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thoughts on people doin sucide?

It is a very complex and deeply sensitive issue that affects so many people in different ways. While it is important to acknowledge the pain and suffering that can lead someone to contemplate ending their life, it is equally crucial to provide resources and support for those who are struggling with mental health issues or other challenges. It breaks my heart to think of anyone feeling so hopeless or alone that they would consider taking such drastic action, It makes me upset why— do people never talk about the part of depression when you just don’t want anything anymore¿ Everybody talks about when it hurts like hell; when you cry, when you cut; when you take drugs when you break down. But no one ever talks about when you just lay down in your room with a hole inside of you that you don’t know how to fill and you don’t want to do anything even the things you usually like. So you just spend your day kinda waiting for it to end. And it's horrible cause you feel empty and guilty for that at the same time. Anyways, I hope you are kay and safe, incase needed an ear to listen - Iam here for you. 🌻

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Do you ever feel like society straight up hates f*t people? God forbid a f*t person eats something they like, wears the clothes they want, dances, or has fun. They're not allowed to feel some joy without being ridiculed and belittled. People are weirdly mad that someone f*t enjoys their life?

I used to be overweight in the past and loss the excess weight after I was told I looked overweight. Once those people were no longer around, I gained back the weight and gained some more weight after switching my antidepressants to a different one. I no longer care about what anyone has to say about my weight but it sucks that I also stopped caring about my health :/ I need to lose weight once again but have yet to take action.

Would you rather follow or lead? Why?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I’d rather follow since I’m not the best at taking action without being encouraged to do so and usually need someone to give me a good reason as to why I should get out of my comfort zone. I also go through periods of wanting to lay low and disappearing for a while which can confuse others and make it hard for me to lead in the long term.

Is there anything hard for you

sagetoriola58’s Profile Photosagetoriola58
It’s hard for me to take action in order to make my dreams come true due to being held back by doubts and having a lack of self confidence when it comes to myself and my abilities. I also find it hard to get myself to learn something when I’m not interested in a particular subject or field, even if it means having to do so in order to reach my end goal. Also, it’s hard for me to detach myself from those I’ve become attached to for reasons I myself don’t understand.

Welche Anime-Genres gefallen dir am besten und warum?🐥🌟

Kaeltesturm’s Profile Photo☆*Lilith*☆
Bei mir sind präferierte Anime oft Genre unabhängig, da ich häufig auf Handlung und Vibe achte. Allerdings besitze ich ein gewisses Faible für eher unbekannte bzw. merkwürdige Nischen (Heibane Renmei, Aku no Hana, Michiko to Hatchin), die eher aus dem Radar fallen. Das sind meist Anime, die psychologische Spektren abdecken oder in ihrer Gesamtheit unkonventionell anmuten. Grundsätzlich kann ich mich aber für Action, Adventure, Seinen, Shounen (Ai), Shoujo (Ai), Slice of Life (sofern kein kontinuierliches School-Setting), Romance, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror und Co. begeistern. Aktuell bin ich irgendwie wieder im Yu-Gi-Oh-Sog. Irgendwie ist jede Folge extrem meme-lastig in der deutschen Sprachausgabe. xd

How is this harassment? I thought maigua said she got harassing messages https://ask.fm/maigua_rocha/answers/174191355716

It's not. She's forgetting that she had to send me copies of everything she was going to submit to court, so I've seen all the messages. She responded to almost every number that texted her and had long conversations with a few of them. I find it very hard to believe it was a stranger she was having conversations about the drama with. It was either herself or one of her friends. She didn't take any action to stop being contacted, like blocking the number or changing her number. Devon and I changed our phone numbers to try to stop the text messages. I blocked every one of her Facebook accounts that would message me, and when her 4th account started messaging me, I got sick of blocking, but I still didn't respond to a single message, and she STILL messaged me 50+ times a day for months, now that's harassment. She also tries to say my sister harassed her, but she responded to all of her messages and had a conversation with her. She should be glad she submitted her text messages too late, and the judge didn't get to see them cause he would have laughed at her.

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Getting messages from multiple different numbers every day is harassment. Doesn't matter if you block them when a new number messages you every day

It would be harassment if she blocked them and asked them to stop messaging her. The appropriate course of action would be "I do not want to be contacted, any further messages from here on out will be documented and reported to law enforcement." That is the ONLY text she should've sent back. Then if it continued then yes she could ss it all and take it to the cops.
If she is sitting there responding and having conversations with them then it's no longer unwanted and harassment.
Do a fkn Google search and learn something.

