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How much innocent you are?

Unaizahkhan04’s Profile PhotoUnaizah Baloch
I have said this before and I'll say it again.
There's a fair line between innocence and naivety.
We all have been naive at some point and grew out of it eventually. Like when we started to see the world from our parent's lens then we lost naivety, we understood their insecurities, and concerns.
Now what is innocence then? Innocence is something above the distinction of good and bad. Innocence is the state where you are aware of how cruel this world is and how frequently you're being exploited by everyone around you, but you remain silent and bear it with patience but patience doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be silent at everything, maybe you'll speak up one day and tables will turn quite harshly.
Let's just hope Allah keeps giving sabr to the innocent and wisdom to the naive.

Do you feel you have any unpopular opinions?

DionysusArius’s Profile PhotoMetanoia
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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I do. But I will only share those that I am comfortable with.
└ humankind is responsible for the climate crisis and because we don't act fast enough we will be accountable for our downfall and those of nature and the de.aths of other living beings here on earth
└ capitalism is the cause of our greediness and egoism but it's the only system that works since people overall aren't able to be selfless
└ people in the right-wing corner need lots of therapy for the harm they are causing to people, who want the same rights as everyone. Some of them are doing a lot of harmful and disrespectful things that they couldn't bear if someone would do it to them. And I doubt that they do it because of "fear".
└ People should do something similar to a driver's license as soon as they think they can take care of other people (children) and provide for them. The same applies if they want to adopt an animal. That would save so much suffering.

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Do you believe that we are all hypocrital to some extent?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
Being not one has a price to pay or a cost to bear... If you think you can take this burden it is advise, please do try your limits... Either you will jam in or you'll at least be able to say that you have known yourself a little better this way...

Fav versse of Quran?

☆ فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
This one. My nano jaan always reminds me to recite this and it reminds me that no matter how many difficulties we face in everyday life, we have a million blessings in life to be thankful for.
And this one too;
《 Allah does not burden any human being with more than he can bear 》 (Quran 2:286). — It brings so much motivation to a believer who is going through extreme hardship. The fact that a believer is being tested is itself proof that the believer has hope and the strength to overcome any situation as long as you leave things in his hand and have a strong tawakul. 🌻✨️

If someone offered you a box with everything that you have lost in your life, what’s the first thing you would look for?

DrAnonStar12376148’s Profile Photo♚ ♔ ӨMZ ♔ ♚
Funny how I thought I had answered this question before. But I also thought someone else had sent it. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Anyway, probably my very first teddy bear. I was a toddler, and I remember the feeling of losing it like it was yesterday. I got it on the very first day and lost it on the very first day. I didn't notice that I had lost it until I realized and started looking for it, but it was long gone. Quite sad. I should say that parents are responsible for children losing things. They should have kept it safe and expected that something like that would happen to a toddler who barely walks.

What do you miss about your childhood?

Omniahaleem’s Profile PhotoOmnia ™
I miss living in peace, facing so many tragedies when I was young when I could bear and absorb all that.
I always ate and slept to forget what happened, I lost my father and my brother. After that, I realized the meanings of death and nostalgia, as I only remember from childhood everything painful and unable to comprehend it, so that I am unable to confront myself with what happened to me.

what is your spirit animal? ( share a gif or picture if you'd like)

x3_bebesota’s Profile PhotoJazMarie ✨
So spirit animals aren't really a thing. It's a fun way to explain for children the differences between people and different people's roles in the tribe. I can't speak for every native group, but for us when we talk about the great spirit & the guardian spirits these aren't things you can be. They are concepts based on perceived singular supernatural beings. Every member of my tribe is born under a sign of the main three. Eagle, wolf, bear. Eagle is the messenger of the creator. The angel of God basically. These men & women are called to lead others. To be wise.
The wolf is the keeper of the community/tribe. These are the people and the most common sign. The Bear is the loner. The hunter, the warrior, the servant.They are called to sacrifice. The Bear walks alone and protect the forest. It's lonely but none are more fearce for their loved ones or children than those born under the guidance of the bear. This was my sign.
But there are others that are much lesser and mean various things

