
46 people

50 posts


Have you ever had issues with commitment or are you the kind who isn’t afraid of commitment in most cases?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Going on 16 years, but I was single for 2 years before that. lol I’m not afraid of commitment but I’ve always been afraid of wasting my time with someone who would eventually choose to find something better later. meh I don’t do hook ups, though, and have always considered myself a long-term type of women. lol

Quali sono le tue passioni? 🤍🌹

Dipende dai periodi, ci sono stati periodi in cui amavo disegnare, lo facevo di continuo(anche sui banchi di scuola ☠️☠️), leggere stessa cosa, ci sono periodi in cui leggo tantissimo e mesi lunghissimi in cui già è tanto se leggo le email che mi arrivano
Ci sono però alcune cose che non mi hanno effettivamente mai lasciato, anzi si sono evolute e trasformate con me, la scrittura e le lingue straniere e lo sport, in generale.
Quando ero piccola, ti parlo di quando avevo 5/6 anni, ero solita annotare pensieri(che poi quali?), storie inventste su un piccolo diario segreto, scrivevo finti giornaletti, quaderni pieni di "poesie" e storie piene di fantasie.
Poi col tempo ho completamente perso la fantasia, ma continuavo ad annotare i miei pensieri da qualche parte e all'età di 21 anni ho ripreso e svrivere poesie e a scrivere roba criptica (principalmente perché erano cose che nascondevo anche a me stessa) su un'agenda. È bello rileggerle, l'altro giorno una mia amica mi fece notare il cambiamento di scrittura, a livello grafico si intende, fra quando stavo male e quando ho ripreso a stare bene
Le lingue straniere invece non mi hanno mai abbandonata, sono una mia passione da quando ero piccola, è una cosa genetica poiché diverse persone della mia famiglia hanno questa inclinazione, idem per lo sport
Ah e le donne 🐈‍⬛, ups

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In what way are you a survivor? 💪 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ȶɛռǟƈɨօʊֆ ȶօʍʍǟʏ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I’m a survivor of a lot of medical issues/trauma. Much of it, I’m still either trying to heal from, or I’m actively dealing with. Medical trauma has truly been bizarre to work through as you have most random triggers.
For example, I’m instantly nauseated, scared, anxious, feeling extreme dread, etc by certain sounds, smells, and so on. Like, I despise the smell of rubbing alcohol, alcohol wipes, etc. It brings back way too many memories, and makes me feel sick. But, it’s not exactly a trigger to “heal” from cause one, I don’t really know how to, and two, it’s not like you can really avoid it either. 🥴
I also get very scared when I have flare ups, thinking I’ll never get past it (even though logically, I know it’s irrational because my flares never stay constant). Or, more often, I’m scared I’ll wind up in situations I was in as a young teen that truly scarred me.

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In what way are you a survivor

رأيك بالشخص المزاجي !! .. كيف بنقدر نتصرف معه !؟ ..🌷🤍

AbdulNasser706’s Profile PhotoĘnģ nàśśēŗ ❥ سكون
بشوفهم توكسيك ، مأقبلش ان يبقي فيه في حياتي ناس شوية تعاملني حلو وشوية تعاملني وحش حسب مزاجهم ، وانا فين مشاعري من كل ده !
بالنسبالي تجنبهم أفضل وسيلة ، مادام مش بيعرفوا يتحكموا في مزاجهم في تعاملهم مع غيرهم ، اصل كلنا حياتنا فيها ups and downs ولكن اوقات كتيره بنعرف نوازن لكن منجرحش غيرنا بحجة اننا متقلبين المزاج دي قلة ذوق .
رأيك بالشخص المزاجي   كيف بنقدر نتصرف معه

Популярный вопрос: если бы у вас была машина времени и вы могли бы вернуться и изменить, какие-то свои действия в прошлом. Воспользовались бы вы таким шансом или всё, что было то к лучшему и менять ничего не захотели бы!