(It may be strange.. but asking for a friend🌚) Would you back your friend if he committed a heinous crime, or would u hand him/her a shovel and say "Good luck"?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
Tough one. While I would want to support my friend in any way possible, if their actions were truly heinous or went against basic principles of morality or justice, then I wouldn't be able to condone or enable that behaviour cause it is always important to weigh our decisions carefully and thoughtfully before taking action. 🌻

How do you define success? Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you use that definition towards society?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Success is a complex concept that can be defined in many ways. It can refer to achieving one's goals, feeling fulfilled, or making a positive impact on the world. There's no one-size-fits-all definition, and what constitutes success can vary from person to person and culture to culture. Set clear goals Define what you want to achieve in life.
Make a plan Identify the steps you will take to achieve your goals.
Take action: Don't wait for things to come to you.
Be persistent Don't give up when you face challenges.
Learn from your mistakes: Don't be afraid of failure.
Be positive Maintain a positive attitude.
Remember, success is not easy
How do you define success Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you

Напиши 10 фактов о себе 🤪

Lizaavetta_D’s Profile PhotoLiza
Welcome to my world
@KaRaMeLkA505 , надо писать эту десятку или нет?)
Ладно. Поехали:
1) мечтаю побывать за границей 🇪🇦
2) хочу выучить японский 🇯🇵 и французский язык 🇫🇷
3) люблю морепродукты 🦐
4) раньше было 2 кота 🐱🐱 и попугай 🦜
5) вел личный дневник 📓
6) меломан 🎵
7) хочу снять свой сериал 🎬/ написать книгу (одно из двух)
8) хочу набить татуировку (но не знаю какую сделать и где)
9) обладаю неплохим чувством юмора 🌝
10) Немного техногик. Но! Не слежу за новинками теле и компьютерной индустрии. А если и слежу, по пока не имею возможности, так как новинки сейчас очень дорогие.📱💻🖥️
11) (бонусный) немного геймер. Кроме любимых жанров: Action и RPG добавился новый (точнее не совсем новый) Metroidvania
12) (супер бонусный) люблю читать, смотреть фильмы и сериалы (причем как новинки, так и нет).
And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so
Thank you and Goodbye. I hope we meet again
Date: 28/06/24
Time: 22:48

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Напиши 10 фактов о себе

You never really know someone, do you?

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
I think no matter how well we may think we know someone, there is always a certain level of mystery or complexity to each individual that can be difficult to fully understand. After all – we are all constantly changing and evolving based on our experiences, thoughts, and emotions and sometimes those changes can be hard for even ourselves to keep up with. But what is scary is that you will never fully see someone or know the true intentions behind every action they choose to take, there will always be a hidden motive, that you can guess, that you could swear you can see, but you have no proof. 🌻

How do you deal with uncertainty?

osamainam96’s Profile PhotoOsama.
Well first I need to identify whether the thing is really uncertain or I am just choosing to be uncertain because I love living in delusions. You see, I think nothing is uncertain except for the future. And one can do nothing about the future, except hope and pray that ALLAH makes it easier for us.
And then we are left with things that are uncertain, but we can take some action to become certain, know the truth. But our fears don't let us do that. Ideal way would be to face the situation, become sure, and close that chapter. But nowadays, I am too fed up to give a damn about anything. So I let things be.

Kia aik mard zbrdsty ghar walon k kehnay pay majbor ho k nikkah kr skta h? Agar han to phir kia nikkah krtay wqt usko us lrki ki yd ni aty jis k sth usnay shadi ka khawab daikha ho?

annieech0019993’s Profile PhotoQURAT UL AIN
The depths of a man's heart are a mysterious sea, holding secrets even he cannot fully grasp. With the weight of the world on his shoulders, he navigates the tumultuous waters of life, carrying the burden of responsibility with silent strength. His emotions run deep, hidden from view, yet guiding his every action.

