
13 people

50 posts


Do you think the partner we choose reflects how much we love ourselves?

Ssars’s Profile PhotoSayed Sibtain Ali Rizvi
Yes, it does. And sometimes it doesn't. I know someone who was obsessed with themself. Someone who wanted to be worshipped in other words. But that person, that person married someone by their free will, even went against their family for that person. And now they are the one who have left their self-worth while doing everything their partner asks. No matter what it is, there's no sense of self-respect left in them.
For someone like that, I had hoped them to have some self-love, but even them getting taken for granted is kinda indigestible to be honest.

Why does the perception of others matter about us?

We are social creatures who always trying to seek validation and connection from those around us and it is natural for us to want to be seen in a positive light and appreciated for our unique qualities. However — it is important not to let the opinions of others define our sense of self-worth. We must remember that we are all individuals with our strengths, weaknesses, and life experiences - no one can truly know what it is like to walk in someone else's shoes, while the perception of others certainly matters when it comes to establishing connections and building relationships, it should never take precedence over our own personal values and beliefs.

You can't look for someone you love when you still don't know how to love the person you see in the mirror.

ahmed_emad_10’s Profile PhotoAhmed Emad ✪
Yes you can. Please stop propagating this harmful ideology that people with low self-esteem and low self-worth are not capable of loving someone else, or that they're not worthy of being loved by someone else. It's extremely harmful, and honestly disgustingly dehumanising and really discriminatory against those with mental health issues who may not be able to help the way they view themselves. It shows you as very narrow minded and judgemental, and just generally unlikable.

How do you think the constant exposure to social media affects our perception of self-worth and happiness?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
We actually need more people on social media who give exposure of thr real challenges in life. We don't need to put an end to social media but we need to put an end to trends and practices that are making it hard to live for others.
An example of this I have seen in the lives of some of my colleagues.
They live in an over expensive residential areas so so they have to dress up and carry themselves just the way their neighbours do. No matter what they have to buy branded attires and go to famous places that they can boost about in their circle.
And all of this is mentally and physically exhausting. And they've admitted this but they can't break the trends.
So we don't need to exclude social media but we need to include the right source of social media that we need exposure of. We need imperfect influencers and unsuccessful entrepreneurs who share how they failed and failed till they had some sweetness of success .

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How do you think the constant exposure to social media affects our perception of self-worth and happiness?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
دل چاہتا ہے
غار احصاب کہف میں جاکر سو جاءوں
جب نیند سے اٹھوں
میرا زمانہ گزر چکا ہو
میرے سکے کھوٹے ہو چکے ہوں
میری بات کوئی نہ سمجھتا ہو
مجھے کوئی جانتا ہو
رب سے پوچھوں
بتا! کہاں جاءوں؟
رب کہے
تیرے زمانے اب نہیں رہے
انسان سبھی مر چکے ہیں
صرف ہجوم زندہ ہے
جنون زندہ ہے
تو لوٹ جا
غار احصاب کہف میں
پھر سے سو جا

How do you think the constant exposure to social media affects our perception of self-worth and happiness?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
No doubt social media has an influence on our perception of self-worth, both in a positive way and a negative way. No social media platform is good or bad. The consequences, however, can be good or bad depending on how you are using it. It does nothing but augment what is already on your mind and heart.
Therefore, when people complain that social media is affecting their mental health and self-esteem, it's not unlike if they kept shooting themselves on the foot and blaming guns, rather than questioning their aim or even their inclination to cling to guns, in the first place.

How do you think the constant exposure to social media affects our perception of self-worth and happiness?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
People have great control over social media. They show what they deem worth sharing, presenting either an incomplete picture or distorted facts. They display their seemingly perfect married lives, flawless angles, ideal lifestyles—everything that is far from perfect in real life. Consequently people who lag behind in something presented so perfectly are affected by it.

How does bullying affect people's self-esteem and confidence?

Bullying can have a profound and negative effect on a person's self-esteem and confidence. It can lead to feelings of worthlessness, humiliation, and shame, which can in turn lead to low self-esteem and reduced confidence. This can make people feel less confident in their abilities, more introverted, and less likely to take risks. It can also affect people's self-image and lead to feelings of inferiority and guilt, which can damage their sense of identity and self-worth. Ultimately, bullying can have a deeply detrimental effect on people's self-esteem and confidence.

