
35 people

50 posts


have you a fave actress/actor

zactc’s Profile Photozack vaughan
Off the top of my head, it's probably David Tennant! Not only have I loved him in everything I've seen him in-- he does both intense drama and lighthearted comedy extremely well-- but outside of his acting career, he seems to be a pretty decent human as well.
I respect the amount of charity work he has done, as well as his outspoken support for LGBT and trans rights.

What do you miss the most about your old self?

I mean, I miss how.. I used to be way way, well more outspoken, and just well.. very bubbly, and not afraid to communicate and show vulnerability with people I cared about more openly.. it's been coming back slowly.. but I miss that part of my old self the most.. what about you?

If emotions worked in the same way as in the movie Inside Out and each emotion was sentient, how do you think the dynamic between them would look like inside your head? Which emotion would be in charge etc.? 🤬☺️😭🤢

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Ooh, what a fun question! I love Inside Out! (I've not seen the sequel movie yet though, only the first, so my response will include the emotions from the first movie...)
I'd like to think my emotions would have a fairly harmonious relationship and that they would work pretty well together, better than they have done in the past!
Much like in Riley's brain, Joy would be the team-leader in my own, only she would be something of a mother figure to the others, rather than a control freak who thinks her way is the only way. She'd be encouraging the other emotions to express themselves in healthy ways rather than suppress them!
Anger would still be finding their feet. For the longest time, they were a repressed emotion, and they've only just begun to feel comfortable expressing themselves. They've been working with Joy in order to channel their feelings into positive outlets-- namely, motivation!
In a similar vein, Disgust has become more vocal recently, too. They are usually awoken by people's action rather than by environmental stimuli (disgust in the Inside Out movie only seems to speak up when Riley encounters something gross, which makes sense, Riley is a child after all). MY Disgust is more riled by people's behaviour... And though in the past she would bite her tongue to keep the peace, she now has no problem asserting her boundaries.
Sadness is nowhere near as dramatic as they used to be. They are still outspoken, but they no longer behave as though the entire world is ending when something goes awry.
The only one who is still a little unruly is fear (shout out to my anxiety disorder, baaaaby! woop woop! 🤣) But much like sadness, they are slowly coming to realise that things aren't half as catastrophic as they often think they are...

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It's absolutely Bonkers that your current anon is more upset that a woman was "rude" than the fact that someone is pushing fetishes on children. That's some like bizarro -level victim blaming.

shehitsback’s Profile PhotoAllison
Omg, I know! But I'm sure it's because they're one of the creepy weirdos who tries to push their fet*sh on people, so of course they'll skip over that being a bad thing to do and just attack the person who called them out on their disgusting behaviour. People like that never want to address that they're in the wrong... And the fact that I'm a confident and outspoken woman who doesn't back down must confuse the f*ck out of them - I clearly upset their idea of how women should act, and I'm so dang proud of that!
Liked by: DovahMonah Allison Doug

Gdy istniał stary piękny ask była na nim wygadana i mądra dziewczyna, która miała nick @życie to jebajka – skojarzenia sprzed 10 lat. Czy Ty również masz dobrą pamięć i łapiesz się na skojarzeniach sprzed lat?

KubaGR571’s Profile PhotoKubaGR571
When there was a beautiful old ask, there was an outspoken and wise girl on it whose nickname was @życie to jebajka - associations from 10 years ago. Do you also have a good memory and you find yourself making associations from years ago?
Although I didn't have my own profile back then, my neighbor did. I remember @życie to jebajka with her because she was my neighbor's online friend
Co prawda wtedy nie miałam jeszcze własnego profilu jednak sąsiadka miała. Pamiętam u niej @życie to jebajka, ponieważ to była internetowa przyjaciółka mojej sąsiadki

Any plans for today ?