No action in this life is meaningless. Whatever we did in the past or do today, it will bring a result. The days of maturity and immaturity, both set things in motion. It's important to always reflect on our actions. P.S. there's no question here, just a reminder for all. 🤗

Ahmednorthowed’s Profile PhotoAhmed Mahmood
That's right. I wanna add that we shouldn't always see the results. Sometimes our actions are meant to correct someone else's behavior or add to the bigger picture in a way or another without knowing. Or just like people who died without seeing the plant of the seed they planted in their lives. It's hard sometimes to do things knowing that you won't see the fruit of it. But we believe in Allah's wisdom and we shouldn't wait for the results so eagerly and focus on doing good no matter what.

No action in this life is meaningless. Whatever we did in the past or do today, it will bring a result. The days of maturity and immaturity, both set things in motion. It's important to always reflect on our actions. P.S. there's no question here, just a reminder for all. 🤗

Ahmednorthowed’s Profile PhotoAhmed Mahmood
The price of maturity is high. We pay its price from the balance of experiences after we fight fierce battles with ourselves and our souls and face a compelling struggle with our emotions and rationality. We then realize that after every victory, the features of life change with our eyes. We change ideas and renew priorities. We suddenly realize, after a long life, that maturity has a costly price that is paid by experience. We lived it and learned it until we became stronger and more solid👌

did su!c!de ever cross your mind?

ishnaal’s Profile Photoruined mascara
And i am thankful to my LORD FOR THAT.
cuz satan play no SILLY games,
At first he plays with your dreams, to distress and fool you.
Then he plays with your thoughts, to disturb you.
They he makes you do the action.
So, i suggest you all to keep him away from your dreams you must know what to recite when you jump on your bed to sleep.

What game(s) are you most excited for? 🎮

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
There are four games in particular that comes to mind that I'm especially excited to play this fall! 🎮
Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 💀
A friend of mine convinced me to try the first game, despite it being quite old I quite liked it! So I'm very excited for the sequel, with seemingly more fun enemies to fight, absolutely gorgeous visuals and full on co-op campaign and missions. Am looking forward to playing through it with friends!
Kingdom Come Deliverance II 🏰
Despite it sometimes being a little janky, I absolutely loved the first game with it's attention to detail and it staying true to medieval Bohemia. It was also great to play a game where you aren't a typical action hero, but the lazy son of a blacksmith who can't read or write who's suddenly thrown into war. The sequel seems to be bigger and better in every single way and I'm beyond hyped!
Indiana Jones and The Great Circle 🗿
I'm a big fan of the original three Indy movies and this game is set in between Raiders of The lost ark and The Last Crusade. It's made by Machinegames, a Swedish studio which made the Wolfenstein reboots. They've successfully made fun first person games where you fight n@zis in the past, so I hope they can do the same with Indy! Some gameplay they showed recently looks promising!
Star Wars Outlaws 🌌
I think Star Wars gaming has gone strong, better than the recent live action shows! Now I'm very curious how it'll be when non-EA studios are allowed to make Star Wars games, in this case with Ubisoft! I hope this game won't have too many Far Cry / Assassin's Creed like elements and more be it's own thing but I'm cautiously optimistic! It's seems to be a more gritty game which doesn't focus on Jedi which I like! It's also made by a Swedish studio! If it wasn't for me wanting to play the game when it's finished, I could've signed up to be a tester for that game Haha

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What games are you most excited for

Love, a feeling or a choice? I believe it is a choice that we feed to our brain. Your thoughts?

l217062’s Profile Photobb
It is both cause it starts with the feeling and is definitely a choice too — you wake up every day and decide to put in the work and make things work and it is an action, it is a conversation that turns puffy eyes to uncontrollable laughter, having the choice to get mad but always choosing to understand, it is having a fan even when you are far from admirable, being heard when you are silent and believed in even when you feel unlucky. 🌻

Talk about anything random

You do so much for someone & get so little or nothing in return. You are right there for someone when they are in need, yet you are avoided when you are needy. You pick their calls at 3 am in the morning & console them & help them have a peaceful sleep, yet you don't even get a callback & have a miserable sleepless night. You may defend their actions every single time, but one wrong action from you is heavily penalised You won't even look at your schedule if they need to talk, & they will look at their schedule & then decide if they can talk. You may give them a lift in your car totally going out of your way, yet they may not even walk a mile for you. You may try to make them comfortable by leaving your comfort zone, & they are too rigid to change for you. You get happy at their littlest of achievements, & they never pat your back for the same.
This happens in friendships, relationships, workplaces, families where we keep giving & giving & not get reciprocated. It hurts.
It hurts because you seek reciprocation from the creation, instead of the Creator, & therein the cause of your pain lies. Doing good & expecting people to do good to you will leave you disappointed. But doing good & expecting good from ALLAH, will never disappoint you. Allah is noticing everything from your tiniest of efforts, to your big sacrifices, the pure & selfless love that you carry in your heart, the sincere intentions in your heart. He knows. Do it, to expect a reward from Him, do it for His sake, do it because the world may not see but He does. If you do this, your heart won't feel heavy. <3