Any thoughts lately? ☕

Bilalnadeem96’s Profile PhotoBilal Nadeem
At some point in your life ....
You have to realize that not everyone is interested in growth and becoming a better version of themselves.
They are not interested in healing or even changing at all.
Alot of these individuals are just always going to be okay with behaving the way they always have in the past, even if it’s harmful.
What you have to do .... is to accept this and remind yourself of your self-worth and that you are the person who gets to decide who you pour your time and energy into.
Take my advice ..... and accept people for who they are, & leave them where they belong.

Can u fall in love more than once? Does it make u look weak?

The biggest mistake we make is that we build our homes in other people. We build those homes and we decorate them with the love and care and respect that makes us feel safe at the end of the day. We invest in other people, and we evaluate our self-worth based on how much those homes welcome us. But what many don’t realize is that when you build your home in other people, you give them the power to make you homeless. When those people walk away, those homes walk away with them, and all of a sudden, we feel empty because everything that we had within us, we put into them. We trusted someone else with pieces of us. The emptiness we feel doesn’t mean we have nothing to give, or that we have nothing within us. It’s just that we built our home in the wrong place.

Why is everyone almost always convinced they're right

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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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I don't think it's fair to say that about everyone.
I think there is certainly such kind of people, that you are talking about. And I also believe they are called: Narcissists. XD But I don't think that everyone naturally believes they are (always) in the right.
And the reason why narcissists believe they are always right is that it's easier to run away from your responsibilities and point your finger at someone else than to look in the mirror and tell yourself that your actions or words actually hurt someone seriously. That way you don't have to reflect on yourself and your self-worth gets a boost by putting the guilt in another place.

برايك ما هي خطوات الثقة بالنفس ؟

الثقة بالنفس بتبدأ من معرفة نقاط القوة وتسليط الضوء عليها ونقاط الضعف ومعالجتها وفيه خطوات معينة للثقة بشكل عام بتتمثل في التالي:
1- ثقافة الانترفيو: زي مقابلة الشغل اللي بتعملها مع الـ HR بس الفرق انك هتعملها مع نفسك وتبدأ تسال نفسك الاسالة اللي بتتسأل في الانترفيو زي "يا تري ايه المميزات اللي موجودة فيك؟ - ايه نقاط الضعف الموجودة عندك؟ - لو هتوصف نفسك بكلمة هتقول ايه؟ - لو هتعرف نفسك من البداية لحد النقطة ال وصلتلها دلوقتي هتقول ايه؟" والأسالة دي مهمة لانها بتخليك تسترجع هويتك وتفهم نفسك لأن روتينية الحياة بتخلينا ننسي نفسنا وننسي احنا مين وعايشين ليه
2- نظام الدعم الذاتي: للأسف معظمنا بيستمد قيمته الحقيقة من خلال الآخرين، بمعني ان معظمنا بيبص لنظرة الناس عنه ايه ويستمد منها قيمته الذاتية زي انك تستني حد يقولك انت قوي ف مجال معين أو تستني ان حد يثني علي أفعالك، أه الإكستيرنال ڤاليديشن والدعم شيء مهم جداً لكن عمره ما يكون مقياس الـ self-worth ولما بنستني نشوف احنا ايه ف عيون الناس بنتحول لنوع من الأشخاص اسمه pleasers وهم الأشخاص اللي بيدوروا علي رضا الناس، وعشان كده وثق كل نجاحاتك وانجازاتك وتخلي عن الدعم الخارجي وادعم نفسك داخلياً، وخرج الناس من حساباتك وحط لنفسك نظام تشجيعي ومكافأة علي كل انجاز صغير بتعمله ومن الأنظمة دي هو منهج الـ positive confirmations اللي هو أفكار زي "انا احسن دلوقتي من زمان - انا كويس دلوقتي بس لسه محتاج تطوير أكتر من نفسي وهشتغل عليه شوية" بصفة عامة أفكار ليها علاقة ب انت تقدر تعمل ايه مش الناس شيفاك ايه !
3- مواجهة الخوف: لما بتنسحب وتهرب ومتقدرش تتعامل مع القلق الموجود جواك ولا تحطله خطة، بكده انت بتأكد أكتر جواك انك فيك جزء ناقص، لذلك واجه حتي لو مش هتطلع بأحسن نتيجة عندك، مش شرط تكون المواجهة مباشرة، لو مبتقدرش تتكلم قدام ناس وبترتعش جمع صحابك واتكلم قدامهم، اتكلم ف سبيس علي تويتر مع ناس غريبة، وبعدها اطلع للريل لايف وواجه،اه ممكن تعمل غلطات كارثية ومتطلعش بأفضل نتيجة لكنك قدرت تواجه الحاجة اللي سببتلك القلق وده هيديلك احساس بالرضا عن نفسك لانك دخلت تحدي مكنتش تتخيل تدخله في يوم من الأيام،التجربة ديماً بتزودك خبرة وبتخليك تطلع السلم تدريجي، لذلك اكسر الرهبة عن طريق انك تمسك ورقة وقلم وتكتب كل مخاوفك قدام عينك وتحط خطة للمواجهة والتنفيذ

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Can you explain (in layman’s terms) the definition of ‘Confidence’ and what separates it from ‘Arrogance’?