bobbystar95270’s Profile PhotoHickey
i was have a plane for today… go for walk…
summer ….
and i all time think
about him…🕸❤️
i’m every second in his love…
he is in mine…
in best place on the earth in most terrible place on the earth…
my heart won’t be at peace until i’m with ….
his heart too
because i’m not with him ….🕸❤️yet…
but i don’t want
to write on his 🕸❤️ behalf
even feeling everything in him
i want him to do everything as he feels and want
about us….❤️❤️🔗🔥
what a
beautiful word us❤️❤️🔗🔥
i didn’t want to stay at home…
and you know… i didn’t read anything….i have that kind of character…
and didn’t know
then my brother called and told don’t go out
he know that i might get feel bad
and he said don’t read anything…
and i just , ok
but when i saw something from the news out of the corner on my eye….
i felt bad
i drank so many sedative today ….
why everything like this….
i’m so tired….
just want leave this place …
girl i’m magical girl who loves beauty… warmth… beautiful places…
i love to rejoice and bring love lucky
joy and happiness…only
i made of these things….
i’m so white so tender feminine gentle
today someone wrote me you have a beautiful curvy body
i look beautiful because i’m beautiful girl….
i’m a carrier of rare beauty on the earth
and everyone or someone tells me about every day
but i’m not happy in this moment….
in heart live absolutely
happiness because in me… only in me his🕸❤️ love….
but i’m not with him 🕸❤️yet…
it hasn’t come true yet …. like must
i don’t even hear news like this
because i physically feel bad
not emotionally….
i don’t like to be too frank (to outspoken)… but still

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Just checking am I still on your wallpaper?

okay anonymous….
i have been asked about this …. a lot in last time…
in different versions….
but essence of question is the same….
who’s on your screensaver….?!
and why not him….🕸❤️
i really don’t know how someone found out …. but someone really want to know about ….
on my screensaver….
Edo…☀️Prince Charming….
only me call him like this….
Edo have a partner….
his orientation….
and choice…. it’s his private life ….
i don’t want to talk about ….more…
but i know i’m special for him….
and he miss me…. or not
it’s not important
why i don’t change the screensaver to his….🕸❤️ photo ….
because…. because anonymous….
because i want our …. together….
probably a lot of ….
inside me …. but i want to write only this
i know that i’m loved and read my millions
and i can’t be outspoken…. but
you are not Prince Charming….
even your question started with the words I checking
but if it’s you Edo….☀️
hello….✨ Prince Charming…
no , no….
i don’t think …. and i don’t feel….
he’s ….🕸❤️even a little bit jealous
because honestly…. i was think about….
if we start being
jealous of each over ….
we’ll have to be jealous of the whole world of women…. and even men
because men like him too…
but he isn’t gay…. and not bi
and he is jealous of the whole world of men …. and even women….
i don’t believe that i write this …. but it’s true…
i believe in power of love….our love…
and…. and… and …. o lot of inside

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Being a outspoken girl who has never been shy to call out the issues, I think most of the hijabis/abayan girls are the most hypocrite in terms of so called pardah and pakeezgi. Speaking on the basis on many personal accounts of my own circle

itsmehmoona2004’s Profile PhotoMehmoona
A girl in hijab or niqab is always an easy target, she’s a hypocrite because she’s doing parda and should act like an angel but You can shitpost any time because you’re outspoken.

Being a outspoken girl who has never been shy to call out the issues, I think most of the hijabis/abayan girls are the most hypocrite in terms of so called pardah and pakeezgi. Speaking on the basis on many personal accounts of my own circle

itsmehmoona2004’s Profile PhotoMehmoona
But what’s it to you whatever they are ? Unless they’re imposing smth on you while doing the opposite themselves, you ain’t gotta be up their business like that.