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🚦 Zur Feier das Tages frage ich einfach mal querbeet was durch die Fandoms - wie würde sich euer Fahrer in den Hungerspielen schlagen? 🏹🥖

nichtlichtsicht’s Profile Photonyaheum
Ich muss gestehen, dass ich die News irgendwie noch verkraften muss 😅 Ich meine, ich freu mich schon, denn immerhin fragen die Fans der Bücher ja nach genau dieser Story – seit Jahren! Aber ich fand den Snow Film letztes Jahr schon ... nicht gut? Über das Buch kann ich jetzt nichts sagen, but still 😵‍💫
Anyway: Bodhi in den Hunger Games.
Er würde wohl aus Distrikt 3 kommen, der ja für die Technologie des Landes verantwortlich ist und demnach auch elektronische Geräte und besonders Autos herstellt. Hehe, jap Autos! Vielleicht gibt es dort ja in der Off-Season der Hungerspiele auch Rennen, auf welche die Kapitol-Leute wetten können 👀 Denen ist doch immer langweilig und etwa Vroom Vroom Action, kommt da bestimmt gut an.
Jedenfalls würde sich Bodhi wohl freiwillig für die Spiele melden, denn auch ihm wäre wohl etwas langweilig und mit um die 17-18 Jahren hätte er noch nicht sonderlich groß über die Bedeutung seiner Entscheidung nachgedacht (Ich verspreche euch, ein Bodhi mit 21-22 Jahren ist da sehr viel schlauer ... manchmal!)
In der Woche leading up to the Game, würde er sich gut anstellen: im Trainingscenter kann er sich noch genügend praktische Sachen aneignen und mit seiner Kraft und Ausdauer Eindruck schinden. Doch sein wahres Glück liegt im Interview, denn dort ist er direkt so selbstsicher, sympathisch und genau richtig übermütig, dass die Sponsoren bei ihm nur so Schlange stehen!
In den Spielen selbst würde er eher nur auf sich selbst setzt, ganz vielleicht mit dem anderen Tribut aus 3 ein Team bilden, aber sich sonst eher aus dem Getümmel raushalten. Da wartet er lieber auf die günstigsten Momente, in denen er zuschlagen kann und somit auch relativ lange durchhalten kann. Durch seine Sponsoren würde es ihm wohl auch an nur wenig mangeln, wodurch sich seine Reserven verlängern würden. Joah, er wäre ein sehr hartnäckiger Kandidat, der von den anderen Tributen auch etwas unterschätzt wird. Ob er gewinnt, lass ich mal offen 😅😂

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Suggest some good sci-fi or action movies?

biya_furqan’s Profile PhotoPanda
Coherence, primer, ex machina, predestination, total recall, planet of the apes (original), starship troopers, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE,
It’s a close tie between abbu kubrick and tarkovsky when it comes to my all time favourite sci fi film

Deine Meinung zum Sundhnúkur Vulkansystem auf Island. Die SchIampe der Erdkruste?

y_soflyyy’s Profile Photoy_soflyyy
Das System würde ich eher als die Rampensau im Club der Vulkane bezeichnen; immer in Action, heißblütig und nie zu müde für einen explosiven Auftritt. Während die anderen Vulkane noch im Backstage-Bereich abhängen und sich überlegen, ob sie heute Abend ausbrechen wollen, ist Sundhnúkur schon längst auf der Bühne und schmeißt Lavafontänen in die Menge. Ich werde hier aber keine geologischen Formationen als Bîtch bezeichnen. >:(

At some point in the future Jesus Christ returns to Earth, he confirms it with magic. But there is a class action lawsuit against him. What's it for, and which side would you root for?

gggssaq’s Profile Photouɐʇs ɥʇᴉʍ sǝɯʎɥɹ
That's not going to happen, like that .
On the final coming , it will be with force beyond any mortal comprehending .
I won't be rooting ; I'll be obliterating , within His overwhelming Force .
The harvest is Ripe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=watQv_3jqUgigotamatch’s Video 174197200506 watQv_3jqUgigotamatch’s Video 174197200506 watQv_3jqUg

Imagine I have a whole weekend to dedicate to a TV series. Which one would you insist I watch, and why?