It has been argued that confidence stems from a sensible sense of self-worth while arrogance could be defined as an exaggerated sense of importance. Confident people can be rather endearing, generous and lighthearted but arrogant creatures rarely possess lofty attributes and they can emit a negative energy which is best avoided. Confidence smiles. Arrogance smirks.
Can you explain in laymans terms the definition of Confidence and what separates

Do u still stalk Ur ex

Guilty. Sometimes, I'd skim through his social media accounts and remind myself of all the values that should be flowing in my bloodstream - self-worth, self-respect, self-confidence, self-acceptance and self-care. I stalk to boost my moral strength, never because of love remnants. I stalk to see how far I've grown, and thank God for kicking him out of my life.
Liked by: vio عمر

هو فيها حاجه لو اعترفت لواحده انك بتحبها او معجب بيها وهي رفضتك ؟ فيها احراج مثلا ؟

The degree to which we are able to handle rejective depends on how much we base our self-worth and contentment in the relationship, and in the opinion of others who we seek to have relationships with.

How will we stay motivated after knowing that our goals become a failure?

If you failed something you worked hard for that is ok. It's all a learning experience. Take it as a lesson to do something different or try harder. People fail all the time, but they don't talk about their failures only their successes. Failure is a stepping stone to success and it is a process. If you don’t achieve your goals, Its okay. You tried your best. You tried even when your heart and body was heavy. And if you didn’t, see it as a lesson learnt. Just try again. Don’t let it bring you down.
Your failure is nothing but a chance to learn and do things better. Do not assess your self-worth based on the number of failures you have had. And even still things don't go your way, keep fighting. keep doing. Its okay to be sad for a while and feel demotivated but it's so important to get up again and analyse what went wrong, set up a new plan, and continue working towards your goals. Sometimes ofter one failure, or when you can't able to achieve your goals it can feel really difficult to pick yourself back up and keeping going. Take some time and feel your disappointment or your frustration as you need to, if you need to. Then get on it again.
One thing — Don’t let it stop you.
For 9/10 goals, a second attempt can be made. One failure doesn’t equate to a permanent one, and you will almost always have the opportunity to try again. keep pushing forward and do what makes you happy. 🌻

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How will we stay motivated after knowing that our goals become a failure

Finish The Sentence: Life Is Much Better When…

anonymous_atticus’s Profile PhotoPaxton Hall
...you remove all negative people from it. Word. I'm so sick and tired of those restless individuals who can't seem to accept reality as it is and still desperately seek attention just to nourish their ego, even when a decision's already been (and quite clearly) made. Why do folks always have to "prove" things to one another in order to feel at least something? If you didn't have selfworth it in the first place, you never will, not even by pretending to be better and more privileged than anyone else. If you don't even have the courage to be yourself, then will you ever be your own person?
Liked by: Johnson Paxton Hall

For a new beginning:

justactlike’s Profile PhotoSpike Spiegel
Now I am very aware of my self-worth, I realize my value and I realise that I am not something to be underestimated, I want life to lead me away from everything that affects my mental health and I hope to do. In this chapter of me: I hope my heart will heal from the scars inside, and to stop feeling guilty. Now I realize well that I am enough, beautiful and intelligent one .. I deserve to be respected and loved only for myself and from people who value me, do not hurt my feelings or make me cry.
I love my family and friends and all I seek is for them to be well ..
I wanna go back to the optimistic chapter of me , and I will do ..
Thanks Adel for this question and ur interest:)🤍

Opinions on one sided love?