Nina2927’s Profile PhotoНина Валерьевна
If I could travel back in time and rewrite some pages of my story, I would be faced with a difficult choice. But in the end, I wouldn't change anything. Because, in hindsight, I accepted myself for who I became, with all my flaws and imperfections. The only thing that torments me is the memory of having been kind and defenseless, a flaw that has often exposed me to emotional wounds. But this is also part of me, of what has made me stronger and more aware. So, no, I wouldn't change anything. Accepting my past, with all its ups and downs, is an integral part of my journey towards growth and authenticity.
Популярный вопрос если бы у вас была машина времени и вы могли бы вернуться и
Liked by: Luca78 ✮ Muna ✮

mjy chor ky sari dunia khush hain

No, that's not true. We all have our ups and downs in our life. Life is never a bed of roses for anyone, we have our struggles and low moments. But yk what, we just bear it patiently b/c we know that Allah Almighty is watching us and He's the best disposer of affairs. I hope whatever is bothering you, it gets resolved soon. May Allah Almighty send unlimited blessings your way, Ameen. Sum-Ameen.

When was the last time you went to the dentist? For what reason?

I have a half yearly check up at the dentist. The last time was in October. The next time will be next week.
It’s just a check up to see if my teeth are in good condition still. After that I go to the hygienist to take away any build ups.

Was nervt dich an Büchern? Gibt es wiederkehrende Merkmale an Literatur und insbesondere an Klassikern, die dich einfach nur seufzen und Augen rollen lassen (im weniger schönen Sinne)?

RyoMcCauley’s Profile PhotoTyler Durden
Bei Klassikern sind mir einige wiederkehrende Elemente aufgefallen, die ich, aus der Linse eines modernen Betrachters, zuweilen als störend empfunden habe. Das sind zwar meist Faktoren, die im historischen und literarischen Erzählkontext absolut zeitgemäß sind, aber durch die eigene Aufklärung oft eine gewisse Dissonanz beim Lesen verursachen können.
Ausführliche Beschreibungen von Schauplätzen, Personen und Ereignissen verlangsamen z.B. das Erzähltempo und können von Lesenden, die eine kürzere Erzählweise bevorzugen, als langweilig empfunden werden. Bestes Beispiel dafür wäre Tom Sawyer. Cooles Werk, aber unglaublich langatmig. Die Verwendung einer archaischen Sprache und ungewohnter Dialekte kann zusätzlich eine Barriere darstellen.
Der für mich nervtötendste Aspekt sind die zahlreichen Geschlechternormen und -einstellungen, die, again, absolut ihrer Zeit entsprungen sind, aber unglaublich frustrierend sein können.
Klassische Werke konzentrieren sich faktisch oft auf Figuren und Schauplätze, die die vorherrschende Kultur und Perspektive der Zeit, in der sie geschrieben wurden, widerspiegeln, was jedoch zu einem Mangel an Vielfalt in Bezug auf ethnische Herkunft, Séxualität und andere Identitäten führt.
Einige klassische Romane folgen zudem formelhaften Handlungsstrukturen oder halten sich an konventionelle Erzählmuster, was zu vorhersehbaren Handlungssträngen und Ergebnissen führt, die sich aus heutiger Sicht klischeehaft oder uninspiriert anfühlen können.
Klassiker behandeln darüber hinaus häufig zentrale Themen wie Liebe, Verlust und Erlösung mit einem lamoryanten Maß an Gefühlen und Melodramatik, was manchmal ins Sentimentale abgleiten und sich rührselig oder aufgesetzt anfühlen kann. Bei Weiße Nächte musste ich beispielsweise sehr oft innehalten, weil dieser sentimentale Erzählstil irgendwann zu viel des Guten wurde, auch, wenn er perspektivisch schön und in sich stimmig gewesen ist.
Jetzt habe ich bei den Klassikern zu viel ausgeholt, ups. 😬

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How do you deal with people who judge you and your work? (Haters who have hate fulfil the world 🤷)

Ya_7abibi’s Profile PhotoDiaa
I couldn’t care less generally 😂
In my day job I work in management, so I’m constantly getting judged and told what isn’t right by higher ups, just part of being a manager. But it doesn’t bother me anymore as I know I’m doing a good job and so do my staff which is the main thing 👍🏻

What have you learned from life experiences?

Athar_Lati’s Profile PhotoAthar Lati
The importance of being true to yourself. It can be so easy to get caught up in what other people want or expect from you – but at the end of the day, you are the one who has to live with your decisions and actions and vulnerability and honesty are key components of building meaningful relationships. It is scary to open up and share your true feelings with someone else, but it is often necessary for creating deeper connections. And to be always honest. Life is so draining sometimes full of ups and downs but knowing that there will be good times and bad times and learning how to navigate those difficult moments with grace and resilience can ultimately make you stronger as a person. 🌻
What have you learned from life experiences

What u think of mental health issues?

