

Ask @iamsammadison

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Shut up, Sam, you dictator. I will have a manor built and make you my serf. (Fair maiden? Really? This is why you people don't get chivalry because you call guys fair maidens)

No. It's because guys just don't feel like it anymore. And we've clearly established that I'm pretty much a slave at my house, so let me be on the internet please.

whoa i feel honored that you were up that late talking to me (i mean i should hope i was the only one you were talking to, i mean, i require a LOT of attention) ;)

You wouldn't even reply immediately </3

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I don't want to cuss but fuck this, I'm wifi grounded in a few hours -_-

That's bc your plan sucked hahahahaha around what time?
Liked by: king

I slept, ate, took a shower, I drive safe, what else do you want to know about my life? XD Jk. I had a pretty long sleep

I don't remember asking about your pife but good for you (: I actually used an alarm to wake up extra early and download ebooks hahahaha

And the dream will come true soon!!

Hopefully x) My Aikido prof (we call him Sensei) is pretty hot though hahahah

I can't believe the anon hate about me. Do people actually think I'm a jerk? I'm just putting up resistance against slavery... XD

It's against the system. You're ruining online feudalism. Ofc people are going to be upset.
(Jk idek what that was about. Also, I defended your honor, fair maiden :P)
Liked by: patty

well the one I just recently told Anne is made up by me :) but no some are some aren't :// hehe

I demand you to give me one now, Sunny.

it's night for me and you have nutella?? lucky i haven't had it in a long time

It's morning here haha my aunt just came home with it (along with cookie butter) soooo yeah. I'd send some to you bb
Liked by: jeannie.

You will find tons if hot friends, so you will get to choose the one who suits you best ;D And oh! Well I have faith in you, I know you can do it :)

HAHAHHA I LIKE THAT PLAN. One day, all these hot guys will naturally flock closer to this potato and I'll get to choose who I like. ;) It's the dream, man.

Sam. XD It's okay, don't be so uptight and uncomfortable about the shipping thing. That's my job :p

Ah. You're awake. Hahahaha or did you even sleep? (:

glad I could be of service and yes indeed it was a great doughnut

All this doughnut talk so early in the morning inspired me to grab some crackers and nutella hahahaha
Liked by: jeannie.

Unprovocative is good unless you're trying to escape a prison cell or you're a secret spy trying to work your way into the heart of the bad guys production. So I think you're good for now

Oh shit I'm going to fail my mission.
Liked by: king

So am I, especially when I changed schools, BUT PEOPLE LIKE SAUL EXIST!!! And oh! That's interesting though! I think it can help you a lot!!

Yessss people like Saul exist so I'll hold onto that hope. I will totally find hot guy friends from every class. I'll make this happen.
I've actually taken the basic Aikido class 2 sems ago. I heard this one will be harder so I'm worried :o

piece of cake I mean my name is sunny for a reason ;)

I am sad. I want you to use pickup lines on me too, like you did with Anne. Sunny, I demand it ;)

The new dress is adorbz and completely un-provocative

Unprovocative is a good thing, right? ;) I'm going to miss my bikini though.
Liked by: king

Just try to get close with someone cos that's what I did. What's that, if I may ask?

But I'm socially awkward so...........
Aikido is a type of martial arts (: It's basically self defense (I think there are vids on youtube aboit techniques) and I'm kind of scared to take it.


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