

Ask @fourwallsofhome

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Would you like to have a "fairytale like" / "movie like" version of the story of your life? ??

Maybe but at this point, I'm not so sure if my life is exciting enough to warrant a movie or fairy tale version. Ask me again after a few years. ?

how to let go of the things you’ve been hoping for but are slowly crumbling in front of you?

Naala ko bigla yung "Anne of Green" Gables sa tanong mo. Anne was already so sure of her future plans she can practically see them na. Then unforseen things happened derailing everything she'd been preparing and hoping for. After a lot of thinking she realized this was not necessarily the end of everything and that life had presented her with a bend in the road, with pretty much all kinds of possibilities in it. Kaya ganun lang siguro. Things might not go your way but maybe God has better plans for you. Just look at the bend in the road with optimism like Anne did. ?
how to let go of the things youve been hoping for but are slowly crumbling in
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What is in the center of the world?

Maybe some deep secret that holds the answers to age-old questions about life and existence...

What's the last text msg you received?

Just my friend telling me to download more movies and series since she'll be coming to our house two days from now to copy them...

what do you like and hate about online shopping? ???

AthenusVena’s Profile Photoav
Like most people, I love the convenience of shopping online, plus there seems to be lots of price cuts and discounts being offered everywhere. There are a lot of items being offered too that aren't exactly available locally. The thing I don't like about it, though, is that online ads can be misleading or even false at times. There are also a few instances when the products delivered to you are either defective, or are completely different from the ones you ordered. Returning them is certainly quite a hassle as well.

Do you have any secret talent?

Talababe’s Profile PhotoT A L A
I don't know if this is some kind of talent but I can surprisingly be good in fixing computer and cellphone software related problems. No, I'm no expert, of course, but as my friend once told me, I seem to be quite relentless and I don't let up until I get to the bottom of things. And I make good use of Google, I guess.

What is your birthday traditions?

Everytime we have our birthdays, my mom usually lights a candle and lets it stay overnight or for at least a few hours. We're then supposed to say a prayer thanking God for His continued blessings for us.

Can smart phones make people stupid? ?

They probably will if all we ever do is post about ourselves, our selfies, and some of the most ridiculous online challenges we dare to do.

do you play Among Us? Any thoughts about it?

arockettoseoul’s Profile PhotoMelks
Hindi eh pero napa Google ako bigla. Seems quite an interesting game. Do you play ba, Melks? Parang I want to try it din. ?

What advice would you give a person that will try to live your life?

To be strong and confident, and to just simply go for things, not be indecisive and procrastinating like me...
Liked by: Rosé

What do you miss about the old normal, way back when there is no pandemic?

AthenusVena’s Profile Photoav
I miss just being able to go out any time and getting to mingle with your dearest family and friends without worrying about anything. Life's just a whole lot better that way.

If you had one million dollars to build anything you wanted, what would you build and why? ??‍♂️

Probably an animal sanctuary. I'd be happy just to see animals being cared for. ?


Language: English