Let’s go to Los Andes restaurant in jacksonville and get Lomo Saltado together. Then go home, cuddle, watch movies, and fall asleep in each other’s arms❤️🥺👉👈

thank you…
and i’m sorry
sorry because you won’t happy with my answer…. and it probably
hurts when the one you love
want the same …. or something similar
but with different one ….
i like to be honest…. and i wish you
to find you the girl with whom you will realize your dream ….
and i like guys …. that you remember everything that i like ….
i really want to be in LA
And i often i don’t know how to saw it …. and how to express it ….
i see …. or imagine…. and feel
that these are mutual dreams….
❤️us …. ❤️
with him…. as we walk in each other’s arms….
i’m so beautiful…. and he🕸❤️
so… in him such crazy feelings….
from the fact that we are
❤️together….❤️ and i’m with him….
we are so beautiful….
and a lot of another moments of us
want ( need)
to live not write
too outspoken…. all it’s
too much ….
a million people read me

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Why do you say the Queen was racist? She was well respected for never judging a person by the colour of their skin but rather by their character. She was extremely outspoken against apartheid in South Africa and supported racial equality

Right that's why they ran her grandson off because of the color of his wife and child's skin. Not racist though because she did a few good things. She may have done her job as queen but that doesn't mean she wasn't racist. People do things to make themselves look good, even if they don't agree with it. She was in the public eye, her grandson coming out and speaking against her wasn't good attention. I'm also going to go off what someone close to her outright said over her public image.

👩🏻‍🦳 Are you the same person online and offline? Or are you more outspoken online and quieter in real life or vice versa?

I'd say I'm about the same. I am quite different depending on the day, time, if I'm tried, if I'm struggling etc etc.
Most the time I'm always polite in person and online, I'm always welcoming to people. I make an effort to keep conversations going and making people feel at ease. But if I'm having a really bad day or things are great, I may be a bit more quiet and withdrawn. But usually if I'm that bad, I'll ask to rearrange. Or I'll go out for drinks to get myself to be chatty again haha

Jika jodoh cerminan dirimu Lalu apa yg ingin kamu ubah dari dirimu?

Cerminan yang saling melengkapi. Karena bayangan pada cermin sifatnya juga terbalik, bukan (?)
Mungkin dengan sifatku yg kurang out-spoken, akan menemukan ketenangan dari pembelaannya.
Mungkin dengan sifatku yg lebih tenang, dapat menyabarkan dia yang frontal.
Aku tidak tau pasti dengan apa yang harus kuubah, tapi aku selalu berusaha mengembangkan diri, karena aku menyukai proses tumbuh, dan aku berharap cerminan yang sama dari pasanganku.

Who in your family are you closest to? Why's that? 👍 🙃

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I'm closet to my mother because she is very loving and kind. We have very similar personalities and both love animals. The only key difference is that I'm a bit more outspoken and will stand up for myself. Overall, she has a very pure heart and a kind and gentle spirit.

Adults, how would you describe yourself at the age of 16?

Basically a pathetic people pleaser with very little self control whose reality was largely shaped by his imagination, taking into deep account how others perceived him without putting importance where importance matters most (himself). He was optimistic, cocky, and very very loud.
I was a know it all but naive to what life truly is, he was a rising star, popular and well liked even in a school of nearly 4,000 kids. Had friends in the many different cliques in school from the popular and privilaged kids to the outcasts groups like ,skaters,emo,nerds. Was loud and outspoken in class. Always "in trouble" but not in any real trouble. He was a hustler, an entrepreneur in the making. Craved accomplishment. Craved adventure. Always skipped school but still somehow managed to pass.
I was going to graduate high school and get married and have a large family because that was what I thought I was supposed to do. I definitely wasn't going to go to college because that would be stupid, apparently. I was super insecure and a mighty strong know it all with the sass mouth to sass mouth all other sass mouths. I also had a lot of drive. I knew and I was an expert on everything.
I was the popular girl who got along with everyone but really only liked the nerds, was very much a rebel, had older friends, used to date older guys (still do) and would hang out with them and went on trips to different cities without my parents permission, yeah I was really bad but still managed to be top of the class, had lots of ambitions, knew what sixth form (pre university school in the UK) and university I wanted to go to, was very excited to be an adult and have a career.
Awfully gullible, self-loathing, depressed and overly emotional. But even though I hate a lot of the aspect of who I were at 16 I've kept my creativity, hard work ethics, ambition and easily connecting to others, but have moved from a Turbulent F to a Turbulent T which makes life much easier for me.
I was leading a charmed and fairly enviable life, with nothing but an intellectual understanding of misfortune.
Way too intelligent for my age, but sadly Knowing it and being really rude and in-your-face about it. An annoying know-it-all dick-nose. Dressed like a homeless guy, tried to outsmart everyone. Hung with the nerds and made fun of the jocks.
A self-loathing, hollowed-out scarecrow of a person with no social talents who indulged heavily in escapism through books and games. I'm approaching 30 now, and significantly better on all fronts. A funny, smart dude who tries to not take himself too seriously, but usually does anyways.
I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive toward. I'm not comfortable with settling, and I'm always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. In my previous role, I was promoted three times in less than two years.

