
257 people

50 posts


What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
I was a pretty average student in school! Excelled in languages, History etc., not so much in maths and physics. I was never a lonely kid but I sometimes could be a little eccentric which lead to me being bullied quite a bit in my younger years. I was into Dinosaurs much later in life than most other kids, sometimes didn't think before I spoke and sometimes what I did say was completely misunderstood. I often stood out quite a bit since I grew very quickly when I was younger, making me often a head taller than the rest.
While many of my peers were out by the lakes drinking and partying, I spent my evenings by the pool training for competitions. At my peak I went and trained around 10 times a week. During P.E class when we went swimming, the teacher made me coach and had me teach the others on how to swim freestyle and backstroke 🏊

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What type of student were youare you at your schooluniversity Studius

You get a job as a night watchman at a big museum which has a bit of everything. You quickly realize everything comes to life at night, just like in "Night at the museum". Which exhibits would you vibe with the most? Which would you stay away from? 🗿💂🦖

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Um dude, I'd vibe with them all, but honestly probably mostly the animals and the dinosaurs.. any historical figures too.. but idk which I'd stay away from.. I love the movie, I wish it were real

What kinds of toys did you enjoy playing with as a kid? 🐻🚂

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I mostly played with LEGO, Bionicle and LEGO Star Wars in particular! Then I was also really into dinosaurs so I owned quite a few dinosaur themed Playmobil sets! Those are the main ones I can think of now, I spent easily as much time if not more playing various kinds of video games as I did playing with physical toys! 🦖🌌
What kinds of toys did you enjoy playing with as a kid

How long will you wait?

maryamwaheed129912’s Profile PhotoMaryam
I don’t wait for people I just wait for what I want.
Can’t have Dinosaurs and Dragons, in this life gotta die first, make sure my good deeds outweigh my bad ones and then finally I will have ALL exotic animals, the real, the fictional, and that darn creature that ate all the food in one gulp that Hazrat Sulemain and the jinns in his command, prepared for days and days. How big could it be 🌚👉🏻👈🏻 and all furry frens that I ever owned, back to life and prolly King Kong and Godzilla 💀everything, that this word can’t offer. In sha Allah.

Say Jurassic Park existed, it was open to the public and no bad incident had happened. Would you want to go? 🦖🦕

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
YES!!! 100% I’d want to see dinosaurs in person if I knew nothing bad would happen. That sounds amazing! 🤩 I mean, heck, if I could go as far as touching a dinosaur, I’m definitely down for that too!
I think I’d have such a great time going through that park, I’d wanna see every single nook and cranny of that place, and experience as much as I could. And assuming this may be a once in a lifetime chance, I’d want to get as much out of it as possible, and savor all the moments! 🦖🦕
Say Jurassic Park existed it was open to the public and no bad incident had

مواضيع تنفتح في ال"first date" ..

- Global warming and its effect on our ozone layer.
- how did dinosaurs go extinct.
- discussions about mental challenges and your way of dealing with them.
- will AI take over our world? And if it ever did will it fight humanity?

Where do you believe the desire to over explain ourselves or prove ourselves to others stems from? Could it be a lack of self confidence to begin with?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say it all started when our ancestors tried to impress dinosaurs with their cave paintings 🤔
Ever since, we've been over-explaining and over-proving ourselves to avoid being eaten by judgemental creatures 🤣
Where do you believe the desire to over explain ourselves or prove ourselves to

What were some of your favorite children’s books/book series growing up? Did you have an all-time favorite? If so, what was it about? 📚

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I really liked the Dinotopia books! I'd spend ages marvelling over the gorgeous artwork. It's about an isolated island inhabited by shipwrecked humans and sapient dinosaurs who have learned to coexist peacefully together! Other than those, I also liked the LasseMaja's Detective Agency books! They were about two kids who liked mysteries and would help out the police chief in the small town they were living in to solve crimes! 📖
What were some of your favorite childrens booksbook series growing up Did you

Do you believe in guardian angels, ghosts, vampires, dragons, or witches?

I don't believe in guardian angels as such but I do believe in spirit guides and loved ones watching out for us, definitely yes to ghosts/entities, vampires I'm going to say probably not, I do believe in dragons considering we have species of dragon on earth still (not the fire breathing kind but dragon nonetheless) but I believe they found the remains of one recently that dates back to the time of dinosaurs (argentina I think?) and as for the witches, yes, but not necessarily in the sense of pointy noses and black hats 🙂

Which era in history do you find the most fascinating? Why? 🏹🗿⚱️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Probably doesn't count... but can I say the jurassic period? xD
Animals will always fascinate me more than the human race... and heck! Dinosaurs will always be one of the most fascinating things to me! There's still so much we don't know about them :3
Which era in history do you find the most fascinating Why
Liked by: Tobbe B. Matilda. Trin.

When you were a kid, did you have an “emotional support” item? Like, a teddy bear or other stuffed animal, a doll, blanket, etc… that you just couldn’t be without? When did you get said item? How long did you use it for? Do you still own it today?

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I don't think I did honestly! It's strange, considering my huge love of dinosaurs back in the day, you'd think I'd have like a T-Rex plushie with me at all times. I think I've more so found my emotional support in things such as movies, video games etc. To be sucked into another world. My room was entirely Jurassic Park themed at one point after all 🦖
When you were a kid did you have an emotional support item Like a teddy bear or

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoEmmagine_This
I wanted to be a paleontologist when I was younger! I was sooo into dinosaurs, even more so than most kids. I held lectures for kids in ages below me and I had hundreds of different species memorized 😆
When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up

👜 What’s something you collect?

