

Ask @iamsammadison

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do you plan all your books before you start them or do you just go along with the story plot as you go?

hahahaha this is completely irresponsible of me, but i don't plan them at all hahaha. i usually just think of the general plot. and as for everything else, i just wing it. hahaha

Hey sam, how many chapters does the possibility of chance encounters are going to have?

rn i'm not sure, but i'm planning on writing around 80 k words for it.

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How do you think of ideas for your books?

how do i think of ideas? the answer is... i don't.
idk man, they just come out of nowhere. what i mean is, i don't force myself to think of ideas for my stories--they just naturally come to me (most of the time).
Liked by: patty Katie Cruz

Do we have to end the one shot competition with something set? Or can they just realize they like each other?

whatever floats your boat :))
Liked by: Miksha

Warren's basically my friend's dream guy lmao I'm so excited for this contest

is "my friend" a code for yourself? jk ;) haha thanks so much babe xoxo

(One Shot Question) Do you want their story to happen only after chapter 44, or the epilogue too?

just after 44. you decide the rest haha

So todat I went in an ice cave and we were 2500 meters high IN the mountain. It was so freaking cold, it felt like my finfers toes and nose were gking to fall off omfg. When we came out the whole mountain was covered with clouds. (I touched a cloud :D) and it was just so cool kmfg

that's right sam, continue making me feel even more jealous

XD yes it could be a girl, you never know!!!!!! :D Uhm I have problem sleeping on the first day, cuz it's a big change from my own room and bed etc. but after that I sleep like a baby! :D

hahaha i always just fall asleep literally anywhere hahahahaha
Liked by: Miksha

If you've already written 14 chapters of TPoCE why do you take so long to update?

Um, I didn't know less than /one/ week was that long. Basically, I speed write through my chapters and move on to the next so I can keep up with my daily word count. Soooo I can't edit them every day while trying to write the next chapters and I absolutely can't post them until they're edited bc they're literally shit pre-revisions.
On top of that, I have a shitload of stories I want to read, so I take my time.
(today, for example, I actually decided to update so instead of writing 2.5 k words for a new chapter, I ended up taking too much time editing and I only got 1 k done)
Liked by: Erin the Bear Ayesha

Lol don't worry, one day there will be this guy and you and there will be this moment and bam kiss! XD (I haven't kissed either etc.) I am good I had such a great day and saw this ice cave and I don't have any characters to tell you argh. overall I am good! :) Tomorrow I am going home! I miss my bed

hahahahaha or it could be a girl. you never know. aaand wow that's awesome!! dude you're so lucky haha do you find it hard to sleep in new places? hahahah bc i don't. i literally fall asleep anywhere hahahahah
Liked by: Miksha

Please suggest some good movies to watch. A must watch!!

i'm not really picky when i watch movies so i'll just suggest whatever
- we're the millers
- stuck in love
- the right kind of wrong
- about time
- the winter's tale
- anything with jackie chan in it (bc hello, jackie chan)
- 10 things i hate about you
- how to lose a guy in 10 days
a lot more haha but i can't think of them all um

Heyyy I'm considering entering the one shot contest thingy (yes it is a thingy) and I was just wondering if I could have a better description of Alyssa and Warren? Thanks :D

oh my gosh i actually don't remember much but uhh
- medium height
- medium-length blonde hair
- green eyes
- do i still have to tell you about her personality?
- tall-ish
- jet black hair
- brown eyes bc brown eyes are awesome
- just a tad dorky, highly sarcastic, a good listener and kind of has that nice guy vibe

Okay so for the one shot contest do we have to make it a clear ending? Like either they live happily ever after or sad?

whatever floats your boat, really :)) it's your choice

Hey, I was planning on entering the one-shot contest for Alyssa & Warren but since it's supposed to be after Chapter Forty-Four, I can ignore what happened in the Epilogue, right? By the way, I really love your story! I also love the fact that you chose an ending close to reality. Xx

Annie Quraishi
you can choose to write it before or after the epilogue, whatever suits you :) (but keep in mind that if you're writing before the epilogue, you won't magically transport seth back or alter the events in the epilogue in any other way haha)
and thank you so much babe! i'm glad you liked it <333
Liked by: Annie Quraishi

what? live concerts are the best. :) but yah smartphones, ipads, and those recording stuff are so annoying. there's should be concert rules. btw Kyla inspired me to donate my 12 inches hair for children and women with cancer in PH. :)

nooooooo i'm afraid i can't see the appeal of live concerts. even if it was atl or mp, i probably wouldn't want to go bc i hate crowds. i just do. and oh my gosh that's great! you're awesome for doing that. and wow 12 inches is long :O

I finished reading THH and let me tell you, it was genius! One of the best books I've ever read. god bless your soul for writing that book, god bless. *\(^o^)/*

omf thanks so much for reading babe! noooo it's not that good at all hahaha i swear, i cringe whenever i try to re-read it haha. thanks so much for reading <333
Liked by: bffladhoda

Saaaaaammmmm XD "you suck monkey balls" made me laugh. How are you?

well, ask didn't have to remind me that i haven't kissed anyone soooooo... i'm doing good, you? ;)

We keep missing each other :(

out internet is so sucky rn it keeps going on and off but I'M HERE NOOOOOW
Liked by: Lia


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