

Ask @iamsammadison

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(ok, that scene with dobby was so good and sad but) YAY what is dobby gonna do with this freedom

[ ] finish tpoce
[ ] learn how to drive
[ ] start working on a new story (opat, maybe, unless i change my mind)
[ ] refine my aikido ukemi
[ ] get my violin fixed
[ ] try not to gain (too much) weight (HAHAHAHAHAHA)
[ ] write the thh bonus chapter with seth's pov
[ ] get laid ;) (well okay clearly i'm joking)
when does your break start????
Liked by: patty Joanne king

i screenhotted your poems its.... beautiful... ngl, i love it hahaha! keep writingg! gonna read some of your books later! ha sorry im so awkward -L

which ones? :) though honestly my poems are really just so-so. poetry has always been a bit of a weakness. still, i'm really flattered that you like them! :))
Liked by: patty miss parks

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List of your favorite books please? :)

tbh i honestly really have no "favorite books" per se, though i do read up on books by sarah dessen, jennifer e smith, david levithan, ally carter, rainbow rowell and typical dystopian books (lol). i read books for various reasons so it's usually hard for me to pick favorites.

can i be your friend or atleast can we have a little conversation? :,) (im the girl who just finished the thh, just call me L.)

of course hahahaha hi L :)
Liked by: patty king myka

YOU'RE GONNA BE FREE OKAY OKAY OKAY (also, let's not forget how i screenshotted that poem from a concept of perfection so no. i shall not stop)

i am officially on my break yayayayayayyyy
and patty that poem stahp it

that's such gold xD btw what's up with this crush of yours now :3 tell me about it pls

funny bc i was just with him and a bunch of my other friends for a sleepover when you asked this (which is kind of why i refrained from answering hahaha) but really, it's more of a happy crush than anything. he's very funny, he can play the guitar and sing well, he isn't embarrassed when a movie makes him cry, and he's scared as fuck of horror movies/stories hahahaha

I'm so glad I'm not the only one lol. Like, especially eating dates?? Like, first of all, I eat like a child I'm v clumsy so no. And secondly how are we speaking if we're eating?

right???????? i'm literally very clumsy like in my prom night junior year my friends secretly talked to my crush so he'd dance with me and when he walked up to our table, i tensed up and everything. when i got to my feet, my chair fell over and it made a really big commotion like wtf self get yourself together

i just finished reading your book 'the heartbroken heartbreaker'and i really really like it so much i mean the book is so so so beautiful.i love the ending so effing much.i fell in love with all of your characters and your plot.good job sam,you've got a talent, i cant wait to read the bonus chap??

thank you! and i sincerely apologize for not being able to work on the bonus chapter i promised. i'm hoping i could get to it this december as a christmas gift or something.

I'm confident in some ways and sometimes being around them doesn't bother me but I guess the idea of dates just kind of make me nervous ? and I wouldn't really say there's a spark or anything with either of them yet lol

Liked by: king

Whyy is your writing at age 12 or 13 actually kind of good?

trust me, it's really not hahaha i just happened to choose an okay-sounding excerpt ;) if you skim through the rest of the book you'll definitely be cringing hahahaha
Liked by: Joanne Guen patty king myka

Ur opinion on the characters got to me tbh. I don't think its toxic i loved everything. Like kyla i dont think it was seth that helped her move on from others or just you know the thing you said about a female depending in a male. Because yes seth might have helped but it was kyla who "moved on" (1)

I'd like to believe they were together maybe not ever lasting which we can see from the book that the point of view consists that nothing lasts forever but maybe that nothing would have been enough for them and they would have still been friends i hope and i just want to thank you for everything (2)
i didn't know where else to be able to say this but even if kyla keeps things to her self you said seth might have gotten bored if they were to dateor you know in the future i think maybe she was afraid of opening up & later on at the end or towards the end she implied shewas open not like before-3-
i can see where you're coming from, but still. you yourself admitted that "seth might have helped," which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but like i said, taking up critical theory in class last semester really opened my eyes to seeing things through a different lens. despite everything else, i /still/ portrayed a female character depending on a male character for her to grow (like most female YA books).
this isn't a bad thing in itself, but if i were to really analyze the book, all i could see is kyla passively going along everything seth tells her, which makes her a really, really weak main character because typically, a strong mc makes choices that keep the plot progressing. over the book, kyla doesn't really make the choices and is instead dragged by the plot, so she simply reacts to whatever's happening to her (which are usually caused by seth)
as for the rest, i just want to reiterate that i /don't/ ship them as they are in the book, but i probably would ship them when they're a little older and more mature.

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Hey sam i just wanted to say you are a great author, i love your books so much its unique than the rest of the books it has a deep prior meaning to it my type of books are romance that has a realistic part to it and yours fit the category thank you for that. Love from a cynic and a pessimist girl.

i'm really not but thank you so, so much! it really means a lot for me to hear you say my works are unique :) and you and i are one and the same. i can't stand stories that are too sappy and romantic, HOWEVER i /am/ planning to write a story where the main character is a hopeless romantic someday :))) (though it'll probably still be cynical, one way or another haha)

Do you cry when you read and or write?

not usually when i write but definitely when i read haha i'm a big crybaby seriously i'm so used to crying over stories that i don't even try to pretend i'm not crying even when there are other people around
Liked by: Allie Guen king

I just read THH and I LOVE your writing. The emotions, the metaphors/symbolism.. So I'm asking you this: How do you write so well? Please teach me, I'm desperate lmao.

thank you so much for reading it! <3
um i'm not sure how i can help you exactly but if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask me! :) though if i have to give you a general tip, it would be "read. read a lot."

lol they're both guys from my school. I met both of them on separate days when I was just sitting in the student center with some friends and they came up to talk to me. lol sam you have no idea how hard talking to boys is for me omg

and honestly i'd have pegged you to be one of those girls who can get along with guys well :)) i don't really know why but i suppose i just see you as really confident???
Liked by: Guen king

WHAT R U DOING NOW STOP READING MANGAS U HAVE WORK TO DO. ANO BA (and wow, muy dedication and memory. five/ five stars! ;) )

PATTY I DID IT I FINISHED THE 5 ARTICLES (tho i still have other shit to do)
Liked by: Guen patty


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