It’s waiting for something that might never happen. It’s looking at someone who doesn’t see you. It’s thinking about someone day and night while you probably never cross their mind. It’s looking at your phone hoping they’d text you or call you as they call someone else. It’s reaching out to them with so much fervor as they respond with indifference. You’re battling your emotions. You’re battling your feelings. You’re battling reality. You’re battling everything people are telling you and believing your fantasies. You’re battling your own intuition. Your gut. Your logic. Your heart. It’s a battle you can’t win. A war you can’t stop. It’s losing over and over again. It’s surrendering to something that will eventually destroy you. It’s one person giving and the other one is taking. It’s one person loving and the other is not even moved. It’s one person always hoping for something more while the other is avoiding the subject altogether. It’s one person willing to do anything to make it work and the other is not even thinking about it. It’s one person always crying and the other one is always laughing. It’s questioning your self-worth every night. It’s constantly wondering why you’re not enough, why you never get picked, why you’re never the chosen one. It’s amplifying every minor flaw. It’s looking at yourself and not liking anything about you. It’s lying in bed overthinking everything you’ve said and done because it must have been something you said, it must have been you. It’s feeling like you’ll never be loved because no one was able to love you back. No one you wanted truly wanted you. It’s liking the idea of someone. But real love is never one-sided. Real love is reciprocated. Real love is patient. Real love is understanding. Real love is two people embarking on a wonderful journey together with all its ups and downs. It’s two people willingly choosing each other. It’s two people trying to accept each other and love the worst parts of one another. It’s two people promising to be there for each other in sickness and in health.
It’s loyalty. It’s reassurance. It’s commitment. It’s intimacy. It’s depth. It’s strength. It’s a reason to live longer. It’s a reason to have faith in life. Real love heals. One-sided love breaks. Real love is the only love you need to look for. One-sided love is anything but love. It’s a poetic term for heartbreak. A poetic term for suffering.

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How do you determine if someone has a toxic personality? What are your strategies in managing such people?

It feels like the term "toxic" has been overused today. It used to allude to a person who is manipulative, abusive, having dysfunctional behaviour or basically like... poisoning people they came into contact with, and now it's just an empty phrase tossed around randomly.
If you have a sense of self-worth, you'll know how to set boundaries and when to walk away from such kind of people; you understand that they are not and should not be your problem.

How does humans know their worth?

In psychology, the concept of self-worth may be a less-popular research topic than self-esteem or self-confidence, but that doesn’t mean it’s less important. Self-worth is at the core of our very selves our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are intimately tied into how we view our worthiness and value as human beings♥♥

How do humans know their worth?

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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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I think we learn it at first from our parents but furthermore, from people, who constantly try to fight your worth and try to put you in "the right place" that they are handing out to you, it's really important to remind them that they have to keep this image to themselves, as they have no right to give us "worth" in terms of their own point of view/opinion. So I guess, we learn self-worth through dealing with each other.

Even if you have a thousand friends you will sometimes feel lonely.. do you agree with me ?

This is why self-love and self-worth is important. If you can’t keep yourself company, then no one else’s company will ever be good enough. You’ll always want more or think their lack of presence means they don’t want to be around you.
Love yourself as deeply as you love others, so other’s can love you fully.

7. Where does your self-worth come from? 8. Where do you find meaning in your life? 9. If you could teach one concept to everyone in the world, which concept would you choose that would have the greatest positive impact on humanity?

Yay! ☺️ •Self worth comes from my own acceptance of who I am. If I love who I am and know what I deserve and what I stand for; I understand my worth. •I find meaning when Kevin says, “I love you, Mommy!” Comes running to me with a smile. Every single thing about my child gives my life meaning; everything! •Gratitude. Imagine what the first world have that the third world do not. Often times though, life has a way of reminding us of that!
Liked by: Darren nurulhuda Ray