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🌬️ windflüchter: drei fun facts zu deinem oc! 🌬️

tashirojima’s Profile Phototashirojima
Ahhhhhh, die erste Frage zu Windflüchter, ich freu mich ✨
Ich muss mich echt zusammenreißen, nicht gleich 10 Funfacts zu posten, aber fangen wir erstmal an n.n
🐻 Charlotte wird von ihren Mitmenschen ‚Charlie‘ genannt. Der ein oder andere, insbesondere ein Typ in ihren Leben, ruft sie ab und an jedoch auch bei den Spitznamen ‚Bear‘ oder ‚Teddy‘.
Bear ist dabei eine Anspielung darauf, dass Charlie ihre Haare häufig in zwei Space-Buns (heißt das so?) trägt. Angeblich erinnern die ein wenig an die Ohren eines Bärs.
🐻 Charlie ist ‚Borderline‘-Religiös. Sie wurde sehr religiös erzogen und glaubt noch immer an die Werte, gleichzeitig hält sie sich in vielen Momenten jedoch absolut nicht daran, was sie innerlich wahnsinnig werden lässt. Zad, der Religion mittlerweile sehr individuell auslegt, ist dabei absolut keine Hilfe.
🐻 Charlie liebt Piercings. Sie besitzt selbst einige und hat auf eine ungute Art auch Spaß daran, anderen welche zu stechen. Ganz gleich ob Zunge, Lippe, oder Bauchnadel. Sie schafft es, mit ihrer Nadel alles zu durchbohren.
Seriously. Take that thing away from her.

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I got married recently after one year online relation . My husband use to say he is changed but he was v frank with his cousin so much which i cant bear .. he was clearly tharki with her as he was blushing while laughing.should i leave this relation as thrkipan khtm nhi hota kbi or give a chance

مجھے ایسا محسوس ہو رہا ہے آپ کا سوال پڑھ کے (یہ بات ذہن میں رکھئے گا کہ ہم ایک دوسرے کو نہیں جانتے) کہ یہ صرف آپ کے اپنے دماغ کی غلاظت ہے جس کا عکس آپ کو اپنے بندے میں نظر آ رہا ہے۔ کسی کا بھی اپنی/اپنے کزنز کے ساتھ فرینک ہونا یا فرینڈلی ہونا نہ ہی کوئی معیوب بات ہے اور نہ ہی اسے اس انداز میں کسی کے آگے پیش کرنا چاہئے۔ اور بات کا اختتام کروں گا یہ کہہ کے کہ آپ کا یہ رشتہ ختم کرنے کا سوچنا دو خاندانوں کو نہ صرف ایک اذیت میں مبتلا کرے گا بلکہ جب آپ دونوں کے خاندان والوں کو اس کی وجہ بتائیں گی آپ تو آگے کی زندگی یہ بات نہ صرف آپ کے بندے کے دل دماغ سے نہیں نکل سکے گی کبھی بلکہ اس کی کزن کو بھی تمام عمر اس بات کا غم اور احساس جرم محسوس ہو گا اس جرم پہ جو کبھی اس سے یا آپ کے بندے سے کبھی سر زد ہی نہیں ہوا۔
پلیز اپنا دماغ چیک کرائیں کسی اچھے معالج کو۔ اور برائے مہربانی گھٹیا قسم کے ٹی وی ڈرامے دیکھنا بند کر دیں۔

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How can you bear the loss of your loved ones?

yusaib_ali’s Profile PhotoYusaibali
حسرت نے لا رکھا تری بزم خیال میں
گلدستۂ نگاہ سویدا کہیں جسے
پھونکا ہے کس نے گوش محبت میں اے خدا
افسون انتظار تمنا کہیں جسے
سر پر ہجوم درد غریبی سے ڈالیے
وہ ایک مشت خاک کہ صحرا کہیں جسے
غالبؔ برا نہ مان جو واعظ برا کہے
ایسا بھی کوئی ہے کہ سب اچھا کہیں جسے
یا رب ہمیں تو خواب میں بھی مت دکھائیو
یہ محشر خیال کہ دنیا کہیں جسے

My friends my family around me say talking to Na Mehram is not bad. you can talk, see her. If i talk about islam what islam says. They say" ye tu islamic he iska zehn band he" they see me in weird way. What should i do in this condition?

