

Ask @fourwallsofhome

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Who gave you your name? What does your name mean?

It was my mom who chose my second name "Philip." It was taken from the name of my birthplace which was Camp Phillips, Del Monte Bukidnon in the hopes that we'd always remember our dear old place wherever we may go.
Who gave you your name What does your name mean

What do you think of the verification / blue badge? ?

I think it's a good reward and distinction for the most deserving ASKfm users out there.

You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?

That time my dad got sick and eventually passed away... ?

Is it worth it to subscribe to Netflix?

I think it's worth it, though, I don't really know if I'm the right person to ask as I get my Netflix for free courtesy of my cousin in Canada.


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