

Ask @iamsammadison

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i tried looking for a sneak peek with fluffy dexley moments but they're all in the flashbacks bc the current them aren't doing so well lol

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OMG YES!!!! I REALLY HOPE HE DOES!!!!! Taichi is so relatable and 'human'. You can always connect to him easily and he has gone through so much character development which is just beautiful. It makes me wanna love him more XD + It feels so weird to call you by my name aha

YES YES OMG especially in the current story arc when he finally confessed and left the club like TAICHI IS GROWING UP SO MUCH and also i personally love taichi's karuta more than arata!! the whole relying on knowledge + calculation part is <333 compared to arata's natural skill
Liked by: Violet srijani

have you read the infernal devices series from cassandra clarke? if you haven't, you must. its insanely amazing!!

didn't really enjoy the mortal instruments so i never thought of checking it out.
Liked by: Swarnima srijani

i just need to know that Haley and Dexter end up together. need something to hold onto as you tear my heart apart every time there is a Andy and Dexter moment.

oh honey
Liked by: Swarnima

sam sam sam sam i just started reading no hard feelings and now i can't seem to stop asdfghjkl what are you doing to meee

ahhhh thank you beh!!!!! i'm so glad you're liking it so far thank you so much!!!!

Top favourite romance books? (especially young/new adult)

after years of searching for a favorite book, i found it this year in melina marchetta's on the jellicoe road
(it's a must read so do yourself a favor and grab a copy/find an ebook)
Liked by: rossie ❃

Question, in which chapter are you in No Hard Feelings? i thoroughly love it with every fibre within me <3<3 can't wait for next update and see everything at the beach and hadley all jealous hehehehe

i've written 15 chapters! stuck rn bc idk how to move on from the events of the 15th chapter. lol sorry skipped most of the beach part! nhf's pretty fast-paced compared to my other novels. if it went the same pace as the others, i probably would have went into detail, but i'm really just trying to focus on the story's progression. we already know hadley's insanely jealous (even if she herself might not know it) so i didn't dwell on it much. thank you so much though!

SAAAAAAM! I must admit that I am such a sucker for your stories, especially NHF! Dexley all the way! And I was wondering how you are doing? Like seriously, what's up with your life and everything?

hi! i'm so so so glad you like nhf so far!! also, it's so sweet of you to ask! <3
it's the last 3 weeks of this sem and i've been procrastinating big time like i have this long ass to do list and i'm conveniently ignoring it by painting + playing league of legends + reading manga. i'm digging my own grave lol hello to all nighters
Liked by: n o v a

have you received a hate message before? if so, how did you deal with it and what will you say to other people who have too?

honestly, it depends on my mood. i usually just ignore and delete hate messages. if i'm feeling down, however, i'd probably snap my laptop shut and/or go into overthinking mode where i question myself and my worth and my work and my life.
(i'd like to say i'd respond with sass but most times i just don't think it's worth the drama)
Liked by: ella

OMG YES TAICHI!!!!!! AND YEAHH I READ MANGA!!!! AND TAICHI IS JUST ASDFGHJKL I LOVE HIM SO MUCH ❤ + you're the first chihayafuru fan I know, I'm so happy I cri :')

Liked by: Violet

i mean you gotta have dedication and shit. it hurts to lose but winning is just AMAZING. i feel like im on cloud nine or my greatest love just kissed me. lol and yeah press cons really are stressful. esp post spc. like chasing all those schoolworks ya missed?!? *le dead.

losing sucks. on my last year, i didn't even get to go to the rspc (i placed 4th) and i was so sad bc i was the eic and everyone was betting on me and IT WAS MY LAST YEAR plus i found out i got accepted in UP under journalism and i felt so uninspired?? like i wanted to leave journ behind bc i felt like a failure.
god the schoolwork sucked. i had a teacher who didn't like it when students were excused and she was completely anal about pretty much everything like kahit recitation nalang ayaw pakawalan

but really. press conferences really bring out my passion for writing and radio brod. i mean you know it's love when you still look forward to it even if you got hurt and lost so many times before. and i had a SPC love too lol he's pretty cute and he gets to the nspc every damn time. unlike me ?

YES ALL THE CUTE ONES SOMEHOW END UP GOING TO THE NSPC. they're the reason i want to join the nspc too ;) HAHAHA KIDDING. what year (or should it be called grade now) are you in????
Liked by: hopie

yes! my teachers get abso pissed when we use press cons as excuses. but we usually slack off on our trainings soo and they editorial writing is the hardest coz they have BAZILLION parts and shits (i fell asleep when our coach taught us about it). u must be really patient in writing your articles!

WE USED TO SLACK OFF TOO HAHAHA i was in charge of overseeing shit and i was the one pushing for us to play games when our coaches weren't looking fun times hahahhhahahaha
Liked by: hopie

im still in highschool and im looking forward to the press conference this year. we NEED to get to the nationals. lol

i miss the press con rush!!! mostly the getting-excused-from-classes part. loljk i genuinely love the feeling. like it usually takes me like 3 hours to write an editorial but in contests like i go into a zone and get it done under the time limit like h o w
Liked by: Aashi☘ Swarnima hopie

And congrats on being the eic! it must have felt suuuuuper wondrous! i feel amazing everytime i get to be part of press conferences.

ah it was actually quite a hassle!! hahahahaha i was so emotional in my 4th year of hs (for some reason idk) and whenever the newspaper stressed me out, i broke down and cried lolololololol i'm a big crybaby
yessss it does!! i used to wish i'd meet the love of my life during the press cons HAHAHAHA don't judge me but l e g i t back in 5th grade during the rspc, i had a crush on this one boy and every year i always tried to look for him HHAHAH (we were both editorial writers)
Liked by: Aashi☘ hopie

i'm part of the journalism club and luvvvvvvvv its perks ( cuz ya know, you get to show your skills to the whole skool) but im more into broadcasting competitions like WTF when i found outthey chose me as an anchor like <3333. but i love writing too.

i remember trying out for the radio broadcasting team but i didn't get in HAHAHA my voice sucks so
Liked by: Aashi☘ hopie


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