

Ask @iamsammadison

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jubby ♡
u'll be frustrated cause i'll be all "what's happening? so who's winning? wait who are we rooting for? can you explain this and that and this and that and OMF WHO'S THAT HOT GUY"
Liked by: jubby ♡

I take no offense from that because that song sums me up quite nicely xD / Haha sorry can't help you there. I'm probably worse than you anyway xD/ Hahaha what I'd like is some company but I have no friends

is it bad that i keep thinking of the movie "the book of life" when i hear that song though hahahaha
the problem is that i left my notes behind on my old laptop so i have to rely on my memory but eh i can do this (i hope)
WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT GIRL FRIEND OF YOURS. or the roommate you don't hate. or, like, those awesome friends who take videos of drunk isaac. in any case, here, i offer you my virtual company hahhahaha
Liked by: isabela s h i l o h

GOOD LUCKW THE POWERPOINT MAN and the Penguins are my favorite nhl hockey team eVER although they've been having a p shitty season but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ thats what a fan is for

jubby ♡
i haven't watched a single hockey game my whole life HAHAHAHA
Liked by: jubby ♡

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I like people-watching 'cuz I'm a bit of a creep. xD I only ever go to the cafe for...well, coffee really. I just bring my iPad as a prop. / Hahaha which class is this for?

you're a creep. you're a weirdo. what the hell are you doing there even go away you don't belong there.
broadcast communication (aka my least favorite class)
also i'm craving for some coffee rn but mONEY
Liked by: patty

IM GOOD a bit sore from 82838199382929848282929 hours or practicing and writing but THE PENGUINS LOST AGAIN AND IM GLIG TO DIE

jubby ♡
i'm ashamed to say that i'm totally lost (who are the penguins hahahahaha)
i should be panicking because this powerpoint i made a while back for a report i'd be doing in about 2 hours makes no sense at all but yeah i can't bring myself to care x) currently trying to figure out how to start chaoter 5 of of points and tangents :))
Liked by: jubby ♡

I'll hold you to that :P / No hahahahhaa I'm at starbucks. #whitegirlprivilege. I'm staying for a bit here before I go back. I always think studying in a cafe is a good idea until I realize it's actually not. Too lazy to move though. xD

I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW PEOPLE CAN STUDY IN CAFES. i get distracted over a lot of things hahaha and i always feel so conscious of everyone else haha i prefer studying alone (but then again, that might be the introversion talking)
help me i'm supposed to have a report in front of the class on my next class and it's been postponed so many times that now i no longe remember what it's all about hahahahahaha
Liked by: patty

Oh right xD I'll get on that someday. You, on the other hand, should post my long overdue fansign request xD/ Real smooth haha. Well I was going through my notes but I guess that's not happening anymore. xD

i no longer have a copy of it hahaha i changed my phone and laptop haha i might try to make a new one
where are you anyway? your dorm? :))
Liked by: king

I handed it in but I struggled with the illustration bits. xD What are you up to?

that reminds me you once said you'd try to draw and post something up one day hahaha (oh and i still haven't posted that fansign you once asked me to do (bc you were obsessed with me))
i have a three-hour break and i'm just chilling in my org's clubroom and i'm supposed to be making a powerpoint presentation but i... forgot to get a copy of the paper i'm supposed to be basing it on so... yeah. you????
Liked by: king

Because I realized I didn't really want to put it up.

well i guess there's that hahaha how was that paper you were writing? :))

This is a madeup name? Aww that's sad :'( But I hope your pic is not a madeup one :p :D

yep it's a pen name hahaha nah, the pic is real :)

hi, i just wanted to say that i read thh in one go and i really really loved it because the characters were so real and well-written and your writing style is so gorgeous and i fangirl every time i think about the book and that i'd definitely buy it if/when you get it published :3 *leaves awkwardly*

I'VE BEEN MEANING TO THANK YOU FOR LEAVING THAT LONG COMMENT AT THE END and really i'm honestly so flattered like thank you so, so, so much and hush babe all your stories look equally amazing :)
thank you <3

see me getting excited about flipping hair. i literally have the energy level of a dog. it's super easy to get me hyped xDD

Sarena ♔
i get like that when i'm sleep-deprived-and-caffeine-driven


Sarena ♔
i'm looking forward to it then hahahahaha

why, thank you *flips hair eloquently [basically i hit myself in the face oops]* YOU ARE /THE/ TOTAL BABE. it's fine, we both are terrible. xD

Sarena ♔
i'd never really flipped my hair in real life before hahahahaha
Liked by: patty Sarena ♔

I remember when I watched the first episode of season 3 with Tiffany, and note that at that time she hadn't watched the previous seasons yet but she was screaming so hard during the first scene when Sherlock was doing his badass "window glass breaks" scene that I swore I would never watch it with..

a female ever again
THAT SCENE THOUGH I FELT SO CHEATED WHEN THEY REVEALED IT WAS JUST A SPECULATION (trust me, you do not want to watch sherlock with me)
Liked by: s h i l o h king

A true aficionado knows. xD / I don't really do pairings to be honest but I really like how strong Adler's character was. I feel bad for Molly though. I have this natural instinct to root for her because she's the underdog. And there are the Johnlock shippers which i do not understand.

I LOVE ADLER OKAY and it was cute seeing sherlock so flustered hahahahaha also JOHNLOCK IS A THING, though i mostly like it for the comic relief hahahaha
Liked by: king

.. my best friend and she understands me completely and since I have started writing I haven't felt the need. Also I am much happier than I used to be, so yeha I don't feel like it anymore I guess. I usually listen to music and write or talk to my friends if I need to sort out my thoughts.

i'm so glad you're feeling better sam <3 honestly you always seem so happy and bubbly and sweet i kind of didn't expect it from you and i'm glad you're happier <3 WAIT WHO WAS THAT SINGER YOU ONCE RECOMMENDED TO ME i remember falling in love with his songs but eh i have bad memory
Liked by: Miksha

Ahaha, now people say to me that Chem and I are meant to be and that I am obligated to study it for everyone's sanity. xD Well, because I am not really that sad anymore, like I used to. I wrote depressing things, about my problems and how I felt and yeah :l. Though, now I am more open with...

Liked by: Miksha


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