I collect stickers, novelty bags (like bags in the shapes on stuff, like dinosaurs, monsters, fluffy bunnies, donuts, characters etc), I collect bjds (ball jointed dolls), comics, plushies... Sort of. I don't plan to buy any more, but I usually end up being gifted them or occasionally getting one if it's mega cute haha. And also although I don't call it something I collect for the sake of collecting it.. I'd say clothes. Because I have way too many and I need to not be in denial haha

If you could go back or forward to any year, what year would you go to? And because?

It's between 2 things!
I'd either go back in time to the jurassic period cuz I really want to see if dinosaurs looked how we've been picturing them!
Dinosaurs have always fascinated me! So seeing them would be amazing!
Or I'd go forward in time to see if humanity finally got their heads out of their butt's, and came together to actually save our planet!
If you could go back or forward to any year what year would you go to And

https://ask.fm/natalehjayne/answers/172211347884 - Possibly 😅 We should take a leaf out of their book, unless dinosaurs are reintroduced, Velociraptors can run faster than the T-Rex 🤪

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I’d quite like to have a race against a t-rex, reckon I’d come home with the gold 💪🏻 you can go against the velociraptors 😝

Do you tend to remember your dreams? Maybe give an example of one you've had recently or that was particularly memorable? 😴💭

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I do remember them more often than not. A recent one was I'd somehow got onto an alien spacecraft and the aliens took me to a planet undiscovered by humans. It had a bunch of extinct or nearly extinct animals on it, including dinosaurs, mammoths and the megalodon shark. 🦣
They couldn't bring those animals back to earth without killing them but they had got samples from some of the species that they could use to clone them and the plan was to release the clones back on earth. It was pretty cool, I woke up questioning the possibility of animals we know to be extinct existing elsewhere in the universe. 🦖

How do we know what dinosaurs really looked like when we only found fossils of them? Isn't it all just speculation?

Well I mean we don’t know that they really looked like how they show us they did, it could just be speculation

How Does It Feel To Be Your Age?

anonymous_atticus’s Profile PhotoPaxton Hall
Becoming a dad in your 40s - would I recommend it? Here a small excerpt:
„Jona, we are late.“ - „Push the button.“ - „What button?“ - „The one on your watch that changes the time.“ Well, I’ll never be late again.
While driving: „Let’s talk.“ My daughter: „Can’t we just listen to the radio?!“ I’m raising me.
Libi: „I hope you have a bad life with a bad job and a bad house!“ Jona: „I hope you never eat another donut!“ Too far.
„You’re strong, Dad.“ - „Yeah.“ - „Really strong!“ - „Definitely.“ - „Almost as strong as Libi.“ Thanks.
„Jona, wear a sweater. It's cold out.“ - „If I wear shorts, it’ll be warm.“ - „Your clothes don’t decide the weather.“ - „We’ll see!“ Hm.
„Dad, I’m not scared of monsters when I’m with you.“ - „Well, thanks.“ - „They’ll eat you first because you’re fatter.“ Okay.
Jona dumps his toy dinosaurs all over the floor. Libi: „You can’t just leave your dinosaurs everywhere.“ - „It was their planet first.“ All right.
Libi: „Can I have candy for breakfast?“ - „It’ll make you sick.“ - „It’ll make me happy first.“
Libi and Jona get in a shouting match. Me: „Being louder doesn’t make you right.“ Jona: „It makes me not hear her being wrong!“
Libi: „I need a new scarf.“ - „No, you don’t.“ - „To tie up bad guys.“ She needs a scarf.
Jona: „Evie, I want bigger hands!“ Evie: „Why?“ - „So I can hold more cupcakes.“ They share the same dream.

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How Does It Feel To Be Your Age

3/10: If time traveling was possible, would you choose the past or the future?

That's hard!
Part of me wants to go to the past cuz I wanna see dinosaurs xD
But then I also wanna go forward and see what the world is gonna be like in the future... see if humanity has learnt or if we have just all ruined everything lol
310 If time traveling was possible would you choose the past or the future

Do you find extinct animals interesting? Would you ever want to see them brought back? 🦖🦕🦣

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
✦ ───────────── ✦
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Except for dinosaurs, yes. Not that I hate dinosaurs, I find them fascinating - I just can't imagine that dinosaurs and human beings are able to exist peacefully beside each other. I would like to bring most of the animals back that went extinct because people destroyed their habitats or hunted some species down to their extinction.

Do you find extinct animals interesting? Would you ever want to see them brought back? 🦖🦕🦣

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Dinosaurs fascinate me! Not sure what is is, but they are just awesome!
I'd live to see them for real! But I really wouldn't want like a Jurassic Park / World situation to happen xD
Do you find extinct animals interesting Would you ever want to see them brought

what time is it for you and what are you doing, right now? it's 12:45am here. i should be sleeping since i have to wake up at 6, instead i'm reading about dinosaurs while scrolling on ask 💤💤💤

12:57pm here and I have just gotten dressed after my shower and now I'm preparing to leave the house.

What movie from your past that resonates with you, will you eventually share with your kids, or if you have already, what was it?

vexiled’s Profile Photo↭vex↭
I showed them jurassic park, because they're both fascinated with dinosaurs. They've loved it. I tried showing them "back to the future" and "jumanji", but they're not really interested as for now. There is several other films I'd like to show them, when they're older and capable of understanding it.
Liked by: Jigsaw ↭vex↭

what time is it for you and what are you doing, right now? it's 12:45am here. i should be sleeping since i have to wake up at 6, instead i'm reading about dinosaurs while scrolling on ask 💤💤💤

Can relate to that so hard, aha. Find out any interesting facts about dinos? It’s 6am here, but luckily I’ve got a couple of hours of sleep left, so I’m heading back to sleep in a min (I was just checking the time) 😴
Sleep well, when you do!! :) 💤

Language: English