I believe that they are a very important and often overlooked aspect of overall well-being. It is so crucial to take care of our minds and emotions just as much as we do our bodies, but unfortunately, there is still a lot of stigma surrounding mental illness in many parts of the world. But — I think it is incredibly brave and admirable for people who struggle with mental health issues to speak out about their experiences and seek help when they need it - whether that means talking to a therapist, taking medication, or finding support from friends and loved ones. We all have ups and downs in life, but no one should feel ashamed or alone cause of what they are going through mentally. 🌻

If you go to the gym, at what time of day do you prefer to go? Why then? 🏋️🕓

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
You know what? This is the third question about sport/gym and right now my membership is paused for six months to save a bit of money. And you give me almost BUTTERFLIES BECAUSE I CAN'T WAIT TO GO BACK TO THE GYM. 😭 May is the month. I'm getting really excited.
And - to answer your question: I like going in the mornings. It's pretty empty at that time and somehow the people who are there are almost "zen". They seem so deeply relaxed and are friendly. They greet you with a "Good morning" and a genuine smile on their face. No gymshark-posers in sight. No jugdy young adults that spent too much time on instagram.
There are often elder adults or even seniors and I looove them so much, because they are nice, relaxed and have this "I don't give a crap about how you or I look"-attitude and I LIVE for that. One time there was a young woman (maybe 21-23) who did pull ups. I swear her back looked like it was part of a marble statue and elder women stood there with this typical expression while watching her pulling herself up like a bag of feathers. A combination of 😯(eyes) + ☹️(mouth) and a subtle nodding as the cherry on top. I've never seen this kind of respect and appreciation in the afternoon. The people are kinder and joyful in the mornings. I like that, as my anxiety also can't handle people flooded areas and I like this warmth that you can give and receive from strangers. It kinda makes ones microverse a better place. ❤️

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Welchen Charaktersong würdest du deinem demigod verpassen? 🎵🎧🎤

somewhatunpretentious’s Profile PhotoHitchhiker
Die kurze Antwort: das geniale Gitarren-Solo am Ende von Lynyrd Skynyrds „Free Bird“.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qNHTriYVuA&t=3ssomewhatunpretentious’s Video 174859726719 6qNHTriYVuAsomewhatunpretentious’s Video 174859726719 6qNHTriYVuA
(Ignoriert das Bild in dem Video, dank seiner Mama ist er reichlich antimilitaristisch eingestellt und verabscheut Feuerwaffen. [ups an Thea und @buttercup241447 😂🙊])
Die lange Antwort: Lose Yourself von Eminem
„one shot, one opportunity“ - Die Mission bei der er erst auf Atlas und dann auf Sun und ihre Begleiter stoßen würde, ist die allererste, die er als Halbgott bekommt. Es ist überhaupt das erste mal, dass er so richtig mit all dem Halbgott-Gedöns konfrontiert wird und ganz und gar weiß, was Phase ist.
„His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy“ - Klingt nett abgekämpft. Und als Held muss man ja fertig und am Boden sein, bevor man sich erheben und cool sein kann.
„There's vomit on his sweater already“ - @sol_koroleva kann bestätigen, dass ich es liebe meine OCs als Zeichen ihrer Erschöpfung kotzen zu lassen. 😂😂 Es ist so wunderbar grafisch, fix und alle und würdelos.
„mom's spaghetti“ - Äääh. Seine Mom als wichtigster Mensch überhaupt? Und ausgerechnet Spaghetti bei italienischen Vorfahren? Der Joey-Bezug ist doch geschenkt!
„He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and readyTo drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin'What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loudHe opens his mouth, but the words won't come outHe's chokin' how everybody's jokin' nowThe clock's run out, time's up, over, blaow“ - Nehmen wir mal als sehr plakative Halbgott-Erfahrung…
„[…] but he won'tGive up that easy, no, he won't have it
it don't matter, he's dope“ - selbsterklärend.
Okay ich bin zu faul das komplette Lied durchzuanalysieren aber ich habe es gehört und hatte den „Erkenntnis-Moment.“ Und wenn der Song dann eines Tages veröffentlicht wird, wird Midlifecrisis-Joey bestimmt voll drauf abfahren. 😂😎

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somewhatunpretentious’s Video 174859726719 6qNHTriYVuAsomewhatunpretentious’s Video 174859726719 6qNHTriYVuA