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Do you consider yourself to be a good person, overall?

It's easy for me to beat myself down, or downplay any good characteristics I have, but all told I know I'm a pretty good person. I go out of my way, more so than I see some others doing, to do the right thing and be a nice person, and that combined with other people's assurance that I'm a good person is enough for me to be able to sleep at night. I've battled with drug addiction and I'm in recovery, and one thing I've realized is that I'm not what I've done, I'm what I do from this point forward. I don't have to be defined by my past actions, the lying, stealing, and all that. I can be whoever I choose to be in this moment, including the option to go back and right past wrongs. As a side note, I think everyone's answer is likely to be a yes, since they are each the protagonist of their own story; and if the answer is no, I would worry for that person's emotional well-being, since I know from first-hand experience that it's very difficult to go on living when you're convinced that you're a bad person. Overall yes, I do have some flaws that I wish would dissapear. I tend to fall pretty hard for people I'm attracted to and it never works in my favor. I am also kind of outspoken on a lot of things and I'm just plain weird sometimes. But overall I think I'm a decent person, but there are better people than me.
I don't think so. I don't believe in this black/white, good/evil/bad view of the world, I don't think there are many genuinly bad people, and also not many genuinly good ones. I think many of us are a lot more grey, and if our actions don't go towards the white/good end of the spectrum, then our intentions often do, so that every single one of us considers himself 'good', because our intentions look better than the actions of others.
For the first time in my life, yes. I genuinely try to make other people as happy as I can, as often as I can, and I think that's pretty much all there is to being a good person. Obviously I'm not perfect, but I try, and the people around me are happy, so I'm happy.
I really tried to be a good person but there's no way to do that while making everyone happy. It's so tiring too. Like you become "good", and can have people like you enough, look up to you, put you on a pedestal as a good example or as the person that brightens their day always. But then you have to repress so many emotions if you want to be good to everyone. You so easily lose the "person" part.
I think everyone is pretty unique. It just doesn't feel like it because I'm not them. Everyone has a personality that's deeper than what I personally know.

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Liked by: John David HaDeer

WHY DO U KEEP LEAVING ME ALONE ON THIS APP MEG A OCCASIONALLY HEY HOW ARE U WOULD BE NICE 🤣😂😂not yelling at you trying to get my point across In a loud outspoken way which technically is yelling 🤣🤣😂I love you tho meg so I’m not mad

Sorry Robbie for not being more attentive 🤣👀👀🥴
Liked by: Victoria Kenzie Robbie
+1 answer Read more

TBH: Ahsan you're the most woke guy here, so outspoken & kind to everyone. I've not seen you using foul language or going over the limits. MA you're one of the few gentlemen i've came across here. Stay same, safe & blessed forever! ?

EA132002’s Profile Photo乇爪卂卂几 Ҝ卄卂几♡
Words coming from a genuine person itself mean alot and Yes i will stay the same always.
Bless up!!