How would one start the healing process

Accept the fact that it's going to be difficult. There's more to it than what people realize because every person is different and so are the illnesses. Acceptance is so important and not to judge yourself. Recognize that during your healing process, it's a good thing to notice the problems you are having - be honest and open with yourself.
Value yourself:
Treat yourself with kindness and respect, and avoid self-criticism. Make time for your hobbies and favorite projects, or broaden your horizons. Do a daily crossword puzzle, plant a garden, take dance lessons, learn to play an instrument or become fluent in another language.
2. Take care of your body:
Taking care of yourself physically can improve your mental health. Be sure to:
Eat nutritious meals
Avoid smoking and vaping-- see Cessation HelpDrink plenty of water
Exercise, which helps decrease depression and anxiety and improve moods
Get enough sleep. Researchers believe that lack of sleep contributes to a high rate of depression in college students.
3. Surround yourself with good people:
People with strong family or social connections are generally healthier than those who lack a support network. Make plans with supportive family members and friends, or seek out activities where you can meet new people, such as a club, class or support group.
4. Give yourself:
Volunteer your time and energy to help someone else. You'll feel good about doing something tangible to help someone in need — and it's a great way to meet new people. See Fun and Cheap Things to do in Ann Arbor for ideas.
5. Learn how to deal with stress:
Like it or not, stress is a part of life. Practice good coping skills: Try One-Minute Stress Strategies, do Tai Chi, exercise, take a nature walk, play with your pet or try journal writing as a stress reducer. Also, remember to smile and see the humor in life. Research shows that laughter can boost your immune system, ease pain, relax your body and reduce stress.
6. Quiet your mind:
Try meditating, Mindfulness and/or prayer. Relaxation exercises and prayer can improve your state of mind and outlook on life. In fact, research shows that meditation may help you feel calm and enhance the effects of therapy. To get connected, see spiritual resources on Personal Well-being for Students
7. Set realistic goals:
Decide what you want to achieve academically, professionally and personally, and write down the steps you need to realize your goals. Aim high, but be realistic and don't over-schedule. You'll enjoy a tremendous sense of accomplishment and self-worth as you progress toward your goal. Wellness Coaching, free to U-M students, can help you develop goals and stay on track.
8. Break up the monotony:
Although our routines make us more efficient and enhance our feelings of security and safety, a little change of pace can perk up a tedious schedule. Alter your jogging route, plan a road-trip, take a walk in a different park, hang some new pictures or t

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Whole time Inspired movie character or movie?

suh6908’s Profile Photosuhail A K
Every movie is unique every story is unique each movie 🍿🎥 gives different kinda inspiration 😻 and specifically can't mention one! But still some of which I remember 😅
The Shawshank Redemption
The film gives a strong message of friendship and perseverance and lets us have an insight of the lives at Shawshank. It's an inspiring story of hope, faith and bonding.
The Pursuit of Happyness
The movie while highlighting the father and son bond also has the message of never giving up. Yet, the small bits of happiness they find in their togetherness provides a heartwarming plot for the film.
Life of Pi
The struggles and adventures of Pi, added to the extraordinary portrayal of nature, make the movie not only inspirational but also a visual treat.
Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam
This movie shows the hard works and efforts he did to overcome his disability. It gives us the motivation to accept ourselves and fight against all stereotypes.
Ayalum Njanum Thammil
The transformation of a slothful doctor to the most renowned surgeon is an inspirational story for many. The film takes you through love, struggle, dedication, and hard work.
It is a story of an introvert girl with much insecurity, who later gains confidence and fights against all timidities of her life. It motivates everyone to improve and discover our true selves.
3 Idiots
I don’t think I need to say anything about this movie because everyone knows how great this movie is. This is one of the greatest motivational movies that represent college life and friendship very well.
Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara
This is one of the motivational movies that will inspire you to lead a free and stress-free life.
Taare Zameen Par
This movie is for all those parents out there who wants their children to be something in future.
English Vinglish
The film was a statement on society encourage prejudices and how self-worth has nothing to do with such contrived expectations.
I know there's so many more...but still I'm out of letters

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Liked by: Richu +

Do you think one night stands are emotionally damaging?

Nope! Sex is fun. Everyone should have it with many people because its like a finger print. No sexual partner is the same. I had a one night stand and it was amazing. We knew we couldn't have a relationship due to school and scheduling but the one time sex was great. It did wonders for my self esteem. Yes. Absolutely! As is this culture of "if it feels good, do it! No one can judge you!!" I think it's damaging us in ways unseen and deluding our views and hindering commitment in drastic ways. I think it, in big ways and small, hurts the collective self-esteem and self-worth of people. The vast majority of people, IMO, are not programmed to separate sex from intimacy; pretending that we are is very detrimental, IMO
Depends on the person. I had my fair share of one night stands in my early 20s, and I don't think I came out of it worse for wear or anything. I was always clear about what I wanted, I was safe, I had fun. I'm sure if I wasn't in the right emotional frame of mind, or something along those lines, it could have been emotionally damaging, though.
I'm more inclined to suspect that the damage is already done by that point. I don't want to imagine what would have to happen to me in my life, what kind of state of mind I'd have to be in, to ever even consider a one-night stand. I find them extremely disrespectful and no way to treat a human being. I don't care what other people do, but I have my own standards. I wouldn't do it.
No, not necessarily. I've never had one but I've had casual partners. What is important in any kind of sexual and/or emotional relationship is to be conscious of your needs and boundaries. Some people will use sex or relationships to numb or compensate for something they're struggling with personally. But a lot of people just like sex and can figure out a way to meet their sexual needs casually without negative repercussions.
I've never really felt worried about my safety. If I felt worried, I wouldn't go through with it, but I've never gotten to a point where that happened. I've never really had my self-esteem or self-worth negatively affected by a successful one night stand, but obviously it feels bad if you try really hard to get laid and then fail, just like it usually feels bad if you try really hard to do anything and then fail.
I'm generally of the feeling that if me and her want to sleep with each other, let's do it. If that leads to us wanting sleep together more in the future or not at all in the future, we'll deal with that later. When I sleep with someone new, I'm generally open to it leading to something serious or with it not. I like being in relationships, and when I'm not in one, I'm always open to the idea of being in a relationship if the right person comes along. But I have no problem with having fun and sex until the right person comes along.

