
179 people

50 posts


How can some people talk so much?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Talking a lot can be therapeutic, like verbal yoga for the mind! But one should know how to use commas (pauses) during their talking marathon. Even F1 drivers take pit stops in a 75-lap race.
I'm usually a good listener, but not to that extent! Gosh! Some people really need to learn how to shut up for once 🤦🏻‍♂️

صباح الخير💗 زي ما انتم شايفين اغلبنا عنده حد قريب منه بيعاني من مشاكل نفسية ، تفتكروا ايه اللي في ايدك ممكن تعمله عشان تساعده ؟

whatafterthis321’s Profile PhotoShams✨
-لازم تکون active listener حتی لو مفیش حل للمشاکل دی عنده کفایه تحسسه انه موضوعه مهم بالنسبالك وان فیه حد بیشارکه المشاکل دی
-متبقاش judgmental وترمی اللوم علیه حتی لو هو غلطان متحسسوش بکده لان د هیزود الازمه مش هیحلها

When listening to a song, how much does the lyrics matter to you? 🎤🎶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
The lyrics are half the song. They are important for entertainment value, poetic style, political statements, and more. Let’s look a bit.
Nonsense lyrics yet musical
Slade - Run Runaway
“See chameleon
Lying there in the sun
All thanks to everyone”
Trying to make a point in a humorous style
Ron Gallo - Young Lady, You’re Scaring Me
“Let's get a house, you and me and your 12 cats
We'll put mirrors on the ceiling
We'll have a bunk bed by the bath
You'll line my mattress with nails
One for every time something psycho came out of your mouth
Your cavern eyes are preying
Your scarlet lips half saying
A sales pitch for the circus in your mind
Young lady, you're scaring me”
Using pop to make a deep political statement
The Monkees - Last Train to Clarksville
“Take the last train to Clarksville
And I'll meet you at the station
You can be here by 4:30
'Cause I've made your reservation
Don't be slow
Oh, no, no, no
Oh, no, no, no
And I don't know if I'm ever coming home”
A young man has been drafted into the US military deploying to the Vietnam conflict. He’s saying farewell to his girlfriend with an ominous feeling he will die in combat.
Then we have repetitive pop lyrics which hypnotize the listener to never, ever, ever, ever shake it off.

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What is a skill you think more people should have? 🤹 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
To have patience, like when someone is driving a car (a learner) in the neighborhood streets then not honking repeatedly when it's clear they are trying to give them way to go ahead.
Moreover, if someone is driving in the slow zone road like at the speed of 45 kmph or more/less then not honking from behind. They can change the lane,i.e., to fast one and understand that the driver is not experienced yet.
Not over-speeding on the road. Honk before you are planning to overtake a vehicle.
Careful driving at roundabouts.
Other than that, people having the skill to be happy alone. That would make people feel less lonely. But being empathetic at the same time, i.e, not hurting/mocking others. Problem solving skills and being a good listener before you judge anyone.
Maybe some more, idk right now😅
What is a skill you think more people should have

Randomly confession???

rafayarslan12’s Profile Photoرافع قریشی
I hate being a Doctor at the moment. I don't have the emotional energy to deal with my shitty colleagues, the hospital policies, long, sleepless working hours and the toxic as fuck work environment where a consultant is constantly breathing down my neck. On top of all of this, I am expected to be an excellent communicator and listener for my patients and their attendants. My life has totally been sucked dry by this profession.

Are you more blunt or reserved?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I would say that I am generally a reserved person, at least when it comes to expressing my own feelings. I tend to be more of a listener than a talker in most situations, But once I get comfortable around someone and feel like they are trustworthy, I can open up quite a bit. And as for being blunt — well, it depends on the situation. If something needs to be said or addressed directly, then I will do my best to speak honestly and openly about it. But in general, I always try not to hurt anyone's feelings unnecessarily. 🌻

So, I have this thing where I tend to just listen to conversations instead of actually adding to the conversation. I like listening yet I can’t feel it’s awkward for others that I’m not talking. 😅 Any tips or advice?

aiecat_’s Profile PhotoAnonymous
I would suggest trying to speak up more when the topic of the conversation is something you are particularly interested in and know enough about. But, if you find yourself having no desire to add to the conversation whatsoever and usually can’t think of much to say in response, then maybe you’re around the wrong people or those who you aren’t really compatible with. If you do know just what to say but prefer listening instead, that most likely means you’re a good listener and maybe it’s best that you don’t force yourself to speak up if you’d rather prefer listening for the most part and the person that you’re talking to seems to prefer talking more.