Well, u r not a conventional girl , and u r almost on the attack mood most of the time that scares most people u know 😂

I don’t know what is the definition of ur conventional girl.. i am a human who has her boundries & will always enforce them, an outspoken girl who won’t shy from saying her opinions outloud if needed..in other words i don’t care if i scare people away..but that doesn’t mean that I don’t get tired , suffer from severe depression, panic attacks or anxiety attacks.. because at the end of the day I am a Human.
+2 answers in: “ازاي الانسان يتغلب على احساس بالضعف و الهشاشه بيظهر حتى في صوته و لون وشه و حركة جسمه و كل جوارحه ؟”


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀「⠀ᵇᵉⁱⁿᵍ ᵐᵉ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵒⁿˡʸ ᵐᵉᵃⁿ⠀—⠀ᶠᵉᵉˡⁱⁿᵍ ˢᶜᵃʳᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵗʰᵉ⠀」

⠀⠀⠀⠀— .⠀basics
⠀⠀⠀⠀ɴᴀᴍᴇ:⠀⠀mieczysława "stiles" stilinski
⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴀɢᴇ:⠀⠀19 y.o.⠀ ⁄⠀verse dependent
⠀⠀⠀⠀ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ:⠀⠀april 8th
⠀⠀⠀⠀ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴇꜱ:⠀⠀human⠀ ⁄⠀nogitsune
⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘᴀᴛɪᴏɴ:⠀⠀high school student⠀[ verse one ]
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀fbi intern⠀[ verse two ]
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀eichen house patient⠀[ verse three ]
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀GWU student⠀[ verse four ]

⠀⠀⠀⠀— .⠀personality
⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴍʙᴛɪ ᴛʏᴘᴇ:⠀⠀INTJ
⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴇɴɴᴇᴀɢʀᴀᴍ:⠀⠀⠀5w6 (the troubleshooter)
⠀⠀⠀⠀ʜᴏɢᴡᴀʀᴛꜱ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ:⠀⠀ravenclaw
⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴘᴏꜱɪᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛꜱ:⠀⠀loyal, protective, caring, outspoken
⠀⠀⠀⠀ɴᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛꜱ:⠀⠀anxious, sarcastic, headstrong, cynical
⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ᴅɪꜱᴏʀᴅᴇʀ(ꜱ):⠀⠀ADHD, PTSD, anxiety

⠀⠀⠀⠀— .⠀appearance
⠀⠀⠀⠀ꜰᴀᴄᴇᴄʟᴀɪᴍ:⠀⠀lily jane collins
⠀⠀⠀⠀ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ:⠀⠀5' 5" (1,65 m)
⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴇʏᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ:⠀⠀hazel
⠀⠀⠀⠀ʜᴀɪʀ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ:⠀⠀dark brown
⠀⠀⠀⠀ʙᴜɪʟᴅ:⠀⠀slim⠀ ⁄⠀skinny

⠀⠀⠀⠀— .⠀lovelife
⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴘᴀʀᴛɴᴇʀ:⠀⠀lydia martin⠀ ⁄⠀verse dependent

⠀⠀⠀⠀— .⠀family
⠀⠀⠀⠀ꜰᴀᴛʜᴇʀ:⠀⠀noah stilinski
⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ:⠀⠀claudia stilinski †
⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴋɪᴅꜱ:⠀⠀none⠀ ⁄⠀verse dependent
⠀⠀⠀⠀ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ:⠀⠀scott mccall, his pack

⠀⠀⠀⠀— .⠀disclaimer
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✧⠀i am very open to almost every
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀kind of manipulation with my verses
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀to fit it into the plot we'd come up with.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✧⠀no god-modding or i'll hunt you down.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✧⠀triggers & nsfw accepted.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✧⠀as you probably noticed — english is not
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀my first language so my apologies for any
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀kind of grammar mistakes in advance!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✧⠀graphic & gifs (except pps) are made by
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀me so d͇o͇n͇'͇t͇ ͇s͇t͇e͇a͇l͇.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✧⠀i don't bite, don't be afraid to ask anything.