The truth is you can't change mindset of people who aren't willing to see the other side of the story. Talking to na-mehrams is not allowed b/c we all know how it ends up. You can just preach, rest it's upto them whether they want to follow it or not. You should remain patient and a time will come when they'll surely realise why you were telling them that.
P.S I hope and pray that Almighty gives you utmost strength to bear all challenges and May Allah Almighty give all us hidayah, Ameen. Sum-Ameen.

How easily scared are you? 😨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
When I see spider or wasp or snake - very easy! 🕷️🐝🐍
When I walk alone on the dark street - very easy! 🌚
When I hear about health issues of my dear people - very easy! 😱
When my daughter is traveling abroad alone - very easy! ✈️
When in the forest I hear sounds like wild pig or bear is walking - very easy! 🐗🐻 ...... 😅🤷‍♀️

How much do you care about avoiding Spoilers when it comes to movies and television shows?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
I'm not usually bothered by spoilers, to be honest with you. I understand why people don't like them, and I'd never go out of my way to purposely spoil something for somebody else. But if I'm watching something and someone tells me how it's going to end or what's going to happen, my first thought isn't "oh man! why did you tell me that?!" but "huh, neat, I can't wait to see that with my own eyeballs!"
There have only been two occasions where I've actively tried to avoid spoilers. The first was when I watched Naoki Urasawa's Monster for the first time. The mystery was just so well-constructed and the show had managed to catch me by surprise multiple times already... I couldn't bear to find out how it was all going to end before actually seeing for myself!
The second was more recently, when I went to see Rite Here Rite Now with my fiancé.

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How to know if it's love?

Adeeena__’s Profile PhotoYennefer
When you withstand the pain and sufferings you never thought you'd be able to bear just for the sake of someone else. It's a point when you're able to go through a life full of sorrow knowing that there's a chance you'd be able to see that smile one day and all that pain will be worth it.

⠀⠀✉ → new message to @xteenagexdisasterx

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❛ bittersweet addiction ╱ part XIII
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀the bear loved the deer, obviously
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀it r̷i̷p̷p̷e̷d̷ the deer's throat o̷u̷t̷, and
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀then⠀l i c k e d⠀it with⠀the⠀most
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀p a s s i o n a t e⠀⠀⠀⠀affection⠀ ;
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I thought of⠀y o u⠀and⠀m e⠀🔞❜
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❴ https://tiny.pl/d1pfj ❵⠀⠀⠀❜

new message to xteenagexdisasterx

How do you react to anger from others?

bint_d’s Profile PhotoHauntedHouse
It depends on who it is. If it's a loved one, I stay calm and collected, acting as a sponge for them. If it's from anyone else, I ask myself, 'Is it justified?' If it is, then I just bear it. If it's not, I give them a death stare and let them know I'll deal with them later, after I'm done with more important matters.

What is the best memory you have of a vacation trip? What made it special?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Ooh, now that's a tough one! I'm fortunate to have traveled a fair amount during the thirty years I've been alive so far, and I have made some pretty fantastic memories during my trips...
The first that comes to mind though, was from my recent-ish trip to Japan. On the second-to-last night of our trip, my two friends and I decided to go and do karaoke. Bear in mind, by this point in the trip we were exhausted, having spent the past few days traveling from Tokyo to Kyoto and back again.
We planned to stay out until about 2 AM, maybe 3 AM at a push. We'd made plans to visit TeamLab Planets the next day so we wanted to get at least some sleep... Yeah, that didn't end up happening. The wine started flowing, the tunes started playing, and we just got so caught up in the fun of it all that we ended up staying out 'til just before six!
Did we regret it the next morning when our alarm woke us up at nine and we had to face the day ahead running on less than three hours of sleep? Mmm, yeah, maybe a little bit! 🤣 Despite the lack of sleep, it was still a fantastic night, full of so much laughter. But the moment that sticks out most in my memory is of the walk back to my friend's apartment...
It was so quiet, the sun was just starting to come up, and as I strolled down the streets of Tokyo with two of my oldest and closest friends by my side, I remember this feeling of immense gratitude washing over me. How lucky I was, to be spending time in such an exciting city, making memories with such amazing people. 💕

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What is the biggest misconception that people often have about you?

