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no. he asked me over text message; it's on wednesday. ... and clumsy freaks like me aren't good at that, sam. i'll be stuttering the entire time, knowing me.

hahahaahahahahahah me every time i stress over meeting someone new, but eh, you'll be fine. :)))
Liked by: akanksha

well kinda ... to one of his baseball games :T

but you're going out after yes?????? hahahaha go charm your way into his heart ;)

If you don't see my pm on wattpad could you please tell me who made your covers or if you'd done them yourself.?PLEASE!!

sorry! i'm slowly going through my inbox (from oldest to recent messages). i made them myself :)
Liked by: patty akanksha

What happened to seth and sarah

i'm not sure if you're trying to be funny but i literally just answered this question (and the link to answer is already on my wp profile like what do i have to make a fucking tarpaulin for it)

Hey, Sam, how's it going?

Goddess Abhi
abhi! hahahahaha the usual. as in, thoroughly rethinking my decisions during the weekend bc i have 4 mini essays due today in my 1 pm class and it's 7 am and i have nothing
(well, at least i got to finish nhf chapter 3)

oh yeah and the breakup stuff was from yours truly idek why they keep going on anon, but it's cool

wait what breakup stuff

what. WHAT. Y R U NOT PSYCHED FOR CIVIL WAR. sam WHAT IS WRONG W/ U (totally kidding tho ily) (but srsly tho why)

lol idk i never got into the superhero movie hype (i remember sitting out of watching the first iron man movie way back when, and ofc i couldn't watch the 2nd since i haven't watched the 1st, then the 3rd. eventually when avengers ans all the other superhero stories went out i was like "lol um okay")
don't get me wrong. i do enjoy watching them if i happen to get a copy, but i don't feel the need to watch them excessively

Who was your first friend on Wattpad? How did he/she influence you?

her username was aphroditekid (i'm not sure if she'd changed it now). i met her while i was still using my kierra97 account. we met at the share your story club on a read for read thread. we were both 12 BUT SHE WAS A CRAZY GOOD WRITER. like, i remember thinking that reading her work is like reading a published book.
we've kind of drifted apart when i went off wattpad (seemingly for good). when i reappeared, i was already set on using my sammadison account, and i suppose i never thought of reaching out to my old friends. (lol i suck at keeping friendships god)

Okay so I read the heartbroken heartbreaker for the 100th time & finally got through my tears and read trough the FAQ &you mentioned it being published at summit media under pop fiction and I searched the site but can't find it? :( did if ever make it to publishing or am I just missing it?

Mia McClory
ahhhhhhh it hasn't been released yet! the release date had been moved up (for like the 12039198th time) and it's still subject to change, so i'm not making any announcements yet. :)
Liked by: akanksha Shivangi

SAM YOU GORGEOUS THING YOU <333 and I am quite well also I don't really like I take naps in between the days aha to sort of make up for it x)

"naps in between the days" hahahahahahha that is me. the difference is i have to do it bc so :( many :( papers :( to :( cram :(

same, pretty much. school is a drag, but finals are in a couple of weeks, which means it's almost over, so that's a plus. also, i have a question. on average, about how many words per chapter do you have on your wattpad books? yours just seem so ... long compared to mine, which are like, 4-5k words.

just a few more weeks!!
um my chapters are actually very short lol i usually just strive to get at least 3k per chapter, though sometimes it varies depending on the events in the chapter i'm writing.

Ive been great, ive been really really good tbh. and happy. :) and busy. :( but mainly happy. :) i dont even mind being busy anymore cause im enjoying it and all. hbu?

that's great!! and lol you're busy but you find ways to enjoy it pls teach me senpai
Liked by: Miksha


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