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Ne mogu vjerovati da ti anonimci i sada ovdje šire negativu. Ljudi pustite ju na miru barem sada kada odlazi, da taj kraj ostane lijep ako ste kroz sve ove godine morali biti takvi. Nevjerojatno... Jako će mi faliti tvoji odgovori Dunn <3

Gonna miss your outspoken self too! 🥺❤️ Hvala ti do neba, nažalost sam isto pomislila, ali se fokusiram na sve lepo danas i neću dopustiti stvarno bilo kome da unese nepotrebnu negativu, ne danas. 😎

First impression>> I remember our first convo and I was like this girl is very outspoken and passionate! She is a tough cookie as well😁And as our convo went on I realized that you say what’s on your mind with no sugar-coat! You are also very genuine & lovely and a very good friend indeed❤️

Weeee you know how much I appreciate your existence don’t you? 🥰♥️
Love you lots ♥️
+1 answer Read more

Wait wat? U r 13 with That much outspoken courage!?😶 *clapping* Are u sure umarr nahi chupaa rahi?😂😂

sherry_ali’s Profile PhotoSherry Ali
Nahi balke mujhe wo larkiyan sakht zehar lagti hain jo umar chupati hain wo jitna chupati hai utna Zahir hoti hai unke face pr pr mai to chupati bhi nhi phir bhi bari lagti hoon
+9 answers in: “If u could have one ability in return of one weakness what would both of them be?”

Хубавия мъжки/женски парфюм подлудява ли ви? Защо? Кой парфюм ви е любим? Колко пари макс бихте похарчили за парфюм? Важно ли е за вас да миришите на хубаво ? 💨💨

Хубави мъжки парфюми за мен лично са SAGA и колекцията на STR8 също и Егоист намира се само в наливните парфюмерии и в моя град го има само на едно място и NIVEA MEN DEEP който до скоро рекламираха за мен лично е с много приятен не натрапчив аромат харесвам и на Галерия ЕГО парфюмът .
Женските парфюми които ме влудяват и стоят убийствено на нежно женско тяло са Парфюмът Outspoken by Fergie и Габриела Сабатини Miss Gabriela също и Tesori d'Oriente 😄😄😄

You like girls with? 1. Long or short hair? 2. In eastern or western wears? 3. With or without makeup? 4. Bold and outspoken or sober? 5. Simple or Outgoing? 6. Skinny or chubby? 7. Talkative or shy? 8. Tall or short? 9. with/without dupatta. Please answer honestly and no hates.#STAIF

1. Dono chltay 2. not sure 3. jo chale 4. Sober 5. Simple 6. Darmayan 7. Talkative 8. Medium 9. Dono

You like girls with? 1. Long or short hair? 2. In eastern or western wears? 3. With or without makeup? 4. Bold and outspoken or sober? 5. Simple or Outgoing? 6. Skinny or chubby? 7. Talkative or shy? 8. Tall or short? Please answer honestly and no hates

Ask me about a girl rather than "girls"
+1 answer Read more

You like girls with? 1. Long or short hair? 2. In eastern or western wears? 3. With or without makeup? 4. Bold and outspoken or sober? 5. Simple or Outgoing? 6. Skinny or chubby? 7. Talkative or shy? 8. Tall or short? Please answer honestly and no hates

1. Long hair
2. Eastern wears
3. Without makeup i guess but it doesn't matter may be
4. Bold and outspoken
5. Simple AND outgoing
6. Somewhere in between
7. Talkative but not as hell. Talks like a normal human being and not 24/7 xd.
-And yeah answered honestly.
+1 answer Read more

You like girls with? 1. Long or short hair? 2. In eastern or western wears? 3. With or without makeup? 4. Bold and outspoken or sober? 5. Simple or Outgoing? 6. Skinny or chubby? 7. Talkative or shy? 8. Tall or short? Please answer honestly and no hates

1) Long hair
2) I don't mind both
3) Light makeup
4) Bold and outspoken ( that doesn't mean mu phat )
5) Outgoing
6) Skinny ( not skeleton )
7) Talkative
8) Average height

You like girls with? 1. Long or short hair? 2. In eastern or western wears? 3. With or without makeup? 4. Bold and outspoken or sober? 5. Simple or Outgoing? 6. Skinny or chubby? 7. Talkative or shy? 8. Tall or short? Please answer honestly and no hates

What makes you think these things matters for me?
I simply like those girls who are more comfortable with me.. That's enough...

