of your butterknife.

everyone hated cedric at first though like everyone pretty much said "fuck off and go die" whenever he popped up. (which was really funny bc by the time they reached the latter part of the story they were feeling guilty hahahaha)
well no they were... how do i say this? "true love" from the perspective of an optimistic 13 yo. (though i did write a vampire story once................... not gonna happen again)
Liked by: s h i l o h

I'm actually laughing, xD / I feel a little uncomfortable so maybe I'm just going to slowly let this bit of our conversation die.

well i don't know what to say to that
Liked by: s h i l o h king

Wait, are you serious? I could send you the link but I think you can look it up yourself. I don't see the point though if you already killed off Cedric. (also, why don't you set one that takes place in your country?)/ Don't worry, it's not like Tiffany would actually find out. Haha xD

yeah that's pretty much what i do though i do ask patty every now and then because it's kind of different when you have an actual idk account of how things work (????) (don't mind me hahahah)
ah because it would be weird to write a story set in the philippines if i'm using english as a medium hahaha. i have written a few filipino/tagalog stories before, but i honestly think of that period as my dark days or something hahahahaha
Liked by: s h i l o h king

The thought of it being Christmas AND having a Sherlock special is enough to keep me going. You go do your murder thing though. I'm sure your butterknife is still lying somewhere. / I'm hurt that my xDs annoy you. But screw you xD xD xD xD xD

well that /does/ make the wait slightly bearable. :))
ah well yes but that butter knife is reserved especially for you ikey ;)
now you're just trying to catch my attention ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Liked by: king

Said boss is very old and can barely walk. Just my type. Haha. I'm horrible.xD/ My break was about a week long (excluding easter). I could send you the school calendar if you're very interested to know xD/ Isla's great and Tristan is Tristan.Should Tiffany be offended that you don't remember her?xD

see i knew you were the one with the fetish here ikey. ;)
would it be weird if i said that yes, i /am/ interested bc i sort of really have no idea how college works in the us, which poses a problem bc my stories are more or less set there?
OMG TIFFANY. um i have no excuse other than i'm pretty much a forgetful asshole. (i knew i should have just said "how's everyone else" or something)
Liked by: s h i l o h king

I have no idea when it's coming out but I'm desperately in need of a preview at least. I heard they're having a christmas special? (Whatever, you have to endure my xDs again. xD xD xD)

ikey do you realize how many months there are left before christmas? by then, i'd have murdered somebody already hahahaha
the xDs still annoy me but i did sort of miss them ;)
Liked by: king

I think I'm reserving judgment for now and then I can decide what I think of it when I read the rest of it./ Because I have a female boss and I need an excuse to talk to her. Jk. I'm not doing it for the money. Just for the experience. Of doing inventory at a grocery store but still. Experience. xD

at a grocery store.
yep, you definitely did it for the female boss ;)
seriously though how long is spring break there anyway? and how are isla and tristan? :))
Liked by: king

That prologue was very nice, cut yourself some slack. :P Also, you can't tell me what to do. I'm reading it cuz I want to./ Unadventurous as in I spent Spring Break working and barely earning any money xD/ I'm honestly very, very happy you chose to watch it. :) (lose the winky please)

thank you :)) though the prologue is just part of it. the rest is blech hahahaha
I'M NOT. well, i am, but i'm not, BECAUSE LIKE I SAID WHERE IS SEASON 4 i need more please you're just glad bc you managed to drag me into a sinking boat that can only be saved when the next season is out admit it ikey (i see this is back too)
also: ;) ;) ;)
Liked by: s h i l o h king

That's...beautiful. Do we have another J.K. Rowling in our midst? xD Also, thank you for effectively spoiling the whole story for me. / I've been unadventurous, to say the least. xD How about you?/ Are we going to be awkward and not find common ground anymore? xD

you can see that i'm obviously a literary genius hahaha jk also, sorry? but you really don't have to read it hahaha
and by unadventurous, you mean...???
(tho i've also been quite unadventurous like i literally go straight home after school lately hahahahaha)
well i'm not the one who keeps disappearing ;) (ah, the winky face is back) tho ofc not. i remember you once pushing me to watch sherlock. now i have to kill you bc WHERE IS SEASON 4
Liked by: king

i still liked his character though... IT HURT WHEN HE DIED LIKE AFKFKJ. but yeah i thing maeve is gonna resurrect him, and something's gonna go all weird (and yes game of thrones reference i gotcha) i'm also delirious right now so blame the fever for my incoherence xD

oh right that's the name! :)) gosh i can't wait for the next book bc i honestly think the young elites seemed more of like a prequel than anything else, and the real action begins here yaaaaaay also omg i hope you feel better soon what are you doing on ask you should be resting
Liked by: king

LOVE ROSIE IS HAWT AF literally, sam claflin's dimples are cute as hell

i used to ship katniss and finnick while i was reading catching fire then when i watched it and finnick as sam showed up i was like please let it be katniss and finnick hahahahahahaha
Liked by: s h i l o h king

What do you think about bad-boy guys in wp books these days but generally, they have a great plot (and no, the bad boy doesnt ed up with the church girl).

idk if it's an unconscious thing but i generally steer clear of stories with bad boys if i can already see where it's heading (like the usual bad family situation thing with the abusive parent and sweet younger sibling) but if it's like krista's (@/crayonchomper) "bad little bad boy" where the bad boy reverted back to a five year old (????) for some reason, that's a whole new story altogether.
also whoever he ends up with shouldn't really do much for whether or not i find him or the story interesting. whether it's a good girl or a wild party girl or some average plain jane, i wouldn't care if the bad boy is the same typical bad boy i'd come across in so many bad boy stories.
give me a bad boy story with a more complex character background.
aren't there any bad boys who were actually raised by loving parents? or bad boys who are into boys and are only "bad boys" who get into fights and play with girls to try to cover their sexuality? or bad boys who had never participated in underground illegal fights? or bad boys who are actually, idk, really bad like disgusting bad as in they fight because they love violence and they play with girls because they really are just sexist jerks who see girls as playthings (like alex from a clockwork orange bad)?
idk i just feel as though there's this overly romanticized concept of a bad boy that they've begun to seem 2 dimensional to me

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What does your first name end with?

you mean what letter? hahahaha this is sort of random and bordering on creepy so idk if i should respond hahahahahaha

Wooow lucky you, I wish someone would buy me a new laptop right now. gah. I am awesome and really skeepy idk why. I am trying to study bio because I am redoing it but ew :( home made cookies or home made cake? :p

i love studying biology though hahahahahahahahah
do you keep a journal?
Liked by: Miksha

sam sam sam sam sam no pressure but are you going to update the possibility of chance encounters anytime soon because I honestly miss Austin and Red so fucking much you have no idea man no idea.

i miss them too tbh i'll try my best to figure out what i want to do with that story


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