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"Someone said: They Don't Care About Us." What Do You Think! Do We Cafe Those Who Don't Care About Us?

anonymous_atticus’s Profile PhotoPaxton Hall
Let me be clear:
My love is unconditional, but your presence in my life is not. The moment that you prove that your value of me does not measure up to my sense of self-worth, I'll have no problem unconditionally loving the memory of you and moving on.
Someone said They Dont Care About Us What Do You Think Do We Cafe Those Who Dont

لجمال حروفك أيتها الجميله~💙

I hope you find someone who never makes you question your own self-worth. I hope you find someone who chases your happiness as much as their own. I hope you find someone who supports you in the things you are passionate about. I hope you find someone who you can laugh with and sit in silence with and share your deepest secrets with. I hope you find someone who is your lover, your partner and your friend. I hope you find someone who treats you as their equal, who learns and grows with you and beside you. I hope you find someone who appreciates all the tiny details that make up who you are. I hope you find someone who respects your heart, your family and your values. I hope you find someone who reminds you that you deserve the love you give.❤️🔆

Where does your self-worth come from?

Personally speaking, my self-worth was born through my parents support. They showed me that I was worthy of love and that I'm good at heart. They directed me to an understanding of good and bad. This ,in turn,allowed my self esteem to be enhanced. They taught me how to form associations between my actions and my self-worth..to love myself in order to deserve love. It is that seed of love, pride and worthiness they planted in me that flourished with me as i grew. Being selfless and kind towards others gives me a sense of well being and satisfaction. Having a positive impact on others gives me a sense of pride..not just in my actions but in myself. Self-worth is a state of being that is derived from self-understanding, self-love and acceptance. I learned to have faith in myself and in my ability to follow through and get things done.
Self-worth is derived from within you and not your surroundings.Having self-worth means feeling worthy of good things, accepting and embracing your flaws and errors. It means knowing you are deserving of happiness, health, wealth, success, love, etc — regardless of the difficulties you face, the disappointments you experience, people's judgments.

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QUESTION: Where does your self-worth come from?

It’s mostly determined in certain abilities that we ourselves deem important and valuable. It could be from a range of things like a career, how much money one makes, appearance, etc… No one person seems to have the same exact definition on it either in what defines who they are and what they’re worth.
Liked by: Ray

I'm topper of my class. Everyone says that I'm handsome,attentive, smart,hardworking and humble too.I have rejected 7 girls in last 3 years for just focusing on my career.I really don't want to get into relationship.But when I watch cute girls I feel bad for me.what is your opinion for me?

Å$k anythïng •.•
Well 🤔 I don't have much to go on to form an opinion of you. All I can do is assess from what you just sent me. From that, contrary to your claim of being "humble", I would feel like you have a very inflated sense of self-worth and possibly even borderline feelings of some sort of superiority. Your choices while describing yourself come off as a bit arrogant, vain and pretentious. I may be completely wrong, but that's just the vibe projected by randomly messaging me and talking about how great you are from the start. Other than that, by reading your message, I'd assume American English is not your first language and your self proclaimed traits of being "smart" and "attentive" may not include grammatical accuracy. 🤷 Just my two cents.

How often do you communicate about the basics of love and happiness?