fried_brainiac420’s Profile PhotoSarr Dard
Molvi...B'cuz I talk about Islam,try to pray daily prayers,know few duas nd try staying away from Haram that's y people call me molvi,hajji,molana etc but these things I do is a bear minimum for any believer yet they label me at first I was annoyed of such remakes but now it motivates me for some reason nd y I talk about Islam is b'cuz so that others may experience its transformative power!!!
It changed me,transformed me,guide me nd blessed me so I want others to experience it✨🌟🌟🌟

زندگی کا وہ رشتہ جس نے آپکو بہت تکلیف دی ہو 👀

Athar_Lati’s Profile PhotoAthar Lati
It doesn't matter who hurt me or not.
My focus should be solely on letting that feeling of being hurt and victimisation go.
My focus should be on mending the wounds myself.
My focus should be on healing so much that I don't bleed and stain a bond that has nothing to do with my past.
Because no one deserves to bear the burns of another's carelessness.

What gender has it harder?

They both have burdens to bear. Only a couple come to my mind immediately. I feel like males are expected to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders without emotional expression and females tend to feel the need to care for everyone while neglecting themselves and without thanks or appreciation.
What gender has it harder

Would you rather be stranded in the woods with a man or bear (I saw this on the socials)?

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoRelease The Kraken
I would rather have a man as my companion, we can share our work load and have meaningful conversations. I am much more likely to remain alive and sane with him than a bear. I don't fancy getting mauled and dying at the hands of a furry beast.

In 20 years old and still buy stuffed animals for myself. I know this is strange but I’d like to think I’m not the only one.

I’m much older and I buy animal backpacks. Don’t let age dictate what you like. I have two coming today that I got for an unreal price from a reseller. I won’t believe it until I see it. $20 each. I bought the other Dolls Kill Whatnot exclusive bear bag (metalcore) for $100. 😒

What is a perfect wife in your opinion?

There I no such thing as a perfect spouse. She has to be a woman of God and that speaks volumes. Love her for who she is and as the woman God created her to be. Be my peace and safe space cause that's going to go along way with me. Honestly being a Godly woman says a lot on what a wife should be and what I seek. Although, I don't expect my wife to bear children or stay at home to cook and clean. We all going to learn those basic skills. She is free to do as she please as long as she remains loyal to me.

What is a skill you think more people should have? 🤹 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
PL: Patrząc na ludzi dookoła to zdecydowanie logiczne myślenie, super skill, polecam serdecznie.
Któż by się spodziewał, że jeśli coś odp*****lisz, to będziesz musiał ponieść konsekwencje, normalnie szok i niedowierzanie.
ENG: Looking at the people around me, it's definitely logical thinking, a great skill, I highly recommend it.
Who would have expected that if you did something wrong, you would have to bear the consequences, wow, shocking and unbelievable.

mjy chor ky sari dunia khush hain

No, that's not true. We all have our ups and downs in our life. Life is never a bed of roses for anyone, we have our struggles and low moments. But yk what, we just bear it patiently b/c we know that Allah Almighty is watching us and He's the best disposer of affairs. I hope whatever is bothering you, it gets resolved soon. May Allah Almighty send unlimited blessings your way, Ameen. Sum-Ameen.

I had a very stupid internet crush on you, and I thought if I talked to you. You'd like me too, but I guess you've already got a lot going on in your life. I just wanted to let you know one way or the other, only because I'm not fond of keeping stuff that bear a weight on me to myself.

It's good that you came out and spoke about your feelings in a decent way... It's alright we all have a lot of unsaid crushes. It's actually healthy to have a crush on someone... it teaches you a lot of things... like it's better if a crush stays a crush...
When you get to know them in real life... you often regret crushing on them in the first place😬

Why did you removed your likes from my page Lexi??

I didn't remove any of them from anyone's page. I'm pretty generous with the likes. ☺️ My page was falsely reported by trolls and this account was terminated. Unfortunately, trolls have been abusing the reporting feature for years. Ask restored this account on the following day because I didn't violate the TOS but when an account is terminated (temporarily or permanently), all given likes are removed. I haven't had a chance to visit all of the users I follow in order to restore some of them. There is also a limit on how many likes you can leave. I believe the system updates every few hours. If you untick, I will visit your page and drop a few. If I am following you, please bear with me, I'll get to it as soon as I can... 👍
Why did you removed your likes from my page Lexi

Language: English