Miłego wieczoru życzę

Jest bardzo miły, wręcz idealny. Jedna osoba swoim dziecinnym zachowaniem poprawiła mi jeszcze bardziej humor.
Nie wiem co miałaś na celu dodając śmiejącą się minkę do zdjęcia, chciałaś mnie wkurzyć, ups nie udało się.
Mała prośba, masz coś do mnie, powiedz mi to wprost i miejmy to z głowy. 🐍

Ich erinnere mich vage an ein Bild zu den Größen von Sun und Atlas. (Und den Kommentar, dass Thea eine Gigantin sei 😂) Wo ordnen sich denn eure Halbgötter da ein? Wie groß sind sie so?

somewhatunpretentious’s Profile PhotoHitchhiker
Rays FC Owen Lindberg ist 6'1, was ungefähr 1,85 m entspricht. Ich hab jetzt einfach mal einen Halbgott-Bonus von 6 cm draufgeschlagen (ich mag keine graden Zahlen ups), womit er knappe 1,91 wäre. :D
Also viel Spaß beim Hosen kaufen lol. Kein Wunder, dass er zeitgemäß im Sommer gerne Hotpants trägt honhon😂

Thoughts on Shoaib Malik and Sana Javed?!

so many people have already said so much about them,
my opinion doesn't matter nor yours,
they never asked us before marriage, they never told us about breakups, they never told us about the hook ups, they dont listen to shit we post here ..
they don't care about me - so do i !!!
lets not make everyone feel like they can shake our worlds with what they do.
ignore. just some junkies you see on screen doesn't make them STARS! 🙂❤️

Who is the most clingy person on ask?

Yesterday, I shared some of my favorite urdu poetry with my sister... she wasn't interested at all. So despite the fact I wanted to go away from this platform I came back to entertain this platform and myself with some good poetry and write ups...

If you work out, how do you prefer to do so? 🏋️‍♂️🏊

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I have a pretty standard routine Barbell bench press (3 sets of 8-12 reps) .Barbell deadlifts (3 sets of 8-12 reps) Barbell squats (3 sets of 8-12 reps) Push ups (3 sets of 8-12 reps) Pull ups (3 sets of 8-12 reps) and Goblet squats (3 sets of 8-12 reps) every second day ☺️

What your opinion on parents choosing your life partner as they do by their beliefs as young as 16 a women has to married not for love if had a daughter would you put her thru marrying a stranger ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
After some experiences in life i really have very different opinions on women or gender females in general ( don't ask too personal) but to answer your question arrange marriages were successful earlier because both side parents used to support the kids to adjust and move forward on ups and downs.... Unlike today where a small argument can lead to court/ fake cases etc and if I have a daughter I'll teach her to have less ego and be kind, respectful to everyone but I'll also teach her Mixed marital arts to kick a§§ of bullies but I'll make sure i won't let the bad shadow of world ruin her nature or outlook towards humanity 🙏🏻😄 .... How about you?

If you had to pinpoint the source of your greatest strength, what would it be, and how has it helped you overcome challenges?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
If i talk about the source of my greatest strength so, TBH that is my "FAITH". I have gone through so many ups and downs in life. Most of the time i used to panic but at the end it was always my Faith that saved me. I am not claiming that i have really strong faith but i always have this voice in my head that nothing is Impossible when your intentions are pure.

“No one notices your depression if you are a male “🙂🖤

Hijabshafaq’s Profile PhotoHijab,xx
❣️ Damn true ❣️
Living is very hard for both men and women but i would say k Mard k liyay zda mushkil because they quit their dreams just for their family! They sacrifice their everything just for the sake of their family!
Mostly Men do not share their problems.They tend to deal with them personally because they don't want their family,their females to be worried!
Aik akaila mard sara din bahir mehnat karta kmata h thousand of ups and downs ko deal karta aur sb kch akailay hi bardasht karta ! Because they are not even allowed by our society k wo khud ko express kar skain qk agar wo kartay to unko kamzor bna dia jata ,judge kia jata ,they can't even cry because they are meant to be strong ! Yeah Men are super heroes of our family! But most importantly they are also human beings !!!They do have emotions!
They must be admired ! And being a female i would suggest k Hum females ka kaam bnta k apnay mardon ka sath dain ! Unka khayaal rkhain because they deserves it much more than us.!