You like girls with? 1. Long or short hair? 2. In eastern or western wears? 3. With or without makeup? 4. Bold and outspoken or sober? 5. Simple or Outgoing? 6. Skinny or chubby? 7. Talkative or shy? 8. Tall or short? Please answer honestly and no hates

1. Short and long depends on how she can carry but mostly long
2. Again how she can carry no need to look vulgar just elegant
3. Can't say much natural beauty is lovely but makeup is a girl's choice so we men have no say
4. Well this is wrong how is bold and outspoken not sober
5. Outgoing
6. Medium rare 😂
7. They all start shy
8. Ab mein apni marzi ki height adjust karnay say tou raha 😂😂

You like girls with? 1. Long or short hair? 2. In eastern or western wears? 3. With or without makeup? 4. Bold and outspoken or sober? 5. Simple or Outgoing? 6. Skinny or chubby? 7. Talkative or shy? 8. Tall or short? Please answer honestly and no hates

+16 answers Read more

You like girls with? 1. Long or short hair? 2. In eastern or western wears? 3. With or without makeup? 4. Bold and outspoken or sober? 5. Simple or Outgoing? 6. Skinny or chubby? 7. Talkative or shy? 8. Tall or short? Please answer honestly and no hates.

Long hair, Eastern wears, without makup, sober, simple,😑, Talkative,Tall

And i thought he was pure until i watched this ?? Porn manic? Wtf Kim Namjoon? ??? https://youtu.be/tnUNb40MULo

Lol still he is so pure, he have both sides, when he was younger which means the video that u sent he wasn't matured enough to control himself and he was outspoken without giving a fuck about his words but now u can see how mature he is, he is our leader, he spoke in the un and he was the only member who talked there and it was the hardest, but I love his both sides tbh:p?????
+3 answers Read more

You're so wrong 😂😂 no one in this world will bear you as you're, batameez. World's for the one who loves not for the ones who speaks dirty. They'll punch you right in middle of your face. just like me, watch me 😎😎 #👊👊👊 Although people are not loyal but should we really give a damn ?? 😏

You re wrong actually if world is not for those who are outspoken then its not for those also who loves .. its world .. world loves only those who they can use and when the use is finished, people get unimportant!!! This is reality
And i dont give a damn to your punch .. whether i speak negative or positive no one cares .. why do I !!
+13 answers in: “Hey 🙋 I've a crush on you 🙊 😚😚😚”

... and man trust me I got very unusual vibes (in a good way) after going through your profile, and it made me send this to you. I really am an outspoken person and I really speak what my mind thinks. I'm sorry if I've troubled you in any way. And really, you seem to be a great person.Stay same. :)

This made me smile.
Thank you.
And I do look forward to stay the same. 😅
+2 answers Read more

What’s your reaction towards people who are outspoken about their beliefs? What conditions cause you to dislike or, conversely, enjoy talking with them?

bent-neck lady
Open naman ako sa mga paniniwala ng iba. Handa akong makinig kung ano 'yong paniniwala nila o kung ang paniniwala nila ay wala silang pinaniniwalaan. I've learned how to respect other beliefs. Pero ang ayaw ko lang ay 'yong sinisiraan 'yong pinaniniwalaan ko o pinipilit nila sa akin 'yong mga paniniwala nila. Ayoko rin ng debate kung ano ang mas angat na paniniwala, hindi mo kailangang ipagsisikan ang paniniwala mo para masabi mong tama ka. Pero kapag hinahamon ako, dumadating talaga sa point na "pinoprotektahan" ko ang belief ko. 'Yon lang, napapaisip ako hindi kailangan ni Lord ng pprotekta sa kanya. Ang Diyos ko ang Siyang pumoprotekta sa akin hindi ito vice versa.

What’s your reaction towards people who are outspoken about their beliefs? What conditions cause you to dislike or, conversely, enjoy talking with them?

bent-neck lady
Kinda admire those people who doesn't afraid to spoke out their beliefs. Not every people can do that, mostly they're contented to hide it, screaming inside their head.

Language: English