For action and crime, nothing beats the raw intensity of "Banshee" and the gritty realism of"The Wire". These shows redefine edge of your-seat excitement.
Looking for suspense that leaves you guessing? Then the "The Blacklist" should be no brainer, And Raymond Reddington is my Fav character tv series character of all time.
In the gangster drama world, it's a close call between "The Sopranos" and "Peaky Blinders" both are master pieces in storytelling and style.
The best first season ever? That goes to "Prison Break" with its unbelievable escape plans and if You watched this show yk that Money heist is nothing in comparison to this master piece.
For mind-bending TV, Dark, Hannibal, and Mind hunter twist your brain in the best ways possible.
Need a laugh? Friends and Rick and Morty delivers every time. Although I haven't watched comedy that much but these are good picks.
And for anime I am a huge fan of Demon Slayer, One Piece and dragon ball super.

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Do you struggle to fake it, and make it in this world?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
When it comes to confidence, I can struggle to fake it until I’m actually confident one day but I’ve been told that being confident alone doesn’t get you anywhere unless you also take action. I do think that believing in oneself and some confidence is needed in order to be more productive and motivated to reach your goals tho. I don’t struggle with the faking it part but making it to the places I want to be seems more difficult to do on my own as I’ve always relied on my family. Having depression and social anxiety usually does hold me back from being productive and taking chances in life. But, the good thing is that I am able to socialize with others irl when I train myself to pretend as if I’m not the alien I make myself out to be in my head at times.

Yeet (and anyone else who acts like the big bad wolf) can't do anything. All bark, no bite. All talk, no action. The fact that they're trying to look tough is just embarrassing for them. These people are too old to be acting like this. I was like that when I was 16 and trying to look bada$$.

Well I’ve had my Ask and all my Meta banned due to people from Ask. They’re psycho and jealous. Who knows what they will attempt? I’ll tell ya one thing. All this drama has turned other parts of my life magical. Take all the fcking accounts. I’ve gained something far more special. I’d also like to address something. I blocked a few people on my other account. I noticed them liking over here today and they are now blocked here as well. I don’t want any bad blood but there’s more going on here than you realize and I had to make choices based on your choices.

What traits one requires to be professionally and financially successful?

Never ever go for Job. Instead show them your value and work on contracts. Why? Because this way you can work on multiple contracts. You can even outsource a part of it. You are not bound to work 9-6 and you can have multiple incomes. This helped me made some. I reach out to hiring person through linkedin, find his business email using tools, create an audit and action plan and request for zoom meeting and then convince to let me work on this project remotely as a contractor. Instead of hiring a full time person for this.
There is no limit

I don't understand how someone can be enemies with their own family. I understand conflict can arise; it happens. No one gets along 100% of the time, but at the end of the day, you are family. I see folks not speaking with their family for many years. I can't wrap my mind around it.

be grateful you've never been in a position where you'd contemplate going no contact then. families can be downright ab*sive, and sometimes the best course of action is removing yourself from the family entirely to preserve your safety and sanity.

Ok, noch keine Fragen zu euren Oblivion Kiddies? Dat müssen wir mal ändern 😉 also fangen wir klassisch mit drei FunFacts und einem Moodboard an 😊⚔️