How do you spot a fake friend and know when to say goodbye?

They will only speak to you or want to hang out to either dump and moan about the bad in their life, to unload and make themselves feel better. Or want to hang out to do this if you’re a good listener. Or if you’re fun to be around, you get the sense they are using you. Because when their life is going well or they find other outlets (people) you hear nothing and their effort reduces and disappears. Until the next time their life isn’t going so well or the other people didn’t pan out. Their consistent use of people will become apparent. The whole premise of your worth tends to revolve around what they get from you. The moment you retract or can’t give, you don’t hear from them. The value in your deteriorates. And so the cycle begins. You know when to say goodbye is when you notice this pattern and there is no balance in the relationship. Or when you feel it is harming your energy and wellbeing. When their words speak sweetness to your ear, and their actions are fruitless. When effort is not shared. When they deem you speaking of your achievements or things going well to them and they deem it as bragging or showing off. When they don’t root for you when you’re doing well. If you only hear from them when they are sad or when their life isn’t going well, and never when their life is great, then that’s a big indicator.

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When are you coming back?

im not good enough at complimenting people. but this is gonna be the biggest appreciation post for my lady ( @quarterofblackpink 💜💕 ) . a year ago it was you . but now that's my turn . I still remember how big and cute your message was ... i mean its been two years since we started talking and became friends .. and i just wanna say you're more that just friend . you're a better version of me . you're actually stronger than me .. you once said you were shy to talk to me for the first time , but i still remember how you supported me when i were so shy to text him 🥰 . and thank you for supporting me no matter what. for being my shoulder to cry . for supporting me when im working . for being the first listener to my songs . for babysitting our dogs . for being thr the best auntie to all of our 4 doggies. for letting Tarzan and Thunder to jump in the pool even if i say „ No ” . thank you for being you and for being with me . i love you so much cutie happy 2 years 💕😍

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What makes you a good wife, in your opinion?

I'm a good listener, I love to do things to take care of my spouse, I enjoy going out together and doing fun things together, We talk and joke and cook for each other and care about each other completely

مواصفات اللي ممكن ترتبطي بيه

مش مواصفات معينه
بس شخصيته تكون حلوه قريب من ربنا، بيحب اهله ،طيب ،طموح ، حنووووون بأفراط ومبالغه، good listener، مش مزيف،مذوق واليجانت ف اسلوبه وطريقته يهتم بأهتماماتي ويشاركني كل الديتيلز وميسخفش بأي حاجه تهمني

manusia ga akan pernah paham, sampai dia berada disituasi yang sama:)

urbabygirlllll’s Profile Photoなsuki
From my experience I can say, understand deeply that you are not for everyone and they are not always for you.. when you are not included, invited, or considered, whisper to yourself:
"Allah wants this happen to me, Allah Subhana loves me because He put me in this temporary situation, He test me to make me stronger! than before, He cares me more than anything more than anyone, He always listen my du'aa bcz He is the best listener, InsyaAllah this test will pass I can through this, gak ada yg selamanya.. rasa tidak menyenangkan rasa pahit rasa lelah dan rasa sakit akan perlahan memudar seiring gerak maju waktu" 🕖

What qualities do you look for in a friend? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
A friend who is a listener as well as who like to share their experiences also. Mutual trust and a friendly connection exists like it's fine to tease each other with nicknames🤣 and more. Like, one of my friend usually used to write my name on the class board after the school classes were over and same was done by me😜 we usually would leave the class after all students had left lol🤣 and one day, because of this, the bus was also missed🤦‍♀️🤣 and then they took the bus from other route (:
She would accompany me if I wanted to do something new and then we would laugh together about it. Sometimes, we make get-together plan to visit a new event or watching a movie.
A laughing session happens sometimes with nice friends 😂
Moreover, a friend should be fine with my interests like the movies, studying in free time, my conversation topics🌻

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What qualities do you look for in a friend

When someone makes you feel safe. Safe to express. Safe to feel. Safe to speak. Safe to think. Just safe. I love that. I love an emotionally validating human. I love an active listener. I love reciprocity.❤️

pgilos’s Profile PhotoPJ Gilos
I hope we also check in on people like this in our lives. They are also humans who experience stress and can feel drained. <3
Liked by: CarlosFeleb h.