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What's the most embarrassing moment you've had that you can laugh about now?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Recently, as I told in my answer previously this week, I was involved in accidentally cutting off the hostel's electricity supply, and something got burnt in the UPS at 11 pm.
And the owner came running outta his room. 😅
Hostel Owner k Sabr aur Hosly ko salam ko mujhy bardasht krr rahy hain.

For the people who work. How many weeks are you allowed to take off in one go? 2weeks? 3weeks? Do you have to go for an interview with the higher ups if you want more than 3 weeks off work?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
It depends on the hours that you work in total and also how long you've been with the company. Well, that goes for myself but 1 week for me I think.

Tell me, when was the last time things got real dark, real fast?

Today when I told my parents that my friend got engaged just recently. I started complaining and telling my family that they don’t want me to be in a relationship while they argued that they’d like to see me in a relationship but as usual, I need to work on my problems and have a more “interesting” life than I do at the moment for that to happen. Things got heated but I eventually calmed down when my mom said her friend suggested this psychologist to her who works with people and also arranges dates/meet ups for them if they’re thinking of marriage.

If you could write your own story would you remove all the hurdles and heartbreaks and let downs from your life to have a smooth sailing??

HaiderAli686’s Profile PhotoHaider Ali
A person in my life once said, k agr ups and downs na hty zndgi mei to yh dunia ni, hm jannat mei hoty. But since, yh dunia hy; jannat nhi, to obviously no.
Heartbreaks made me stronger, and those ups and downs made me closer to my Creator. ♥️

fishx? czy fiszerön miał kiedyś konto na Twitterze? jaki mógłby być fisziks na PORTALU IKS?

Cont_fals’s Profile PhotoSűch Råczy
fisziks miał kiedyś konto na twitterze żeby śledzić njusy fav zespołów, ale pod inną ksywą, potem usunął, bo jakoś nie mógł się tam odnaleźć i nie miał żadnych twitterowych ziomków :((( ale gdyby teraz tam był to zdecydowanie jako fishX, fishX brzmi chwytliwie i w dodatku nawiązuje do nowej nazwy tegoż portalu... nawet pomijając fakt, że fisziks nie ma za wiele wspólnego z rybami, ale mógłby mieć 👀 dla tej nazwy warto
fiszonks na portalu X byłby twice as cursed w stosunku do tego jaki jest na asku i pewnie nie miałby tam żadnych znajomych, a jeszcze przez przypadek wdałby się w dramę z jakimiś dzieciakami z podstawówki, bo pewnie użyłby w stosunku do kogoś nie tego zaimka co trzeba, ups, jaka szkoda; retłitowałby dużo memów (zwłaszcza tych nawiedzonych, albo nieśmiesznych) i jakieś użalanie się fanów anime na to, że zupa za słona, niebo za niebieskie, a gojo nie żyje (bo tak, chaotic evil fiszonks gwałci pojęcie spoilerów na każdym kroku #niemamserca #spoilery #TWOJA_WINA_ŻE_WCHODZISZ_DO_INTERNETU_BEZ_ZNANIA_CAŁOŚCI_MANGI_SERIALU_ANIME)

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Guckst du einen Anime von Anfang an mit und wartest von Woche zu Woche auf die bevorstehende Folge, oder guckst du den Anime erst nach Veröffentlichung der letzten Folge und ziehst ihn dafür durch?

TrinityBlood1’s Profile PhotoTrinity Blood
Wenn ich einen Anime entdecke der mir gefällt schaue ich den sofort und warte brav auf die neuen Folgen😇 Ich habe allerdings meistens 5 verschiedene gleichzeitig laufen und verliere dadurch oft den Überblick wo es wann weiter geht ups

Do you do weights and if you do what type of exercise program do you have?