Jouluku’s Profile PhotoCaleb
Warum finde ich fun facts immer so schwer? 😅 Also gut, ich habe jetzt drei für Kayla zusammengekratzt:
🦸🏻‍♀️ Kaylas Lieblingsfilm ist Wonder Woman (2017). Unterhaltsame Action, vernünftige Heldin (wenn auch für Kaylas Geschmack vielleicht etwas zu naiv-fröhlich, aber auf jeden Fall sehr nett anzuschauen 😏) und, dass ihr Vater der Böse ist, stört sie herzlich wenig. Möglicherweise ist es aber auch ein ganz klein wenig als Provokation gedacht 😜 Nach einem Filmabend kam sie übrigens auf die geniale Idee, einen Schild haben zu wollen, der Dianas nachempfunden ist. Sie hat Archie so lange bequatscht, bis sie ihren Willen bekommen hat.
👂 Sie ist ein vornehmlich auditiver Lerntyp. Den meisten Stoff für die Schule hat sie daher über Hörbücher und Podcasts bei irgendeiner Art Training/körperlicher Übung gelernt. Das hat vielleicht nicht mit dem Lesen und Schreiben geholfen, was ihr bei Prüfungen immer noch Probleme bereitet hat. Aber sie konnte sich bei der Bewegung deutlich besser konzentrieren und hatte die Inhalte schneller drauf. Da ihr Musik beim Entspannen hilft, hat Kayla aber auch in der Freizeit oft Kopfhörer in den Ohren.
🎧 Apropos Musik. Kaylas wertvollster Besitz sind zwei iPod nanos. Ihr Bruder und sie haben vor Jahren jeweils einen von ihrer Oma zu Weihnachten bekommen. Kayla in lila, Connor in grün. Kayla fand das Geschenk zwar toll, die Farbe aber echt doof. Also hat Connor sich “geopfert” und mit ihr getauscht (und danach den lila iPod total gerockt 😉). Mittlerweile hat Kayla beide Geräte, pflegt sie gewissenhaft und schleppt eigentlich zu jeder Zeit einen von ihnen mit sich herum. Mal abgesehen vom Kampftraining.

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Ok noch keine Fragen zu euren Oblivion Kiddies Dat müssen wir mal ändern  also

If emotions worked in the same way as in the movie Inside Out and each emotion was sentient, how do you think the dynamic between them would look like inside your head? Which emotion would be in charge etc.? 🤬☺️😭🤢

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Ooh, what a fun question! I love Inside Out! (I've not seen the sequel movie yet though, only the first, so my response will include the emotions from the first movie...)
I'd like to think my emotions would have a fairly harmonious relationship and that they would work pretty well together, better than they have done in the past!
Much like in Riley's brain, Joy would be the team-leader in my own, only she would be something of a mother figure to the others, rather than a control freak who thinks her way is the only way. She'd be encouraging the other emotions to express themselves in healthy ways rather than suppress them!
Anger would still be finding their feet. For the longest time, they were a repressed emotion, and they've only just begun to feel comfortable expressing themselves. They've been working with Joy in order to channel their feelings into positive outlets-- namely, motivation!
In a similar vein, Disgust has become more vocal recently, too. They are usually awoken by people's action rather than by environmental stimuli (disgust in the Inside Out movie only seems to speak up when Riley encounters something gross, which makes sense, Riley is a child after all). MY Disgust is more riled by people's behaviour... And though in the past she would bite her tongue to keep the peace, she now has no problem asserting her boundaries.
Sadness is nowhere near as dramatic as they used to be. They are still outspoken, but they no longer behave as though the entire world is ending when something goes awry.
The only one who is still a little unruly is fear (shout out to my anxiety disorder, baaaaby! woop woop! 🤣) But much like sadness, they are slowly coming to realise that things aren't half as catastrophic as they often think they are...

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В какие игры играешь на пк?

Александр Скляров
Welcome to my world
Крайняя пройденная игра (не на 100%, а скажем так, на 95%) это WWE 2K24. Осталось пару поединков пройти. И да, знаю, что WWE 2K24 вышла 8.03 (двойной повод), но там жду пока выйдут все DLC. А так моя стихия, это Ролевые игры (RPG), с добавлением Action. Стратегии не очень, но поиграть с что-то олдовое люблю.
А вот новейшие игры (как например, RoboCop: Rogue City или Star Wars), железо не тянет. Надо или новый ноутбук покупать на 64гб оперативки, или полностью "менять" переферию на старом системнике.
And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so
Thank you and Goodbye. I hope we meet again
Date: 12/05/24
Time: 21:30
В какие игры играешь на пк

What would you do? Woman of your dreams (whom you have never met in person but you have her instagram) blocks you and threatens you with legal action if you keep messaging her. BUT you know she is woman of your dreams. To continue messages or give up?

"Woman of your DREAMS".... Give up, You think she's "The One" you haven't even met her yet.... I met someone on here years ago.... Turned into a living nightmare for 4 damn years

Language: English