Perks of being your friend

I just wanted to share some of the reasons why I think it's great to be friends with me. I'm a loyal and caring person who always tries to be there for my friends, I'm a good listener and I love having deep conversations, and I'm always up for trying new things and having fun. If you're looking for a friend who will support you, make you laugh, and help you make the most of life, I'm your girl!🌻

موضوع للنقاش يا تري ايه أساس اختيارك لشريك حياتك

يكون قريب من ربنا وبيحكم الحلال والحرام ف كل شيء
يكون مسؤول مسؤول مسؤول
بيعرف يعبر عن مشاعره ميحبش الجفا
يكون فاهم ان عاطفتي بتحكمني احيان كتير ويحترم دا ويكون good listener
بيحترم أهله واخواته وقريب منهم

فضلت Good Listener لحد ما نسيت بتكلم إزاي.

بقالي فتره حاسه اني فيا حاجه غلط ،حاسه ان دماغي فاضيه مش عارفه ارد على حد ،الكلام تايه ،لما حد من صحابي بيبقي تعبان مكنتش بسيبه غير بعد ما أخرجه من حزنه ،دلوقتي انا مش قادره أو مش عارفه اعمل ده
حاسه اني عايزه أتكلم و مش عارفه و لا حتي قادره أحدد ده سببه ايه

عايز انزل مع حد فاضي وصامت ومش مهموم يجيبلي دوناتس على حسابه واقعد كام ساعة احاول اشرحله انا زعلانة قد ايه هكون ممتنة جداً

تقريبا انا ف كل الdates الي نزلتها كنت بكون الطرف ال good listener
او يمكن دا بحكم اني طابعي شخص بيحب يفكر كتير وكلامه قليل جدا ف الطبيعه

How to be a great listner?

Whenever someone's talking to them, tell yourself that you're gonna have to make a mental summary of what they told you and repeat it back to them.
It's not an option, you HAVE TO.
Dont make it creepy of course, like don't mention it like you're giving an exam. But just casually repeat to them adding your own comments here and there. For example, if they tell you that they had to take the metro to work that morning and it was exhausting because there was no place to sit. They they go on to tell you how they got into a little argument with someone on the bus and that it ruined their day bla bla.
It's a boring conversation but if you tell yourself that you'd have to summarise this back to them and listen, you can respond back saying something like 'Oh yeah, I know the bus is really busy early mornings and I get how much it must've annoyed you. But it's way cheaper as well, innit?'
You wouldn't have summarised his feelings and added your comment, if you weren't listening to him right?
So listen to always summarise and repeat. This also makes you ver charismatic btw. When you repeat to people what they tell you, it makes them feel heard and we love people taht give us that much imp. This could serve as motivation to become a better listener.

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"‏اعمل الحاجة اللي تخليك باصص لنفسك وأنت متقبلها،تنام بالليل وانت مرتاح البال.. بلاش سوء العالم يغير أحسن ما فيك،حارب وأتمسك بـ الإنسانية اللي باقية فيك"✨ 🌀شنو الاشياء الي اذا سويتوها بيومكم تنامون بعدها راضين عن انفسكم.؟🦋♐️

Aaslkefah’s Profile Photoعَہُسَہلہ ❥
من أكون قائم على أمور البيت بغياب والدي.. أساعد أهلي.. أسوي أكل وأغسل المواعين مالتي حتى الحجية من تكوم تلكى المطبخ بعده نظيف أروح أذب الزبل أكرمج الله.. أساعد أي شخص أحسه محتاج من أطلع.. أذا أشوف شخص الظهرية ديمشي أطبك عليه أوصله ع طريقي لأقرب نقطة.. أسمع هموم الناس القريبة عليه وأحاول ع كد مقدرتي أساعدهم حتى لو بكلمة
Cuz Im a good listener
وهواي أمور والله عسل.

You're everyone's therapist, but who's yours? ✨

I would say that people should try to refrain themselves from giving/taking unsolicited and unprofessional advice. Here random people who love to play online“therapist” which is unethical thing to do.
There is a huge difference in between a good listener and a psychologist. Yes, you can be a good listener but claiming to be a therapist? 🙄

Have you considered going to therapy? (Not calling you a crazy person, I swear! Lol SheeeeeeEeeesh) 🤪😝 Have you ever gone? If so, what was your experience like?

Yes, I’ve gone on and off. There are times when I’ve needed it more than others but it is always good to have a dedicated, non-judging listener. They never (should never) give advice, but they do help you navigate your emotions and decision making. It’s better than just confiding in friends because the therapist is impartial. I prefer same sex therapists because there is more of a common experience, for what it’s worth. Also similar age range is good if possible.
Liked by: Release The Kraken

Language: English