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What's anything you changed your mind about when you grew older? Why? ? ?

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ イ乇刀ムᄃノのひ丂 イのᄊᄊムリ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
When I was younger, I'd always thought a girl's virginity was most important. This is, of course, under Philippine setting where views are more traditional and conservative, at least before. Now I've realized that it's not everything, and it doesn't really matter that much at all. I'm not advocating anything, of course, but I do believe a woman is more than her body, and her past doesn't define her. You love a woman and accept her for everything she is, just as she'll love and accept you for everything you are.

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What's scary about the internet?

Maybe the fact that with the internet, you have access to all the information you want, and you can basically do anything you want with that.
Liked by: ~Usama Zaheer

reminder for today: if it doesn’t give you any peace, if it doesn’t let you grow as a person, then its time for you to let it go.

Yes, let's free ourselves from things that only weigh us down and don't help us at all.
reminder for today if it doesnt give you any peace if it doesnt let you grow as
+2 answers Read more

if you would change the color of your blood, what color would you choose?

Blue blood symbolizes a person of noble birth. If the color of my blood was literally blue, that won't exactly make me a man of noble origins, but it would sure be cool to bleed blue.

Gonna send y’all a lil reminder that real love won’t make you feel unwanted. ?

True. It does the exact opposite. It makes you feel secure, wanted, and important.

Are you afraid of the past, present or future?

AthenusVena’s Profile Photoav
I think I'm more concerned with the present because what we do today will determine what future we'll have. While it's important to remember the lessons of the past, and vital to plan for the future, we do live in the present, and we try to get by now, and our current actions will eventually shape our tomorrow.


Language: English