Pretty much our gym standard
Day 1: Push. Barbell bench press (3 sets of 8-12 reps) ...
Day 2: Pull. Barbell deadlifts (3 sets of 8-12 reps) ...
Day 3: Legs. Barbell squats (3 sets of 8-12 reps) ...
Day 4: Push. Push ups (3 sets of 8-12 reps) ...
Day 5: Pull. Pull ups (3 sets of 8-12 reps) ...
Day 6: Legs. Goblet squats (3 sets of 8-12 reps) ...
Day 7: Rest.

cemu oni ubrzani koraci posle izlaska iz autobusa?

agent007_srbski’s Profile PhotoTajni agent
Pa evo da ti kazem sada rakija tvoja na koju bazis zacinjena je sa necim po mojoj recepturi a ti kao ubrzani koraci Ruzna raspala pijanduro koji imas ver probleme raznorazne mene moji ljudi cuvaju i prate u tajnosti a tebe i tvoju cerkicu snimili smo zajedno kako setate steta ce biti ako joj se nesto desi ups...
Liked by: Khloe Kardashian

How many chances do you give a person before you write them off?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
It depends what they’ve done as well as how close we are and the intentions behind their actions. I would say major things ~ twice depending on intent and context and smaller things a few more. If they can acknowledge the fuck ups they’ve made and work on it, I’d give more chances 🙂

Shadi kis umar mein karni chahiye??

Compatibility, Maturity, Growth, Life experiences , education, etc,when all these things are balanced and ready for marriage.
Apart from that, most importantly, do it when you feel like you're:
*loved,respected, understood by a person and his family
*ready to maturely fulfill responsibilities of a relationship and family life,
*you have the mental and emotional capacity+maturity to handle the ups and downs of relationships/life and Deal with them/others maturely and grow healthily.
*you are emotionally and mentally ready to give AND receive love in a relationship
*you're body, and mind is ready to deal with the whole package of birth and pre, Peri, postnatal stuff.
(If you're a male, check your mental readiness and stamina for fully caring, loving and supporting another human and children, as well as your own mental, emotional and physical state)
Just a few of the important pointers that come to mind currently.

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It’s factsunday magst du etwas über deine under your skin Ic verraten? Und auch ein Moodboard teilen?

1. Victoria-Wilhelmine (Nachname noch nicht vorhanden, ups) wurde nach zwei historischen Personen benannt. Queen Victoria und Wilhelmina von den Niederlanden. Ihre Eltern sind bekennende Fans von royalen Familien.
(Funfact zum Funfact, meine erste Idee war, dass Wilhelmine auf Wilhelm den Ersten von Preußen zurück geht. Fand ich dann doch ein bisschen zu offensichtlich problematisch)
2. Sie ist quasi Vorsitzende der "I am not like other Girls TM"
3. Sie sammelt Postkarten und alte Bilder und stellt sich vor wie die Menschen darauf wohl gelebt haben
Its factsunday magst du etwas über deine under your skin Ic verraten Und auch

What Is loyalty for you?

Yar IDK But I Think Loyalty is a beautiful thing. It's about being there for someone, no matter what. It's a promise to always stand by their side, through the ups and downs of life. It's like a warm hug, showing love and respect. Loyalty brings joy and meaningful connections, creating a bond that lasts a lifetime.🤷🙂

Why does everything gotta be so hard?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
It's life. There are ups and downs, highs and lows. And you will get through it, one way or another.
I remember once someone told me it's 'an attitude problem' or 'your problem.' That wasn't helpful because, often, we seek guidance, an understanding ear, or simple empathy.
Liked by: شِين ✨ ∆HMED

Oczywiście, że możesz. Hmm a jak było po drugiej stronie? XD

Zadziwiająco przyjemnie! Jest tam taki typek, Krystian, który zmienia wodę w wino i rozmnaża żywność, ale chleb jest tylko pszenny, a z ryb serwują wyłącznie mintaja. Nie płacisz za ogrzewanie, gaz, prąd i inne media, wszędzie masz zarąbisty zasięg, no i dożywotni zapas big milków od Algidy xd
Największej osiedlowej dewotki tam nie było, najwyraźniej plucie na gejów i odmawianie różańców nie chroni przed pójściem do piekła, ups.

¿Cuánta gente sin talento hay trabajando?

