

Ask @fourwallsofhome

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What is your smartphone's brand?

I currently have a four-year-old Samsung phone, but I'm thinking of getting a Xiaomi unit should I decide to finally replace it.

Would you rather meet a wolf or a poisonous snake in the wilderness?

I think I'll have a better chance of escaping unscathed if I come across a poisonous snake rather than a wolf. Snakes usually shy away from human contact so if I could avoid it, I might just live to tell the tale. Given the chance, wolves, on the other hand, will probably not hesitate in attacking people so I'd surely be a goner should I meet one.

Have you ever visited in India?

I haven't had the opportunity to visit India yet. Hopefully I'd get to go there someday.

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What do you think is the last thing you'd do before you face death?

Cyra0815’s Profile PhotoCandice
Look back at my life and pray, thanking the good Lord for many good things He has given me, while asking Him to always look out for the ones I'll be leaving behind.

Which has more value: creativity or knowledge?

Creativity, I think, since it's something that's innate and can't be taught. Knowledge is important as well but we can always aquire it through experience and education.

How old do u feel?

dorydearest’s Profile Photodory
I think I rarely act my age. I tend to be a tad immature, and I'm basically a kid at heart. No worries, though, for I know when to be serious and be more my age. 😁

If you opened up a restaurant what kind of food would you serve?

Probably shakes, ice cream, cold drinks, and desserts.

Do you have any suggestions on future updates on ASKfm? Write it down below ⌨️

Maybe ASKfm should have a search button so we could easily find old questions we'd like to revisit. And I always find it downright annoying when I'm scrolling down the questions panel and I'm immediately taken to the very top everytime there's a new shoutout or question. Wish they could do something about that.

What is on the walls of the room you are in?

Curtains, picture frames, and a few decorations here and there.

If you could switch places with someone for a day, who would it be?

A prime Eddie Vedder just to know what's it like to be rocking out with his band in front of thousands of crazy PJ fans.
If you could switch places with someone for a day who would it be


Language: English