I will never judge a woman for staying in a toxic relationship with someone who is cheating on her and treating her awful. You have no idea how much shes being manipulated and brainwashed. A toxic person can strip away your self-worth layer by layer until there is literally nothing left of your personality.
"Its her fault for staying."
"She went back, she deserves it."
No. Absolutely not. No one deserves or WANTS to lay in bed at night and wonder why they aren't enough

"You are too naive, too emotional, life is not made for nice people, being nice will get you broken" I've been told these words by someone I did love and Yes I did get broken -by my being nice to them- i didn't regret giving them love but I did regret not giving it to myse

And I tell you:
You are so beautiful, so kindhearted. And you deserve a life softer and lovelier than the one you had. Being nice will get you self-worth. It is just for your own sense of feeling good about yourself, it's a part of your own world's view.
Even if others in your life are not treating you well despite your attempts to be nice. We can do nothing about what others do so do not let it affect how you choose to live your life. Take the high road always, at least as much as you humanly can.
People will hurt us. By no means we can avoid this. But at least we can pick wisely who deserves our suffering.
Be nice, because that's who you are. Staying as you are is a great sign of self-love..،??

اثق في نفسي ازاي؟ فقداني الثقة في نفسي اصبحت سبب مشاكل كتير ونتائجها بشعة في حياتي.

استحقاق النفس " Self-worth "
اتربينا واتعودنا على إن الشخص (الواثق في نفسه) شخص قوي. ناجح. دايمًا بيبُص قدامه. بيحسبها صح. مش بيضعف.ومش بيفشل
وفي الحقيقة دي أكبر خدعة بنخدعها لنفسنا.علشان بكل بساطة الشخص ده مش موجود غير في الخيال.
علشان ما يتحولش الكلام لمحاضرة أكاديمية.هأقولك بشكل عملي ومباشر مُمكن تعمل إيه علشان تتعامل مع نفسك على أنك “تستحق”
تعرف وتتأكد إنك بشر، بني آدم ، تقبل إنك تخطئ، وتقبل إنك تضعف، وتقبل إنك تفشل.. ودي مقومات آدميتك، ودواعي بشريتك
من غير ما تخطئ مش هاتتعلم، من غير ما تضعف مش هاتحس بقوتك، ومن غير ما تفشل مش هايكون للنجاح أي طعم.. خليك عارف دايمًا إن قبول الخطأ صواب،وقبول الضعف قوة.. وقبول الفشل نجاح.. يعني تقبل نفسك كلها على بعضها بكل ما فيها، وبكل ما سيكون فيها..
تصدّق من جواك إنك :تستحق.“تستاهل” يعني.. تستاهل تعيش.تستاهل تتحب.تستاهل تُحترم. تستاهل يُهتم بيك. تستاهل تتشاف. تستاهل كل حاجة كويسة في الدنيا. ربنا ما خلقكش جُزافًا. ربنا خلقك وكرّمك وحط في فطرتك وبرنامجك ملف اسمه “ولقد كرَّمنا بني آدم”.مطلوب إنك تحس وتصدّق وتعيش وتمارس إنك تستاهل من أول ما تصحى الصبح لغاية ما تنام بالليل. وخلي بالك. أكبر غلطة ممكن تغلطها هي إنك تربط إنك “تستاهل” بأي حاجة عملتها أو قولتها.. يعني تقول “أنا أستاهل أتحب لأني نجحت”، أو “أستاهل أُحترم لأني أنجزت كذا”، أو “أنا أستاهل أتشاف لأني حققت كذا”.. لا ..
إنت تستاهل كل دول من غير ما تعمل أي حاجة.. تستاهل كل دول علشان إنت موجود.. علشان إنت خِلقة ربنا.ارتباط إنك تستاهل بتحقيق أو إنجاز أي حاجة معناها إنك بتحط لنفسك شروط، في حين إن ربنا لما كرمك محطش ليك أي شروط على الإطلاق. أنت كريم.أنت مكرَّم.أنت تستاهل.مهما حصل.
تدي نفسك كل يوم فرصة جديدة، وأمل جديد. يعني ما توقفش ولا توقف نفسك عند أي محطة فاتت في حياتك مهما كانت صعبة أو مؤلمة.. يعني ما تشوفش النهاردة بعيون امبارح. ولا بُكرا بعيون النهاردة. اعتبر كل يوم حياة جديدة. واعتبر نفسك كل يوم في خلق جديد. وسيبك من الكلام التقليدي بتاع (خلي عندك أمل)، لأنه في الحقيقة الأمل موجود جوّاك بالفعل. بس محتاج منك تصدّقه وتستخدمه.
رابعًا. ودي أهم واحدة👇
كن نفسك.. ما تكونش زي ما أي حد عاوز.. ما تسجنش نفسك في آراء الآخرين.. وما تفصلش نفسك على مقاس أي حد،ما تسمحش لأي حد يشوف فيك نفسه، ويحاول يحقق من خلالك أحلامه الشخصية..ما تسمحش لأي حد يقبلك بشروط، أو يحبك بشروط، أو يحترمك بشروط.. أنت نفسك.. نفسك وبس.. أنت في رحلة.. فيها صعود وهبوط.. فيها حركة وفيها ثبات. فيها خطوات لقدام، وساعات خطوات لورا. فيها وقوع، وفيها لخبطة. فيها حيرة وفيها شك. فيها نور وفيها ضلمة. فيها كل حاجة. كل حاجة. واللي ما يشوفش ده ويقبله ويقبلك بيه. تقوله شكرًا.. وتكمل رحلتك من غيره.
خامسًا وأخيرًا👇
استبدل الإحساس (المرضي) بالذنب بالإحساس (الصحي) بالمسئولية. يعني بدل ما تجلد نفسك وتعلّقلها حبل المشنقة مع كل غلطة. اعتذر للي غلطت في حقه، وما تكررش الغلطة تاني (متعمدًا). بدل ما تيأس وتقنط وتضلم الدنيا من حواليك علشان أخطأت، سامح نفسك واطلب السماح من ربنا وخليك واثق في عفوه ورحمته. إحساسك بالذنب هايوقفك ويسجنك ويشل حركتك ويخليك تكرر نفس الغلطة تاني كل مرة. إنما إحساسك بالمسئولية هايخليك تتعلم، وتعتذر، وتسامح، وتتغير.. وتتحرك.. وتتحرر.
خد الروشتة دي معاك. خليها في وعيك..
هاتحفظها بعقلك.. وتصرفها بقلبك.. وتستخدمها بروحك ونفسك.