Vamos, abriré el melón. Puede que esté siendo hipócrita aquí y es una discusión que tengo constantemente conmigo mismo. Por ejemplo, antes de ser actriz, fue música. Toqué el violonchelo y el piano. Me pusieron un violonchelo entre las piernas cuando tenía 6 años. Hubo un momento en el que dije que no quería ser violonchelista profesional, tuve mi momento de epifanía de querer hacer teatro y me incorporé a la RESAD. Pero mi gran sueño era ser cantante de jazz y ser una Aretha Franklin, pero no tengo la voz y tengo buena voz para cantar jazz y soul. Después tuve nódulos, cogí mi propia voz porque mi rango vocal se iba acortando y dije: "ups, ya no puedo cantar lo mismo", y eso es una inseguridad muy grande. Mi gran sueño era ser cantante. Hoy soy actriz, pero si un día lanzo un disco, todos los que son cantantes como mi mejor amiga Alice Wonder dirán: "Que se jodan los actores que ahora son todos cantantes y que sacan discos" y yo lo entendería, no Lo entendería porque cualquiera que haya trabajado duro y estudiado música puede pensar en la intrusión del trabajo. usando la fama para salir de su historial. Ahora también puedo revertir la situación y pensar en los modelos que no han estudiado actuación, ¿debería actuar con ellos? Pues no, porque al fin y al cabo creo que cada uno es libre de hacer lo que realmente quiera en cada momento de su vida. Creo en el poder de cambiar de opinión y querer ejercer varias profesiones. ¿Porque no? Si te hace feliz, estudies o no, seas profesional o no, haz lo que realmente te pide tu cuerpo y te pica la curiosidad. Entonces hay gente que intentándolo ha encontrado su vocación y es maravilloso.

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What does real love look like to you?

H2o_o2H’s Profile Photoꪖ᥅ᥴꫝ꠸ꫀ
Real love (to me) looks like:
- Having each other's back, through and through
- Going through the ups and downs, and not judging each other for each others own downfalls... Giving each other full support and working through the challenges, as one, along the way!
- Laughter... And lots of it! Life's too short to not have fun? Experience life... Have goals for your relationship! Milestones ☺️ it's keeps things fun and fresh!
- Be silly! Be playful! Embrace the moments when you can just poke fun at each other/banter and let the inner child within, out! 🤪
- What my fiance calls "huggles" (aka: hug snuggles) and kisses 🥰
- Listening to each other's perspectives (sometimes they can differ - and that's okay!) and working on how to meet in the middle, so it's not one sided ☺️
- Trust and open communication... ALWAYS!! 🙏
- Someone you can call your person... Your other half 👩‍❤️‍👨 Where the love never dies... And feel completely whole!

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What if someone say I love you?

I don’t understand how people fall in love so sudden, you don’t know the true self of the other person yet you decide to be in a commitment after one two meet ups or conversations. This is the reason why relationships don’t last longer. Bro take it slowly and observe if there’s some compatibility! fuck sake.

For once, be realistic; this 24/7 optimism won't get you anywhere.

It's important to be realistic sometimes and acknowledge that life has its ups and downs. While staying positive is great, it's also okay to recognize challenges and setbacks. Remember, being realistic doesn't mean giving up, but rather finding a balance between optimism and practicality. If you ever need someone to talk to or share your thoughts with.
Liked by: IV Kaina U.

Why do I keep losing friends?

At that point, you should consider if there’s an issue with the way you express yourself, how you treat others and/or what you can change about yourself that will help you not lose as many friends. I’ve lost friends too, but I don’t think I’ve ever really been friends with those said friends in the first place. They would hardly ever initiate meet ups with me, they’d try to prove me wrong or go against what I’d say and they would expose the secrets I trusted them with when it was convenient for them. Maybe it’s not just about you but also about not being around the right people as well. The people you talk to/associate yourself with should show some understanding, be trustworthy, initiate meet ups/conversations at least once in a while instead of you always reaching out first and they shouldn’t try arguing with you every so often or try making you look bad. If you’re overly sensitive, maybe you’re around those who aren’t as sensitive and simply don’t understand you. Maybe you have problems of your own that you don’t discuss with your friends and when your problems get in the way of your friendships, your friends most likely are left confused and don’t understand what the problem is because they aren’t aware about your problems/struggles. It’s best to be open and honest with others from the start so that they have a heads up and know that you have issues which make it harder for you to maintain your friendships with friends and to check yourself once in a while to see if you’re the problem in certain situations or if it’s actually them. Talking to a therapist about this can also help too :)

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Coś ci się pomieszało bo konto należy do Pauliny @kruczek3119 ups

Nie będę kłócić się o jakieś głupie nazwy, ludzie.
Od zawsze każdy wie, że pierwsza ja miałam Kruczka 😂 nawet ostatnio dostałam wiadomość na Instagramie od pewnej dość istotnej na tym portalu osoby, że coś jej nie gra 😂
Kruczek3119 został przerobiony na kuleczkę, a teraz spowrotem jest Kruczkiem tylko, że 3011. 😂❤️

Language: English