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Kijk mensen zoals jij inspireren mij gwn door jou heb ik weer zelfvertrouwen jij laat mensen zeggen wat ze willen zeggen het gaat erom wat jijzelf ervan vind ty voor alle zelfvertrouwen die je me hebt gegeven

You made my day! Echt bedankt voor deze Ask. Ben blij dat ik je heb kunnen helpen en ben trots op je dat je zelfvertrouwen opbouwt! Blijf altijd in jezelf geloven, never forget your selfworth and just know who you are. ❤️
Liked by: A. R. Angela Milli

(2) Or rather: I would be fine if some people wouldn't pressure me. Is it really so bad that I just haven't met the right one yet? Am I not considered complete without a partner? And why do people never assume it's my own choice? You seem so smart. So I was wondering about your views on that topic.

It's almost scary the amount I can relate to what you write. I'm in the exact same position. Never had a relationship, never been in love, and I've never met someone I've felt that kind of connection with. I turn 20 in just over a month (more like less than two months but eh) and I feel pressured just like you. When you tell people you've never been in a relationship, you often get told "But how can someone as pretty as you be single?!" and I think it's really annoying to get that reaction almost every time. It's verging on disrespectful because this person has no clue if that's your own choice or not, not to mention it focuses solely on looks when that's not even half of what makes a relationship.
I've felt everything under the moon about this. Sometimes I feel like I must be disgusting since nobody has looked at me and thought they want to be with me as far as I'm aware. Sometimes I think about the fact that I've been struggling with depression and anxiety for a really long time, which has put everything else on hold since I need to focus on my health. And sometimes I think it's simply because I haven't been able to go out and people new people to the point where that was a possibility. Sometimes I think I might be aromantic or demisexual, because no crush I've ever had has lasted very long and has been mostly shallow, and I seriously have never felt anything remotely close to what people describe as the feeling of "being in love"
It's so important to remember that we can't rely our selfworth on whether or not we are wanted by other people, and sometimes that is so hard to realise because every now and then we just want to feel needed and get that sort of confirmation from other people. I cannot even begin to describe how bad I am at this, because I struggle a lot with feeling lonely. But when that happens I try to remind myself that we live in a society that forces romantic standards onto everyone. I mean, the ideal date is a romantic dinner with candles and roses, right? How often has that scenario not happened in the majority of rom-coms produced in, say, Hollywood? It's a standard, a stereotype of what every relationship "should" be when the only ones who can predict what should happen is the people involved with each other.
This is getting long and preachy, so I'm gonna try to round this off. All in all, you're still as much of your own individual being with your own worth, no matter your experiences in the romantic area. I strongly believe that we overestimate the experience people around us have based on our own a lot of the time. There are no hard facts (I think) so all we can really do is keep moving on with our lives and see what happens. So, try not to think about it too much, you're still the only one of you and that is worth everything in itself. If that makes sense. Sorry that I've written a novel answering this but ya know, thoughts needing to get out and whatnot. Hugs you, friend ♡

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Language: English